2023 Decorate a tree or Donate a Gift Basket

Decorators’ Guidelines

When your group of star decorators plan your tree, keep in mind the objective of getting as high a bid as possible.  Trees that have done well in the past have had a very clever theme, or been uniquely beautiful in design. Creativity is the key!

We will have two types of trees available, courtesy of Farrell Farms and Washougal River Christmas Trees.  You may reserve a six foot noble or a three foot table top noble. You’re also free to donate your own.  The trees will include stands.  Specific trees and locations are assigned on a random basis.  You will have a label with your name on your tree when you arrive to decorate.

You’ll have a chance to decorate your tree on Thursday before the festival starts, from 9:00 AM to 8:00 PM. If you bring pre-schoolers, please make arrangements for them to be supervised.

Unbreakable ornaments are required, with the caps glued on, because the buyer will need to transport the tree after the festival is over. The tree will be shrink-wrapped for ease of transportation.  All items on the tree, including lights and other decorations, must be wired to the tree using pipe cleaners, zip ties, floral wire, etc. Please, No candy. 

Tree Skirt/Stand covering

Decorators are required to furnish a tree skirt or other covering material for the base of their tree. This can be as simple as a piece of fabric or an elaborate skirt. Please use materials and designs that are not difficult to move – consider the delivery process when making your selection. 

Tree Lights

At the festival, power will be supplied to the base of your tree.  Use of LED lights is required. You do not need to provide a power strip, and flat household extension cords may not be used.  Use new (UL-approved) light strings and lights that are independent of each other, so that if one light burns out, the rest stay on.  A useful rule of thumb is approximately a 100 light string per each foot of tree.  So 6ft tree, 600 lights.  Do not use old lights. LED only. 

- Large outdoor lights are prohibited (large indoor lights are acceptable)

- Everything attached to or under the tree will go to the highest bidder!

Gift Basket Guideline

Click Here:

Showcase your business by donating an auction or raffle item (gift basket, holiday wreath, mini-tree, gift certificate, and/or holiday decor item)

This event is hosted at a school!  If you have alcohol you wish to include as an auction item or with a gift basket, please include a photo of the bottle, and contact info for the winner to collect it after the event. 

*You must include the Gift Item Name and Description: (Your opportunity to show off your donation.  Include description, decorative theme, include items of value; see below for example.  If a basket, please list contents!)

This information will be used to record your contribution, prepare acknowledgement letters and listings, and to properly describe your donation for auction or other use. 

Deadline: Deadline: This form must be returned no later than November 22nd, washougalfestivaltrees@gmail.com, in order to be included in print materials. All donations are acknowledged with a thank-you letter and tax receipt.

Each Donor receives: 

• Prestige of being associated with this community event benefiting Washougal schools 

• Name recognition at Auction Event 

The Washougal Festival of Trees is sponsored by the Hathaway Boosters and Washougal businesses.  Contributions are tax deductible.

[Sample Basket Description: Light Up Your Home: Bring the holiday spirit into your home with this basket of scented melts and warmer, two large tea lights, one box of tea lights, one mulberry pillar candle and a candle snuffer!]

Please fill out the form below or click on the button below to fill out online and email or print it out

2023 Tree Donation From


2023 Basket Donation From


Thirteenth Annual Washougal Festival of Trees

Greetings from the Festival!

The planning for the Thirteenth  Annual Washougal Festival of Trees is already in full swing.  Last year was a success - we brought this event back after the pandemic, and raised over $18 thousand for the boys and girls in Washougal’s schools, and our tree decorators were key factors in that success.

We hope you will again decorate a tree for the festival.  Last year’s trees raised an average of $200 – over $5,000 for Washougal’s schools!  Let us know what kind of tree you would like, and it will be ready for you – thanks to our friends at Farrell Farms and Washougal River Christmas Trees.

We invite you to participate in this worthwhile event by decorating a tree (and/or making a donation.)  To reach this year’s goal of $20,000, members of our business community will be sponsoring the event at various levels, and businesses in the Camas/Washougal area are again donating items for the silent auction.  All contributions, including the cost of decorations for your tree, are tax deductible, as this is a project of the Hathaway Boosters, a 501(c)(3) non-profit charitable foundation.

With your help, we can make this year a huge success – for our community, our businesses, and most of all, the students in our schools.  Please reach out to us at washougalfestivaltrees@gmail.com  with any questions or to indicate your level of involvement.

We would value your support in furthering the growth and development of the youth of this community, and hope that you will participate in the 2023 Washougal Festival of Trees!


Jeanie Moran

2023 Washougal Festival of Trees