Program for Vienna Macroeconomics Workshop 2019

Greenhorn Session

1. Capital Regulations and the Rise of Shadow Banking

Hyunju Lee (Ryerson), Sunyoung Lee (Seoul) and Radoslaw Paluszynski (Houston)

Discussion Chair: Chris Waller (FRB St. Louis)

2. Monetary Policy Implementation under Negative Interest Rates

Romina Ruprecht (SNB), Aleksander Berentsen (Basel) and Benjamin Müller (Basel)

Discussion Chair: Radek Paluszynski (Houston)

3. Opacity: Insurance and Fragility

Ryuichiro Izumi (Wesley)

Discussion Chair: Martin Gervais (Georgia)

4. Unemployment Insurance and Occupational Switching

Anna Houstecka (Autonoma de Barcelona)

Discussion Chair: Martin Wolf (Wien)

5. Household Heterogeneity and the Adjustment to External Shocks of a Small Open Economy

Julia Otten (Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin)

Discussion Chair: Iacopo Morchio (Wien)

6. Sudden Stops and Reserve Accumulation in the Presence of International Liquidity Risk

Leopold Zessner-Spitzenberg and Flora Lutz (Wien, VGSE)

Discussion Chair: Gabriel Lee (Regensburg / IHS)

Poster Slam Session: Doctoral Students (VGSE)

Session Chair: Florian Exler (Univ Vienna)

1). Nikola Grga: "Sources of the Long Term Movements of the Stock Market"

2). Regina Kiss: "Price setting under bilateral heterogeneity"

3). Alexander Hansak: "The Distributional Effects of Tax Evasion"

4). Zuzana Molnarova: "IHS macroeconomic model for impact assessment of public policies"

5). Jurica Zrnc: "The Late Payment Clearinghouse"

Regular Session

7. The Limits of Forward Guidance

Jonas Fisher, Jeff Campbell, Filippo Ferroni and Leo Melosi (all at FRB Chicago)

Discussant: Marcus Hagedon (UIO)

Session Chair: Anton Braun (FRB Atlanta)

8. Endogenous Growth, Endogenous Finance

Daria Finocchiaro (Sveriges Riksbank and Uppsala) and Philippe Weil (Libre de Bruxelles)

Discussant: Akos Valentinyi (Manchester)

Session Chair: Borghan Narajabad (Board of Governors, FRS)

9. Public Employment in a Theory of Underemployment

Pietro Garibaldi (Torino), Pedro Gomes (Birbeck) and Thepthida Sopraseuth (Cergy-Pontoise)

Discussant: Christian Merkl (FAU, Nürnberg)

Session Chair: Roman Sustek (Quenn Mary)

10. Sustainable Intergenerational Insurance

Francesco Lancia (Salerno), Alessia Russo (BI Norwegian Business School) and Tim Worrall (Edinburgh)

Discussant: Paul Klein (Stockholm)

Session Chair: Ctirad Slavik (CERGE)

11. Organization of Knowledge and Taxation

Marek Kapicka and Ctirad Slavík (both at CERGE)

Discussant: Asier Mariscal (U.Rovira i Virgili)

Session Chair: Natalia Kovrijnykh (ASU)

12. The (Ir)relevance of Real Wage Rigidity for Optimal Monetary Policy

Britta Kohlbrecher (FAU,Nürnberg)

Discussant: Allen Head (Queen)

Session Chair: Sevi Mora (Edingburg)

13. Firm Heterogeneity in Skill Returns

Michael J. Bohm (Bonn), Khalil Esmkhani (UBC) and Giovanni Gallipoli (UBC)

Discussant: Serdar Ozkan (Toronto)

Session Chair: Georgi Kocharkov (Deutsche Bundesbank)

14. Blockchains, Collateral and Financial Contracts

Alex Karaivanov (SFU)

Discussant: Aleksander Berentsen (Basel)

Session Chair: Antonia Diaz (Carlos III)

15. Unequal Growth

Francesco Lippi (EIEF and LUISS) and Fabrizio Perri (FRB, Minneapolis)

Discussant: Neil Mehrotra (Brown)

Session Chair: Andrea Gatto (NRI at Greenwich & NCH at Northeastern)

16. Replacement Hiring and the Productivity-Wage Gap

Shu Lin Wee (Carnegie Mellon) and Sushant Acharya (FRB New York)

Discussant: Gueorgui Kambourov (Toronto)

Session Chair: Aspen Gorry (Clemson)

17. A Tale of Two Workers: The Macroeconomics of Automation

Yaniv Yedid-Levi (IDC Herzliya), Nir Jaimovich (Zurich), Itay Saporta-Eksten (Tel Aviv and UCL) and Henry Siu (UBC)

Discussant: Maximilano Dvorkin (FBR St. Louis)

Session Chair: Harris Dallas (Bern)

18. On the Essentiality of Credit and Banking at the Friedman Rule

Paola Boel (Riskbank) and Chris Waller (FRB, St. Louis)

Discussant: Carolyn Sissoko (Independent researcher)

Session Chair: Xavier Mateos-Planas (Queen Mary)

19. Why Doesn't Technology Flow to Poor Countries?

Todd Schoellman (FRB Minneapolis), Jonas Hjort (Columbia) and Hannes Malmberg (Minnesota)

Discussant: Giulio Fella (Queen Mary)

Session Chair: Henry Siu (UBC)

* Presenter

Other Official Participants: (Final as of October 7, 2019)

Michael Reiter (IHS/VGSE), Stefanie Braun (Regensburg), Vanessa Kunzmann (Regensburg), Jonas Kremer (Regensburg), Veronika Schmid (Regensburg), Alessandro Marchesiani (Liverpool), Tamas Papp (IHS), Susanne Forster (IHS), Gerhard Sorger (Wien), Marina Markheim (Basel), Philipp Schmidt-Dengler (Wien), Monika Merz (Wien), Maria Koumenta, (Queen Mary), Nawid Siassi (TU Wien), Betttina Hametner (Raiffeisenlandesbank), Emanuel Gasteiger (TU Wien), Katrin Rabitsch (WU Wien)