Digital Literacy
Digital Literacy what is it?
* Skills: understanding and being able to use digital literacy effectively
* Critical thinking: being able to analyse and evaluate digital materials
* Collaboration: knowing how to act appropriately online
* Social understanding: understanding when, why, how and with whom to use technology
It is also called:
* Web literacy
* IT literacy
* Internet literacy
* Media literacy
From Digital Literacy Across the Curriculum
A digitally literate person:
● possesses the variety of skills—cognitive and technical—required to find, understand, evaluate, create, and communicate digital information in a wide variety of formats;
● is able to use diverse technologies appropriately and effectively to search for and retrieve information, interpret search results, and judge the quality of the information retrieved;
● understands the relationships among technology, lifelong learning, personal privacy, and appropriate stewardship of information;
● uses these skills and the appropriate technologies to communicate and collaborate with peers, colleagues, family, and on occasion the general public;
● uses these skills to participate actively in civic society and contribute to a vibrant, informed, and engaged community.
( Digital Literacy, Libraries, and Public Policy)
How to learn it
I have taught digital literacy skills to the elderly, people with cognitive, sensory and physical impairments and other groups at risk of social exclusion. I can help groups or individuals to learn functional skills (individually customised to what you want), or help them gain a Microsoft Digital Literacy Certificate (something to show other folk what you have done). Talk to me and discuss your needs.
Downloadable Poster Pack
This is a set of four posters that can be displayed in training rooms, libraries and public computing facilities, they are aimed towards users with deteriorating sight such as older people but may be useful more widely. To get the posters as an image file right click on the one that you want and choose save as, Microsoft Word versions of the poster can be downloaded here
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