2023 Washougal Festival of Trees

Barbie's Dream Christmas

Decorated & Donated by: 

District Office

Movie Night

Decorated & Donated by: 

Mt Pleasant

Outdoor PNW

Decorated & Donated By: 

Gause Boosters

Old Fashioned Gingerbread

Decorated & Donated By: 

Columbia River Realty

Black & White Winter

Decorated & Donated By: 

Gause Boosters

Welcome Home

Decorated & Donated By: 

Canyon Creek Boosters


Decorated & Donated By: 

The Panther Foundation

New Year, New You

Decorated & Donated By: 

Washougal Schools Foundation

Zain's Tree

Decorated & Donated By: 

Zain Justis Foundation


Decorated & Donated By: 

Hathaway Elementary School

National & State Parks

Decorated & Donated By: 

Columbia River Gorge Elementary

Broadway Musicals

 Decorated & Donated By: 

WHS Drama Club

Grinchy Christmas

Decorated & Donated By: 

Hathaway Boosters

Western Christmas

Decorated & Donated By: 

WHS Equestrian Team

Experience the PNW

Decorated & Donated By: 

Cape Horn Boosters

A Fairy Tale Christmas

Decorated & Donated By: 



Decorated & Donated By: 

Margie Shoemaker

Cookie Monster

Decorated & Donated By: 

Truely Scrumptious

Barbie Raffle Tree

Decorated & Donated By: 

Columbia River Gorge Elementary

Movie Theatre Fun Raffle Tree

Decorated & Donated By: 

Hathaway Elementary School