Welcome to Yoshimura Lab / ようこそ、吉村研へ

photo taken in May 2024.

Innovations in Water Use and Environmental Management

Our focuses are 1) environmental photochemistry (inc. photocatalysis), 2) biogeochemical and ecosystem modeling, and 3) ecosystem service. We develop new methods and concepts based on deep understanding, and utilize them for management of water use and water environment as the basis of shifting societies.
研究テーマは 1)環境光化学(光触媒)、2)環境中の物質動態と生態系のモデリング、3)生態系サービス。深い理解に基づき新しい手法や概念を開発し、移り変わる社会の基盤となる水利用や水環境の管理に役立てます。

We are currently recruiting Master & PhD candidates for the ongoing projects

We welcome your idea/suggestion/issue for research collaboration and consultation

Currently the lab introduction is available only in Japanese.

Our Publication and Other Movies 


Our Target / 研究室の概要

We are an active research group, initiated in 2009, focusing water-related issues. Our major research targets are
1) to enhance scientific understanding of aquatic ecosystems and water environments,
2) to develop the updated understanding to solid concepts and tools for environmental assessment and management, and
3) to work with societies for water environment conservation and management.

To this end, we are working in an open, active and supportive team. Thus, we are grateful for any scientific exchange and any contact to apply for the team member.

Ongoing Research / 研究内容

Movie: Lab/実験室 (360 degree move. You may turn around in the lab), 学生自作の紹介動画

Skills and Ability which Students Acquire in this Group / 在籍中に修得できる能力

< PhD course / 博士課程 >
1. Skill and ability to conduct independent research on a novel concept in environmental science and engineering and to communicate outcomes with experts as well as societies.
2. Skill and ability to take a leadership in international teams and organizations to make natural and urban environments sustainable.
< Master course / 修士課程>
1. Skill and ability to support research and development in environmental science and engineering and to communicate with experts as well as societies.
2. Skill and ability to take a leadership generally in international teams and organizations.

Career of our Alumni / メンバーの就職先・進路

< Researcher, Technician, and PhD students >
Tokyo Institute of Technology (Japan, 東京工業大学), Chuo University (Japan, 中央大学), Toyo University (Japan, 東洋大学), Clemson University (USA, クレムソン大学), Berlin Free University (Germany, ベルリン自由大学), Bolivian Private University (Bolivia, ボリビア私立大学), National Defense University of Malaysia (Malaysia, マレーシア国立防衛大学), Zhejiang University (China, 浙江大学), Institute of Technology of Cambodia (Cambodia, カンボジア工科大学), Bandung Institute of Technology (Indonesia, バンドン工科大学), Policy Research Institute (Nepal, 政策研究所), Kasumigaura Environmental Science Center (Japan, 茨城県霞ケ浦環境科学センター ), Atsugi City (Japan, 厚木市), Chodai Co. (Japan, 長大), Hokkaido Research Organization (Japan, 北海道立総合研究機構), Criteo (Japan, クリテオ),  Micron Technology (Japan, マイクロン・テクノロジ)

< Master and Bachelor students >
Tokyo Institute of Technology (PhD course, 東工大博士課程), Ministry of Environment of Japan (環境省), Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism of Japan (国土交通省), Fisheries Agency of Japan (水産庁), Tokyo Metropolitan (東京都), Research Institution of Jakarta City (Indonesia), JETRO ( Japan, 日本貿易振興機構), Obayashi Corporation (Japan, 大林組), Taisei Corporation (Japan, 大成建設), Nitori Holdings Co. (Japan, ニトリ), Swing Corporation (Japan, 水ing), Yachiyo Engineering Co. (Japan, 八千代エンジニヤリング), NTT Data Corporation (Japan, NTTデータ), Chiyoda Corporation (Japan 千代田化工建設), East Japan Railway Company (Japan, JR東日本), CTI Engineering Co. (Japan, 建設技術研究所), IBM Japan (日本IBM), CTI Engineering International (Japan, 建設技研インターナショナル), TOA Construction Corporation (Japan, 東亜建設工業), East Nippon Expressway (Japan, NEXCO東日本), Veolia Japan (ヴェオリア・ジャパン), Hulic Co. (Japan, ヒューリック), NTT East (Japan, NTT東日本), Kansai Electric Power (Japan, 関西電力), Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation (Japan, 三井住友銀行), Nomura Research Institute (Japan, 野村総合研究所), Accenture (Japan, アクセンチュア)

Schools from which our students came / 学生の出身校 (including exchange students)

< Japan >
Tokyo Institute of Technology (東京工業大学), Yokohama National University (横浜国立大学), Tokyo University of Science (東京理科大学), Chuo University (中央大学), Waseda University (早稲田大学), Gunma University (群馬大学), Nihon University (日本大学), Tsukuba University (筑波大学)

< Other parts of Asia >
Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST, Korea), University Teknologi Malaysia (Malaysia), Hanoi Architectural University (Vietnam), China University of Petroleum (China), Thailand Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (TAIST, Thailand), University Putra Malaysia (Malaysia), Kasetsart University (Thailand), Chulalongkorn University (Thailand), Institute of Technology of Cambodia (Cambodia), De La Salle University (Philippines), Hohai University Wentian College (China), Institute of Technology of Bangdong (Indonesia), National University of Singapore (Singapore), University of Ruhuna (Sri Lanka), Renmin University of China (China), Thammasat University (Thailand), Nanjing University (China), Tongji University (China), Hohai University (China), University of Moratuwa (Sri Lanka), University of Indonesia (Indonesia), Zhejiang University (China), Dalian University of Technology (China), Shandong University (China)

< Oceania >
University of Melbourne (Australia), University of New South Wales (Australia)

< Europe >
Aalto University (Finland), Lappeenranta University of Technology (Finland), RWTH Aachen University (Germany),  University of Reading (UK)

< Americas >
Harvard University (USA), University of Waterloo (Canada), University of Veracruz (Mexico)

< Africa >
Alexandria University (Egypt), Egypt-Japan University of Science and Technology (E-JUST, Egypt), Kafr Elshiekh University (Egypt)