Other Publications

Ian Phillips, Xiaobing Wang, Steve Dempsey, Roger Rogowski 2013, “Economic Footprint of the UK Electronic Systems CommunityThe ESCO Report (Electronics Systems: Challenges and Opportunities), Workstream Report 1. 

I was the main contributor for the methodology that produced the Official Statistics for the ESCO Report (Electronics Systems: Challenges and Opportunities), Workstream Report 1. “Economic Footprint of the UK Electronic Systems Community”.

In this report I set out the methodology behind the Electronic System Industries Economic Estimates, which measures the direct economic contribution of the Electronic System to the UK economy. The methodology overcomes the difficulty that the electronic system was embedded in many sectors and the ONS (Office for National Statistics) did not have a separate category and statistics for this sector. 

The official statistics was published by the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills (BIS). The initial statistics release was in 2013. The official data was subsequently updated up to 2017.  The statistics can be found here https://www.gov.uk/government/statistics/electronics-systems-community-esco-update-to-bis-analysis-of-companies [gov.uk] 

Innovation and Productivity is key to Growth

The High-Tech sector is the key to the UK's productivity growth. 

In 2012, the Electronics Systems sector contributes 5.4% of UK GDP. 

Abstract: ESCO Report (Electronics Systems: Challenges and Opportunities), Workstream Report 1. “Economic Footprint of the UK Electronic Systems Community

The UK is heavily reliant on Electronic Systems today. These are the systems that entertain us, enable us to communicate, keep us secure, handle our money,manage our transportation, enable our health-care, manage our logistics and manage our energy ... systems that entertain us; but also systems that upholdour way of life.Despite appearance to the contrary, Electronic Systems are actually the product of a global hierarchy of technical business contributions; many of which aremade in or from the UK. Alas, because of the highly technical nature of these roles and businesses, their success is generally imperceptible to the lay public.Accordingly, the transformation from their 20th century precursors, their global strength, their UK economic contribution and their career opportunities; remainunrecognised and unvalued.This work reveals a successful and significant sector that in 2011/12 employed more than 850,000 people in the UK, and contributed more than £78B (5.4%)to UK GDP. The work discloses its methods and calculations, such that they may be critically appraised, improved and used for ongoing sector monitoring.

Deals and Development: The Political Dynamics of Growth Episodes

Lant Pritchett (ed.), Kunal Sen (ed.), Eric Werker (ed.) 


Oxford University Press

Translated the book to Chinese and introduced it to China

交易与发展: 阶段性增长的政治动力学

作者: [美] 兰特·普里切特 / [英] 库纳尔·森 / [加] 埃里克·韦尔克

出版社: 格致出版社

原作名: Deals and Development: The Political Dynamics of Growth Episodes

译者: 王晓兵 / 夏章涵

出版年: 2024-2-1

页数: 384

定价: 108.00

ISBN: 9787543235151