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Submitting Assignments:

When you are in the Materials section of your course, you will see your assignments. Look for an icon that shows a paper and pencil. When you click on it, you will see any directions. In the upper right hand corner of the page you will see a Submit Assignment button.

When you click that, there are 3 ways to turn in your work: Upload, Create, and Resources.

  1. Upload: You can select a file (Word doc, photo, etc.) from your computer to upload.

  2. Create: You will be given a text box to write in. You will do the work in that box & submit.

  3. Resources: If you are going to turn in work from a Google file (doc or slide presentation), you would do that in resources.

If your teacher has assigned a specific Google doc or slide for you to complete, you will turn in your work in a slightly different way.

The tutorials will show you how to do all of the above.


At times, your teacher will assign a discussion. The discussion feature is a forum where you respond to a prompt (or question) in writing. Once you have responded, often you will see other students' responses to the same prompt. You can then respond to other students by clicking on reply and writing your response. Basically, you are holding an online conversation. Discussions can be graded or ungraded depending on how your teacher is using this tool. The screencast below will show you how to participate in a discussion.