VRPN (Virtual Reality Peripheral Network) is a free, open source, tool that handles many VR devices.

We recommend VRPN as the device manager for your VR Kit compatible applications.

VRPN acts as a device server. You configure VRPN to use your devices, then your program can easily connect to the server to get the device data in a standardized way.

VRPN is used by a lot of VR applications: commercial ones, like Virtools, WorldViz, but also free applications like OpenSceneGraph, or Panda3D.

VRPN is cross-platform and runs on many different OS inclunding Windows, Linux, MacOS ...

VRPN has been released to the public domain by Russel M. Taylor II from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, so a huge thanks to him, the university and all the community that contributed to improve the project.

The list of supported devices can be found on the VRPN home page.

- TODO : Tutorial : Write VRPN driver