Vienna Macro Café

Established 2004

Vienna Macro Café

The Macro Café opens every October at the Institute of Advanced Studies in Vienna. Our conference aims to give scholars, especially young scholars, an opportunity to present their work in a vibrant setting with unique conference protocols and traditions. A spring version of our conference, the Global Macro Café, is hosted by our partners located in cities around the world.

Meet the Organizers 

University of Miami

 University of Georgia

Regensburg and IHS

Vienna Macro 2024, October 17 - 19, 2024!

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(Last Update: May 15, 2024)

Our Sponsors for 2024:

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Historical Notes

Vienna Macroeconomics Workshop Protocols

The standard protocol in most conferences with discussants restricts questions from the audience during the presentation to be clarifying questions only. This is not the way our conference works. 

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