The idea of this kit is that you can build your own VR system with your own hardware.

We have built one such system for 500$ !

It only has to follow those specifications :

- Have VR glasses (any! monoscopic, stereoscopic ...) : check out our "affordable" HMD list.

- Tracking of the head : any tracking device (supported by VRPN) that gives you the position and orientation of the head will do !

- Tracking of the hand : any tracking device (supported by VRPN) that gives you the position and orientation of the hand will do !

- Any joystick or wiimote or device (supported by VRPN) giving you a two-axis joystick and 4 buttons

- A VRPN server streaming those via HeadTracker@localhost, HandTracker@localhost, Joystick@localhost

You can read about a first implementation of the HMD kit here.

An updated version is using a ski mask :