The Historical Pathways and the «Unknown» Chora

Walking on historical pathsDiscovering the hidden beauty


From Scala, we walk up to Chora following the historical cobbled pathway of 1794, a pathway offering breathtaking view to Arki, Lipsi and the surrounding islets. Upon arrival at the square of the Town Hall we continue our journey through the fascinating alleys of the unknown south side of Chora and the neighborhoods of Allotina and Christos to the square of Aghia Lesvia, the center of the social life from 17th century onwards, having already accumulated a comprehensive knowledge of the first settlement of Monastery workers, the arrival of Byzantine families, the inner and the outer castle, the arrival of the Cretan families, the interaction between these two commmunities. By walking through Aporthiana to Miloi (windmills) we puzzle together the entire image  the medieval town and the mansions of the captains at the northern side (Eye brow) before reaching the start of the "Aporthiano" path for Scala, an older route which was used before the construction of the cobbled path. 


Departure from Scala (cobbled pathway)

Return to Scala (Aporthiano pathway)

Stops: Aghia Levia square, St. George Pothas

Time needed: 3 - 3,5 hours (net walking time 2,5 hrs)

Best time for the excursion: Early in the morning or late in the afternoon

Length of the route: 5km

Not without: Athletic shoes, hat, bottle of water, sun cream.