
What is Biofeedback?

Biofeedback is a treatment technique that improves physical and emotional health by responding to stress signals in your body. Stressful events cause strong physical responses controlled by part of our nervous system that helps us prepare for emergencies (fight or flight response). Think about a time you were nervous, you may have noticed your heart pounding, shallow breathing, sweating, cold hands, and tense muscles. Chronic stress responses wear down our bodies and eventually cause symptoms that we feel powerless against.

Just like using a thermometer to take your body temperature when you are sick or using a scale to monitor your weight, health practitioners use biofeedback to provide patients with a visual demonstration of their body's response to stress. While monitoring these responses, simple tools are taught to help regulate heart rate, breathing patterns, sweating, muscle tension, and temperature. As a result of gaining greater control over the body's reaction to stress, patients begin to feel more in control of their conditions and thus reduce symptoms of anxiety, depression, stress, chronic pain, and side effects of medical conditions/medications.

During a series of 30-45 minute sessions (average 6-8 sessions), patients will use noninvasive finger sensors that measure heart rate, breathing rate, skin conductance, and temperature. Video games/exercises are used to help the patient make subtle changes in their body while using simple techniques such as diaphragmatic breathing, relaxation, imagery, and meditation.

Biofeedback requires motivation and a willingness to practice outside of treatment sessions. While the skills require work and acceptance of responsibility, they give you the power of maintaining and managing your own health.