


Since you, your friends and families all plan to live full lives in this century, a ‘Viable World’ has everything to do with you. We believe that everyone can be an important contributor to forming a world that positively affects us all. What if we create a place for individuals like you (and us), from whatever country or age group, to discuss the issues we face, and to share ways to shape a more viable world for all?

Let’s take major world challenges, like the Global Goals for sustainable development, out of the ‘clouds’,  and look at how they are significantly (and increasingly) impacting normal people, like you and us. What do these ‘development goals’ actually mean to you and how do they effect you right here, right now?

Be warned, though! With this understanding comes a call for action by each and every one of us.  There’s a saying: ‘I always wondered why somebody didn’t do something about that. Then I realized I AM SOMEBODY.


So, now the question is, ‘Do you want to take your part in constructive ownership, responsibility and accountability for your future?’

If your answer is ‘yes’, we welcome you and your contributions to creating a more viable world for all of us. You can start right now by signing up and start collaborating


The major challenges we are encountering are also explored in an essay called "2065 - A Viable New World". Presently it is only available in Dutch, but an Englisch version may appear in due course. A short introduction follows below.

In the 2065 Tab, you will find summeries, statements and references from the chapters in the book.

2065 - A Viable New World

The backcover blurb:

In the summer of 2065 the two brothers, Fred and Dave spend their holiday in Bergen (NH) in the summer bungalow of their parents as a kind of sabbatical during their busy lives.

Among the many books their parents have, Dave found a book that was written by their grandfather in 2011. It was not only a short family chronicle, but also an essay about the major changes  the world was facing at that time. The subtitle of the book was: "The 21st century started in 2011". Dave had read it straight away and had told his elder brother about it. The two brothers dived into it and the rest of their sabbatical they spend their evenings and long walks in the dunes sharing their thoughts about the changes they have encountered since 2011 during more than 50 years. They were of kindergarten age when their grandfather wrote the book and now they are well in their  fifties and in the autumn of their careers.

The two brothers have for the  first time in their lives in-depth talks about their drives and motivations in life. They discuss the impact the changes they have encountered during those 50 years and what those have meant to them. How different from each other they appear to be. They have completely different interpretations of  the impact of all those big changes that took place. The debates make them know each other better, but also make clear how fundamentally different they think about the issues that really matter.

2065 - A Viable New World is available as printed book at www.amazon.com, www.barnesandnoble.com, www.vanstockum.nl, and at  www.Lulu.com. If ordered directly at the publisher (Lulu) a donation will be transfered to Teach the Future. An e-book version will be available in due course.