
 Academic Journal Publications

26. Rangazas, Peter., Xiaobing Wang, Yuxiang Zou, 2022, “China’s Efficient Urban Bias”. Pacific Economic Review. 27(3): 223-253. 

25. Dong, Zhiqiang., Xiaobing Wang, Tianhua Zhang, Yuejun Zhong, 2022, “The Effects of Local Government Leadership Turnover on Entrepreneurial Behavior”. China Economic Review. 71 (101727): 1-17.  

24. Zhan, Peng., Shi Li, Yangyang Shen, Xiaobing Wang, 2022, “When Poverty Reduction Meets Democracy: An Investigation into the Use of Different Evaluation Methods for Assessing the Effectiveness of a Social Programme”, Asian Economic Papers. 21(2):38-60.  

23. Kakwani, Nanak., Xiaobing Wang, Ning Xue, and Peng Zhan, 2022, “Growth and Common Prosperity in China”, China &World Economy. 30(1): 28–57. 

22. Cheng., Cheng, and Wang, Xiaobing. 2021, “Transportation Cost Reducing Technological Change and Wages Inequalities”, Structural Change and Economic Dynamics. 59: 600-611.    

21. Villamil, Anne, Xiaobing Wang and Ning Xue, 2021, “A Political Foundation of Public Investment and Welfare Spending”. Journal of Public Economic Theory. 23(4): 660-690. 

20. Lin, Justin Yifu., and Xiaobing Wang, 2022, “Dual Circulation: A New Structural Economics View of Development” Journal of Chinese Economic and Business Studies, 20(4): 303-322. 

19. Shen, Yangyang., Shi  Li, Xiaobing Wang,  2021, “The Impacts of Two Tax Reforms on Inequality and Welfare in China”, China and World Economy.29(3): 104-134. 

18. Kakwani, Nanak., Xiaobing Wang, Jing Xu, Ximing Yue, 2021, “Assessing Social Welfare Effects of Government Transfer Programs: Some International Comparisons”, Review of Income and Wealth. 67(4): 1005-1028.  

17. Villamil, Anne., Xiaobing Wang, and  Yuxiang Zou, 2020, “Growth and Development with Dual Labor Markets”. The Manchester School. 88(6): 801-826. 

16. Wang, Xiaobing., 2019, “Regulation and corruption in transitional China” Journal of Chinese Economic and Business Studies, 17(1): 47-64. 

15. Kakwani, Nanak., Shi  Li, Xiaobing Wang, Shanshan Wu,  2019, “Social Tensions in a Growing China” The Manchester School, 87(2): 228-258. 

14. Kakwani, Nanak., Shi  Li, Xiaobing Wang, Mengbing Zhu,  2019, “Evaluating the Effectiveness of the Rural Minimum Living Standard Guarantee (Dibao) Program in China”. China Economic Review. 53:1-14.  

13. Rangazas, Peter., and Xiaobing Wang, 2019, “Internal Migration Restrictions and Labor Allocation in Developing Countries” The Singapore Economic Review, 64(2): 263-279.   

12. Lin, Justin Yifu., and Xiaobing Wang, 2017, “The Facilitating State and Economic Development: The Role of the State in New Structural Economics”, Man and the Economy, 4 (2):1-19. Reprinted in Lin and Nowak (edit), 2018, New Structural Policy in an Open Market Economy, University of Warsaw Faculty of Management Press, in both English and Polish. The book is forwarded by the Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki.

11. Wang, Xiaobing., Jenifer Piesse, and Zhengmao Ye, 2016 “Labour Markets in China: A Study of Structure and Evolution of Wages”. Frontier of Economics in China. 11(2): 265–301. 

10. Wang, Xiaobing., Adam Ozanne and Xin Hao, 2014, “The West’s Aid Dilemma and the Chinese Solution?” Journal of Chinese Economic and Business Studies,12(1):47-61.  

9. Wang, Xiaobing., and Bernard Walters, 2013. “The Real Origin of Global Financial Imbalances”, Journal of International Development, 25(8):1050-1060. 

8. Wang, Xiaobing., Jenifer Piesse and Nick Weaver, 2013, “Mind the Gaps: A Political Economy of the Multiple Dimensions of China’s Rural-Urban Divide”. Asian Pacific Economic Literature. 27(2):52-67. 

7. Wang, Xiaobing., and Nick Weaver, 2013, “Surplus Labour and Urbanization in China”. Eurasia Economic Review. 3(1):84-97. 

6. Wang, Xiaobing., and Nick Weaver, 2013, “Surplus Labour and Lewis Turning Points in China”. Journal of Chinese Economic and Business Studies. 11(1): 1-12. 

5. Wang, Xiaobing., Nick Weaver and Jing You, 2013, “The Social Security Function of Agriculture in China”, Journal of International Development. 25 (1): 1–10. 

4. Wang, Xiaobing., and Jenifer Piesse, 2013 “The Micro foundations of Dual Economy Models”, The Manchester School. 81(1): 80–101.  

3. Li, Na., Wei-Hsin Lin and Xiaobing Wang, 2012, “From Rural Poverty to Urban Deprivation? The Plight of Chinese Rural-Urban Migrants through the Lens of Last Train Home”, East Asia: An International Quarterly. 29 (2): 173-186. 

2. Imai, Katsushi., Xiaobing Wang and Woojin Kang, 2010, “Poverty and Vulnerability in Rural China: Effects of Taxation”, Journal of Chinese Economic and Business Studies. 8(4): 399-425. 

1. Wang, Xiaobing., and Jenifer Piesse, 2010, “Inequality and the Urban-rural Divide in China: Effects of Regressive Taxation”, China and World Economy. 18(6): 36-55.  


1. Peach, Terry., and Xiaobing Wang, (eds.) 2024, The Economics of New China, London: Routledge. Forthcoming. 

Book chapters

1. Zhu, Mengbing., Kakwani, Nanak., Shi  Li, Xiaobing Wang, 2023, “Social Opportunity Function and Equity in Opportunity in China”, in Yaojun Li and Yanjie Bian and (Eds.), Social Inequality in China (pp. 209-233). World Scientific Publishing, London.   



3.  Peach, Terry., and Xiaobing Wang, “Introduction to The Economics of New China: Thought and Practice”, London: Routledge. Forthcoming.

2.  Wang, Xiaobing., Nick Weaver, and Ning Xue, 2019, (Editorial) “Challenges for the Chinese economy in the new era of development” Journal of Chinese Economic and Business Studies, 17(1): 1-7. 

1.  Wang, Xiaobing., and Terry Peach, 2019, (Editorial) “Understanding China’s Economic Development: Retrospect and Prospect”, The Manchester School, 87(2): 135-137.