What To Bring

We have a nice comfortable guest house - formerly the nun's convent - with three bedrooms, a small utility room that we use as a bedroom and two bathrooms (one shower) for smaller groups (up to 10), and a larger dorm building with 4 bathrooms that can accommodate up to 50. The larger building has a few cots, 50 cloth-covered foam sleeping pads which are about 2" thick, and six rooms (2 large and 4 small rooms). It has two metal fire exits and smoke detectors. It has heat and air conditioning and two separate bathrooms - each bathroom has a toilet, sink and shower. There are also 2 more utility sinks outside of the bathroom. It is clean, safe and sanitary but not fancy.

The church kitchen and dining room is new and modern. It has an industrial kitchen, two additional bathrooms and the dining room can seat over 100.

You should bring a sleeping bag and pillow, or blanket and sheets. Air travelers wishing to avoid luggage fees can purchase sleeping bags in Harlan at the Wal Mart for about $20. If there are other special needs, we will try and accommodate them.

Other things to bring:

Good pair of Hiking or Work Boots or heavy shoes - for hiking and tree-planting in wet and muddy conditions. If you wear sneakers or fuzzy boots your feet might get cold and wet!



Warm clothes

Poncho or Rain coat

Gloves, hat, coat

Personal items including prescription medications, inhaler, epi-pen etc.

Towel, soap, shampoo

Casual, comfortable clothes

Water Bottle


Summer groups can bring swimsuits - there is a lake nearby.

Please let us know in advance of any medical conditions, allergies, food allergies, food requirements etc. There is a Food City supermarket next door to the church with a good supply of over-the-counter medical products, snacks, soda, etc.

Harlan has a regional hospital - it is close to our lodging. Sometimes we use a local doctor's office for minor medical problems.

We emphasize healthy, home-cooked meals with a traditional Appalachian flavor such as biscuits and gravy, pinto beans and fried potatoes, cornbread, succotash, chicken, chili, burgers, stir-fry, fresh fruits and vegetables, greens, etc. Typical breakfasts served are pancakes, French Toast, eggs, oatmeal, cereal - we always have coffee, sometimes bagels, a selection of herbal teas and hot chocolate available. We also have a popular Mexican night and a pizza night. Some meals will be vegetarian. We can also prepare meals for vegans and gluten-intolerant folks and this is no problem. There are many fast food restaurants in Harlan and there is a good supermarket next door to our lodging (short walk) that is open until midnight. You should plan to bring snacks or soda ... or purchase them in Harlan.

Please support locally-owned businesses in Harlan, they need all the help they can get.

There is wireless internet nearby at McDonalds, Taco Bell, the local public library, etc. In Harlan there is a Wal-Mart, five grocery stores, a public library, several dollar stores, post office, hardware store, drug store etc. There is a laundramat 10-15 minutes away in Loyall, KY. Harlan has good cell reception for AT&T but not Verizon.