
PhD supervision

Research areas and Research topics for PhD applicants

Xiaobing Wang welcomes applications from students hoping to pursue doctoral studies in the area of Growth and Development and the Economics of China. He is interested in supervising both theoretical and empirical work.

• The theoretical work might be looking at structural change and long run economic development, Dual economy models, long run technological change and population growth.

• Or the theoretical work might focus on formalizing the experience of China as far as growth and transition are concerned (i.e. he is particularly keen to supervise the development of macroeconomic models that capture China’s experience).

• Empirical work would be in the area of labour market segmentation and integration in China, inequality and the urban-rural divide, and the welfare of those in the rural sector in China.


Topics PhD theses supervised:


Current Teaching

Poverty, Inequality and Government Policy

The Chinese Economy


Courses Taught

Macroeconomic Analysis

Growth, Development, and Economic Transformation

Topics in the Economics of China

Development Economics

Public Economics

Comparative and Competitive Advantages