

The World Apostolate of Fatima


 Archdiocese of Boston Division  







 About Us  

WAF Boston 2021 Events

The WAF Board has on going discussion regarding potential 2021 events.   Please click on the underlined pick above for more details.  

Please pray the Rosary every day.

Contact Us

Five First Saturdays locations  and Prayer Cell locations


The WAFBoston 2021 Theme is the Year of the Eucharist                

2019 Theme for our Apostolate shown on our Banner


 The Statue of Our Lady, shown above in a photo on this web site for the last 12 years, was one of 4 statues that were sent around the 4 Regions of the Archdiocese of Boston during the Marian year in the Mid 80's.   This Statue was blessed by the Cardinal, Bishops and several Priests and is truly a Pilgrim Virgin Statue that has traveled to many places and Events in the Boston area over the years. 

 This Picture was taken by Mrs. Andrea Proffetty, from Bridgewater MA


Boston Archdiocesan Division 

We are an international Public Association of the Faithful.  We promote the authentic teaching of the Catholic church and personal Sanctification through the faithful adherence of the message of Fatima.  We also promote the spreading of the Fatima messages for peace in the world and the common good of all the faithful.

The logo of the World Apostolate of Fatima is used all over the world. It is the symbol of peace through prayer as prophesied by Our Lady of Fatima.

Two doves form praying hands. They hold the Rosary which World Apostolate of Fatima members pray daily. They are surrounded by the scapular, which is the sign of consecration to the Immaculate Heart and which Our Lady held from the sky at the climax of the miracle of the sun at Fatima in October, 13 th, 1917. That great miracle was performed so that everyone may believe.


The Latin words which company the symbol mean “One world praying”. This is to say that a world that prays

together will be a world united. If we fulfill the requests of Our Lady for prayer and penance, we will experience the fulfillment of her great promise: “An era of peace to humankind”.