Our Activities

Volunteer Youth Leaders for Health (VYLH) - Philippines was organized with the aim of mobilizing the youth towards health work. Currently, the network is doing advocacy and promotional work in their respective schools and communities on the following health concerns:

  • Increasing awareness among women in their reproductive age on the significance of folic acid supplementation in the prevention of birth defects;

  • Increasing public awareness on the importance of preconception health among men and women of the reproductive age in the prevention of preterm birth and birth defects.

  • Increasing public awareness in saving babies from mental retardation and death through newborn screening; and

  • Increasing public awareness on the rights and needs of Filipinos with rare disease as provided by RA10747 or the Rare Diseases Act of the Philippines.





Membership and Volunteer Training

Youth Leaders Orientations and Youth Camps

Youth leaders' orientations and youth camps are held at the local, provincial and cluster level.The youth leaders orientations and youth camps aim to orient a new set of leaders about VYLH-Philippines and its health advocacies in order to increase the membership of the VYLH network in other schools/universities and other communities especially from unrepresented areas from the current volunteer pool. VYLH-Philippines Youth Camps are made possible through the support of the Department of Health Regional Offices and Newborn Screening Centers.

Community Youth Training Program (2016)

In June 2016, VYLH-Philippines in partnership with The UPLB Genetics Society launched the "K4Health/Kabataan for Health" Community Youth Training Program. The program was piloted in collaboration with the Local Government of Nampicuan, Nueva Ecija which led to the formation of a community-based VYLH-Philippines chapter hosted by the LGU through the Municipal Health Office.

National Leadership Congress

The National Leadership Congress is a triennial event which aims to gather all network affiliated-volunteer youth leaders in order to strengthen the network, update VYLH members about program developments and plans, as well as discuss relevant and timely health issues.

Advocacy Campaign Implementation

Basic Information, Education and Communication (IEC) Campaign Activities

Since there are school-based members of the network, VYLH-Philippines recommends that its members practice a set of activities which comprise the basic IEC Campaign:

Individual Members

    • Distribution of Flyers

    • Posting of Posters

    • Advocacy Journalism

    • Participation to Social Media Campaigns

    • Social Media Advocacy Promotion

Groups and Affiliated Organizations

    • Re-echo Orientation of Organization members

    • Advocacy Seminars for Students and the Community

    • Community Exhibits and Displays

Advocacy Seminars

Radio Promotion

Community Events

Advocacy Journalism

Exhibits and Advocacy Displays

Signature Campaign