Program for Vienna Macroeconomics Workshop 2006

1. Natural Volatility, Welfare and Taxation

Klaus Walde (Wuerzburg) and Olaf Posch (Hamburg)

Discussant: Francesco Lippi (Sassari)

Published as On the Link Between Volatility and Growth

Published in Journal of Economic Growth, 2011, 16(4):285-308.

2. Organizational Capital and Employment Fluctuations

Thijs van Rens (Pompeu Fabra)

Discussant: Allen Head (Queen's)

3. Projection Minimum Distance: An Estimator for Dynamic Macroeconomic Models

Oscar Jorda (UC Davis) and Sharon Kozicki (Bank of Canada)

Discussant: David DeJong (Pittsburgh)

Published as Estimation and Inference by the Method of Projection Minimum Distance: An Application to the New Keynesian Hybrid Phillips Curve

Published in International Economic Review, 2011, 52(2):461-487.

4. A Dynamic Model of Settlement

Ted Temzelides (Pittsburgh), Thorsten Koeppl (Queen's) and Cyril Monnet (ECB)

Discussant: Igor Livshits (Western Ontario)

Published in Journal of Economic Theory, 2008, 142(1):233-246.

5. Interest Rate Policy in A Channel System

Cyril Monnet (ECB) and Aleksander Berentsen (Basel)

Discussant: Ed Nosal (FRB Cleveland)

Published as Monetary Policy in A Channel System

Published in Journal of Monetary Economics, 2008, 55(6):1067-1080.

6. Optimal Monetary Policy When Agents Are Learning

Krisztina Molnar (NHH) and Sergio Santoro (Pompeu Fabra)

Discussant: Harris Dellas (Bern)

Published in European Economic Review, 2014, 66:39-62.

7. First Time Home Buyers

Jonas Fisher (FRB Chicago) and Martin Gervais (Western Ontario)

Discussant: Henry Siu (British Columbia)

Published as Why Has Home Ownership Fallen Among the Young?

Published in International Economic Review, 2011, 52(3): 883–912

8. Sharing Demographic Risk: Who Is Afraid of the Baby Bust?

Michael Reiter (Pompeu Fabra) and Alexander Ludwig (Mannheim)

Discussant: Alice Schoonbroodt (Southampton)

Published in American Economic Journal: Economic Policy, 2010, 2(4):83-118.

9. Dynamic Moral Hazard and Lack of Commitment

Fernando Martin (Simon Fraser) and Alexander Karaivanov (Simon Fraser)

Discussant: Gabriele Camera (Purdue)

Published as Dynamic Optimal Insurance and Lack of Commitment

Published in Review of Economic Dynamics, 2015, 18(2): 287-305.

10. Inflation and Unemployment: Lagos-Wright Meets Mortensen-Pissarides

Aleksander Berentsen (Basel), Guido Menzio (UPenn) and Randall Wright (UPenn)

Discussant: Andreas Schabert (Amsterdam)

Published as Inflation and Unemployment in the Long Run

Published in American Economic Review, 2011, 201(1): 371-398.

11. Dynamic Taxation, Private Information, and Money

Chris Waller (Notre Dame)

Discussant: Huberto Ennis (FRB Richmond)