02.) BLOG POST: Parametric Line Drawings

Post date: Jan 18, 2019 6:23:12 AM





Friday Jan 17

Thursday Jan 23 @ noon

Assignment Description:

Build a definition for a 2D parametric drawing in Rhino. From this, generate three unique iterations of the drawing. We will be using these next week to program tool paths for a CNC drawing machine.

Assignment Requirements:

1.) Create a definition for a 2D parametric design in Grasshopper. Make use of objects for repetition like Divide Curve, Rectangular Array and Polar Array, and objects for generating a range of values like Range and Random.

2.) You can create a definition for a 3D design if you wish, but use the make2d command in rhino (in the perspective view) to convert it into a perspective line drawing.

3.) By altering the values of parameters in your definition, generate three (3) unique versions of your design.

4.) Take screen shots of your definition, along with the 3 resulting drawings.

5.) Document this process and include in a new post on your process blog.

6.) Include, also, a reflection on any successes and/or challenges encountered with this process.