The Seven Secrets of Synchronicity (previously: The Da Wei Laws)

Last edit: 2014 Apr

THIS might take a lifetime to explain; better to just experience it... [btw: I have different experience & understanding of this to Dr Dave] want something to read? Ah well, here goes... (we are getting very philosophical here, mind you) into a very Yellow [& beyond] view. I hope you've read the earlier pages.


The 20th Century has been a time of self-examination for humanity.

Katherine Benziger [and now the 21st, ed]


Now if you are starting your journey as a nerdy type like me (a solely head-space who THINKS he knows all -make that past tense now for me) - come back in a few decades - just remember that you did read about this sort of stuff in your youth... enjoy & see you later after you find your feelings - oh, just have a glance first before you move on. For the rest of you, read on and chew well and digest slowly for good health.

We now delve into a very holistic perspective... the Green paradigm started this part of the journey into holism; the Yellow paradigm is another huge leap (sorry, I don't want to scare you off - but it's really really worth the trouble to get to).

A very Yellow perspective: The SSS aka The DaWei Laws

This has now been tailored & packaged as a business development program. More to come in A Corporate Version...

Meanwhile, this will be updated with the latest terminology & links when I can get to it :-o

Introduction by Dr David Robinson (2007)

Have you ever wondered why things don’t go your way, why you sometimes seem to be working so hard for such little reward, or why people react to you in ways that don’t seem to make sense to you? If so then you are entirely normal, because the key to these and other anomalies doesn’t lie in human understanding but in something far greater. This book will reveal to you the universal laws that drive and guide everything that happens in the world, including all the things we cannot see, feel, hear, smell or taste.

If you are one of the people that intuitively knows that a world exists beyond the limitations of our physical senses, this book is for you. If you’ve never quite fathomed the rhyme or reason behind life and death, or if you’ve experienced any confusion or religious preconditioning, this book represents an opportunity for you to see life from another perspective. While it is a perspective that only the universe, in its greatness, actually experiences in totality, it is one in which we are full-blown participants, perhaps willingly or perhaps not, and probably unwittingly.


This is a condensed look at the DaWei rules... (The ebook link: David Robinson 2007 The DaWei Laws now expanded & developed as The Seven Secrets of Synchronicity: see refs)

Also, a new book of short stories called 'Glimpses' by Dave is now written (May 2008). He expands on the DaWei Laws with emotive narratives about his life.


Dave's Seven Secrets of Synchronicity: short version:

We choose to direct our energy in certain ways (First DaWei Law - Flow).

We choose who and what we attract toward us or pursue (Second DaWei Law - Attraction).

We choose what we intend our thoughts toward (Third DaWei Law - Visualization).

We choose to give and receive validation and in what measure (Fourth DaWei Law – Recognition).

We choose to foster or shun natural adaptation (Fifth DaWei Law – Evolution).

We choose to create our own Karma (Sixth DaWei Law – Reciprocity).

and the most recent one...

We choose our trust in the universe, or perhaps, the universe provides whatever we need (Seventh DaWei Law - Serendipity)


The First Secret of Synchronicity – Energy Flows Toward Optimal Utility [FLOW]

The first is that all life forms are designed to allow the energy to flow. The second is that we progressively and sequentially improve our awareness of that purpose and consequently increase our capacity to fulfil it. LIFE IS A JOURNEY of learning process - skills & knowledge (dot-making) - AND understanding & building on complex relationships (dot-joining)

The Second Secret of Synchronicity – Like Energies are Attractive [ATTRACT]

Apart from the obvious physical energies, Personality is the least structured part of our energy conduit as it’s subject to change through social constraints and responses to experiences, which may be modified by education or conditioning.

Character is that part of a human being’s meta intelligence that governs how we decide how to grow our personality – our VALUES/BELIEF system and is more resistant to change.

One needs to concentrate on what one DOES want to be attracted TO it. If the focus is DON’T want – that is what we attract.

The Third Secret of Synchronicity – Visualisation Directs Attainment [ENVISION]

To concentrate for sufficient period WITH EFFORT on our desires/dreams/goals until we create the habit of BELIEVING IT, then we attract it.

Wise choices should be intended toward clearly visualized POSITIVE goals that satisfy our deepest needs. Finding these goals is a journey in itself.

The Fourth Secret of Synchronicity – Recognition Lubricates Flow [RECOGNISE]

Recognition VALIDATES our very existence, our purpose, that we have been noticed, that we are useful, and that we contribute to the greater good to build our self-worth.

Recognition is a key driver of our universal usefulness, not the result. Validation is due to everyone at all times simply because they exist, recognition is a way to build people’s esteem.

This RESPECTS people, just for being, and further, for where they are ‘at’.

The Fifth Secret of Synchronicity – Evolution is the Ultimate Purpose of Flow [EVOLVE]

Human beings are at once, imagining, analysing, ingesting, digesting, growing, interacting, communicating, integrating, procreating, re-generating, i.e. evolving. We should also take care not to place unnatural obstacles in the way of evolution in general. It has been said that one generation’s solutions are the next one’s problems.

We should allow ourselves to evolve purposely and naturally. Go ever forward, respecting the ways of the past and constantly adapting to the ways of the future.

The Sixth Secret of Synchronicity – Reciprocity is a Non-negotiable Ethos of the Universe [RECIPROCATE]


We cannot escape the law of universal reciprocity, even though we might not be cognizant of the causal links between seemingly unrelated events. The fact is that the universe is infinitely ethical. Thus justice and fairness exist as non-violable universal principles. I do not accept the perspective these last two as axioms as I see them as human constructs [ethics], and not universal or natural in any imagining I can conjure up. I do see a purpose in believing in it though from a emotional/psychological perspective.

And it also works in reverse. What you resist, persists. Our lack of contribution evokes retribution. Selflessness begets favour. All favour is fluid. It flows where it is appreciated, where it gains optimal utility and where it is assured of continuing evolution. I agree from a social perspective - human to human - but again not 'Universe' involvement as such. There is survival value/evolution in groups to support this perspective

Optimism gives rise to good fortune, and vindictiveness to retribution. All we can do is re-channel the energy by turning it around into the positive. Reciprocity is that fairness we seek. And the universe has infinite memory. Nah! Pass! Universe IS; people remember & DO.

The Seventh Secret of Synchronicity - Serendipitous events are living proof that the universe is conspiring to provide whatever we need [SERENDIPITISE] (new word?)

Proof? Not likely... however, again our psyche works better [I think & feel] with the thought of hope, and future, and possibility... From that perspective, I'm fine with it. We can look and interpret serendiptious events as 'The Universe' but that doesn't make it so and it's not a valid argument to use this statement to prove itself...

Pre-requisites for Serendipity...

[note: these are pretty close to the conditions for the Flow State - state of mind where hard stuff is done easily - hey basic psychology!]

  1. Serendipity relies on Authenticity

  2. You have to be open to it

  3. Don't be stubborn

  4. Do what you believe is right for you

More thoughts:

Back to me again (ed. MG)...

For more on the Golden Rule & a neat poster:

First Secret of Synchronicity - Flow: We choose to direct our energy in certain ways

Second Secret of Synchronicity - Attraction: We choose who and what we attract toward us or pursue

Third Secret of Synchronicity - Visualization: We choose our thoughts by where and how we focus our mind

Fourth Secret of Synchronicity – Recognition: We choose to give and receive validation and in what measure

Fifth Secret of Synchronicity – Evolution: We choose to foster or shun natural adaptation

Sixth Secret of Synchronicity – Reciprocity: We choose to create our own Karma

Seventh Secret of Synchronicity - Serendipity: We choose our trust in the universe

We may state our personal or organizational vision in these positive, powerful terms but if they are ingenuous (intentionally or otherwise) you run into a bottleneck sometime. (See congruency & consistency elsewhere on this site)If we are untrue, not authentic, our TRUE value/belief/intention will eventually rise to the surface or cause us much pain until it does. To release yourself, practice writing down what you really value; prioritize them; do it regularly. You don't have to show anyone - this is for you! Find out who you are under the mask; what you really really desire in the deepest recesses of your being... you WILL emerge the beautiful butterfly (no matter how ugly the crude chrysalis).

To integrate these as a graphic, I considered the Seven Secrets as a 'system' [pic right]. It needs tweaking still...

Achievement of authenticity/happiness: (FAVRERS)

Your energy Flows à & is Attracted to à your Vision à so long as you Recognize self & others à & Evolve & grow à & Reciprocate by sharing your positive energies à and are OPEN to the universe helping you Serendipitously

Ultimately, we will become as we behave, so to enable our real self to evolve we need to be living the best self we can. That is the essence of authenticity.

...Know thyself...

What's next?

You may now be thinking what's next, is there another Value Station/s, how do I get there... You will of course at this point (if you reached it) be aware of MANY options... Apart from the obvious 'spiritual' thinkers, other interesting perspectives for this era are those of Don Beck, Ken Wilber, Andrew Cohen, & Lynch/Kordis. It's an interesting epoch where so much growth is happening, so fast, and accelerating... and for good reasons.

A few quick thoughts on the matter of why now... why look and learn and grow into these new ways of thinking and behaving... why now?

Some drivers of individuals in this millenium. There is...

    • fast, free-flowing INFORMATION (Internet, mobile phone);

    • highly-EDUCATED cultures; burgeoning social and environmental pressures causing cultures to rub against each other more than any other time in history (so about 7 billion reasons to think about good relations with our neighbours);

    • personal opportunities for wide ranging EXPERIENCES [careers, travel, food, hobbies...]

    • our CAPABILITY to destroy ourselves if we get it wrong: e.g. Run out of cheap, flexible (fossil) energy to run a market economy - i.e. reach limits of economic 'growth'; massive war damage with nuclear/biological weapons; civil unrest (one expression as terrorism) on a global scale (little 'breathing space' between cultural boundaries); pandemics &/or famine (worsened by population density?); take your pick...

    • or in a positive light; our ability to INFLUENCE and change at a global level because of that personal & technical capacity, & increasing awareness and values intelligence.

    • AND, if you are aware of the knee of exponential change, we are at a time and space of congruence of several 'knees' - population & financial growth, & resource use (to state the main ones) so change is R... A... P... I... D... L... Y... increasing to 'wobble' humanity/civilization as we know it [just watch the effects on our economic systems 2001-2011 to get an idea of the instability]

Influence... the power of one... the butterfly's wing... chaos... feedback systems & instability...

The DaWei Laws are really about the big picture stuff in our face - anyone on our planet - look, see, think, feel, choose, and learn F A S T to to be open to flow with change and subtle feedback of our organism Earth (please).

The next need is to move as humankind towards even more synergy - with each other AND the planet! That's the nature of the next Value Station. Interdependence on a much larger scale where the organism (Earth/Universe) is listened to and its changes accepted (however harsh WE see/feel it)!

based on the work of Dr Dave Robinson (Bond Uni, Australia) et al. as told by Mahesha 'M' Goleby (c) 2008