ЕГЭ Письмо С2

Opinion Essay


200 – 250 слов

минимум – 180 слов, максимум – 275 слов

Если в сочинении меньше 180 слов – письмо не подлежит проверке

Если в сочинении более 275 слов – проверке подлежит только отрывок объемом 250 слов.



Введение первого аргумента: firstly, first and foremost, first of all, а major benefit is that, to begin / start with (it is important to emphasize)

Введение второго аргумента: secondly, furthermore, moreover, what is more, besides, similarly, а further convinсing argument, another (positive / negative) aspect of ...

Введение последнего аргумента, заключение: finally, lastly.

Расширение, иллюстрация аргумента: if, providing that (provided), unless, as long as, no matter how, however many, wherever.

Введение противоположной точки зрения: there is another side to the issue / question of; there are people who have the opposite opinion.

Введение контраргумента: however, in contrast with the idea that, despite, in spite of, regardless of the fact, while, whereas, though (although), nonetheless, nevertheless.

Введение примера: for example, for instance, if we look at the statistics, if we take Internet polls.

Выделение мысли, придание ей того или иного оттенка, усиление: clearly, obvious1y, needless to say, generally.

Установление причинно-следственной связи: owing / due to the fact, for this reason, on the grounds that, another cause of, thus, therefore, consequently

Представление собственного мнения: in mу opinion, I therefore feel, to mу mind, to mу way of thinking, it is mу firm belief / opinion/ view / conviction that, I аm inclined to believe that, it seems / appears to mе, as far as I аm concemed

Заключение, вывод: to conclude, in short, to summarize, on the whole (I believe that)