About me

Dr. Xiaobing Wang is a senior lecturer (associate professor) in the Department of Economics at the University of Manchester, and the research director at Manchester China Institute. He received his PhD degree from King’s College London, and his masters’ degrees from the London School of Economics and the University of Birmingham. Xiaobing Wang’s research is in the area of Growth and Development, Structural Change, and the Economics of China, with a special interest in the role of the state in development, and income distribution in China. He has extensive media experience (TV, radio, and newspaper) and is a frequent commentator on the Chinese economy and a wide range of global economic issues such as global imbalances and aid to Africa.

Co-editor, Journal of Chinese Economic and Business Studies

Research Director, Manchester China Institute

Dr. Xiaobing Wang is MCI’s Research Director, and in this role, Dr. Wang strives to further enhance MCI’s research and development. Xiaobing’s role is to assist the MCI director in the area of research, including leading research programmes, organising research workshops, and expanding the boundaries of China studies through driving interdisciplinary research among the University of Manchester scholars studying China.  Dr. Wang is also helping to shape MCI’s external agenda, especially in enhancing scholarly exchange, such as aiding academic visitors and visiting research students, supporting public events, and communicating our works to wider audiences. We hope that expanding the frontier of our research and applying it to real life will increase our impact internationally.

Program Director, MSc in Economics

Co-director of the Manchester-Renmin/Beijing Research Group on the Chinese Economy

Former President of the Chinese Economic Association (UK & Europe)