Systems & Integration

[plus the Light Tetrad]

...update 2022 with the Light Tetrad

...previous update 2016 jan

The beginnings of THE talk about the YELLOW paradigm!

I suspect this is the paradigm of Nietzsche's 'Free Spirits" or at least the first of them...

Why Systems? Because we are now into the pragmatic big-picture world - find-a-way-holism!

Systems have many varied inputs to juggle through many processes and hurdles to get many varied outputs. This area of systems is difficult to discuss since it's not one area but the result of many & gets complex really fast. IF you are not here yet, you have to be able to suspend any rigidity in knowledge, belief, action as systemic behaviours and properties emerge in order to get a handle on this discussion - systems, synergy, and integration - the connectivity and interaction of various elements. These elements can be people, a collection of physical systems, nations, etc...

If you are into Peter Senge's 5th Discipline, Covey's 8th Habit, or any of the [preferably soft] Systems Thinking approaches, I expect that you will follow this...

Likewise, any knowledge/experience of 'The Long Dark Night of the Soul', or of Akhilandeshvari [The Goddess, Never Not Broken], or vicissitude will assist the understanding of the magnitude and depth of the full transition to Yellow.

One's psychology really changes in the person after Green [i.e. Yellow+] and reading Dąbrowski's Theory of Positive Disintegration seems to explain the transformation well. The Identity fears [fear of Loss of Autonomy, FO Separation, & Ego-death] are released and the stick 'fear' is released from its bond to your soul. One's Integrous self is your 'carrot', not anyone else's supplied 'carrot' - they will be horrified that you don't want their 'carrot'...

If you are in/near Yellow or in Orange or Green meltdown, I implore you to read Dąbrowski's Theory of Positive Disintegration [Google has plenty of info].

You may feel more at ease!!!

This leap into Yellow thinking/behaviours is [as usual] probably a result of a Significant Emotional Event [SEE]/trauma, chaos, &/or resulting neuroses. It would be a hard paradigm to choose or train for without some substantial 'need' or 'push' tho' some will choose that path. My tertiary training & teaching [from a technical perspective] in Systems Engineering helped, but not for the emotional turmoil or drive [Will] to transition. Knowing is not feeling or doing. [ibid. Holistic Thinking Chart & the HTC in another incarnation, the TEA BAG]. A mentor will help tremendously to face this transition.

Some likely words/phrases/experiences present during this: yawning chasm in one's life - attraction/fracture, bifurcation [fractals?], splitting, expanding to a 'new' dimension - a seemingly minor triggering event [Tipping Point?] - non-linear approaches, random/cyclic, multi-dimensional, multiplicity - holistic - paradox - metaphor - quanta+relativity - macroscopic+microscopic - simple/complex - meltdown - transformation - metanoia - eudaemonia...

It's a mind-blowing challenge to keep in mind! So why try? Perhaps a 'leap of faith' is now needed... [note: in this context, faith does NOT need an association with religion].

Again, Dąbrowski says ONLY people with sufficient Development Potential [esp. overexcitability & autonomous factor] can, if they survive the psychic isolation and social rejection, self-impel themselves upwards on their journey through the apparent 'neuroses' to a higher functioning human. So 'losing the plot' can be a positive, WHEN you walk through your hell and emerge... different! You MUST have the intellectual & emotional skills and deep courage to go through, else perish [psychoses or worse, literal suicide for some] or regress to social 'safety'. Scared yet? That will/can ease, your choice!

You may notice I may seem to leave a lot of discussion of the current business/social paradigms behind now... We can look at the world a lot differently, and act to transform our world to that dream - the better place of empathy, compassion, & Eudaemonia! Maybe "business/gov as usual" is no longer appropriate. The current paradigms are important and now a different approach is available - Transformational Leadership.

Getting to Yellow:

Our (current & limited) Malthusian/Darwinistic world mentality of competitiveness is moving... growing... shifting its paradigm. Like the winner at the top of their (competitive) game... he/she asks what's next? The specialist in success now looks deeper and further afield for the meaning of success. What's next is a more cooperative lifestyle - giving back, helping others, sharing & distributing the wealth and knowledge. From this emerges perhaps the many business clubs supporting community projects - Rotary, Toastmasters, Lions, Forum, etc. Just look at few at the top of their field - Bono, Branson, McKevitt, Roddick, Geldof, Gore, etc... what did they DO? What you 'DO' is important here as, if you are not 'doing' towards some material 'outcome'. You may be mostly still in the doing of 'thinking/feeling/idealism' holistic Green paradigm without the pragmatic ability/driver of Yellow. Just to confuse, one has to BE oneself before one can DO effectively here [starting a discussion elsewhere on authenticity & integrity]. You still have to experience the Green approach before 'becoming' or 'fitting into' the full Yellow behavioural spectrum, and it IS a spectrum: a spectrum of ALL previous paradigmic approaches at your disposal.

"Freedom is actually a bigger game than power.

Power is about what you can control.

Freedom is about what you can unleash."

Harriet Rubin

Why THAT saying here? Because, in the PCVJ, we are travelling UP the vertical axis - more autonomy; more freedom... and a different kind of power relationships. Dąbrowski's driver of intense seeking of autonomy [freedom] through crises can explain the energy and drive to make the transition [though there are emotional/psychological dangers one has to survive first].

Remember your 'jump' between the Blue mentality & the Orange's? In Orange, POWER is a bigger game than what you can hold in your hand or OWN [safety]... Semantics can get in the way, try this: Orange CONTROL [power] is far different from Blue CONTROL [rules]. And so it is with the Green-->Yellow shift - just an order of magnitude stronger & a different POWER dynamic - the power of people returns - the power of relationships!


For a useful and interesting perspective on the change of focus from specialization to synergizing & generalization (& the threat to extinction of specialists) read R Buckminster Fuller & RW Gray, with whom I agree (but then I specialize in being a generalist - does that make me biased or informed?). So we cross-fertilize various professions, not by just by design, but by necessity and get broad-spectrum Systems Architects grown out of programmers, PMs from analysts with some business/domain experience); we get City Planners melded from engineers, architects, sociologists, bureaucrats, etc; we get duo sciences, etc. It's seen in the plethora of mixed degrees available too now - medicine & law or business, programming & accounting, science & religion, and so on... Specialization has its limits - systems thinking is the next logical step (& 'systems thinking' includes [requires] plenty of apparently illogical thinking - or is it right-brain creativity - or perhaps NOT hiding from reality?).

Let's look at the cultural journey again.

Do you remember this diagram showing percentage-power distributions of each paradigm [Value Station] (right)?

Well in this diagram below, Values Stations are (very roughly) scaled according to RELATIVE power accorded to each paradigm... To most observers of the world today, the 'battle' for power is between governments and their ilk (Blue) vs entrepreneurial business (Orange) with large old corporates in between though still very Orange. In the quantitative view, that's still true. In the relative view, the stars shine. So IF you have a Yellow (transformative) leader, you do well too. Consider the Yellow Branson & Virgin Group - he's unorthodox to boot!


As long as a man [woman] stands in his [her] own way, everything seems to be in his [her] way. Ralph Waldo Emerson


The meaty bit:

The dynamic and relatively powerful Yellow paradigm is growing fast as this (indicative only) diagram above shows relative power of each Value Station. It seems prudent then to know something of the emerging Yellows - our future leaders - or you, the emerging leader. In this paradigm, we now have to move beyond just knowledge and rules and action and ideals to find a working blend - to prudent pragmatism. (p.s: Consider more on Prudence too, the first Virtue <-- here)

As a Systems Engineer teaching undergrads to 'think systems', I was amazed at how often this was thought by the students to be a straight forward process. I.e. Do this then that put them together and bingo... a working 'system' is produced. Unfortunately, systems get complicated fast, almost exponentially it seems as they are developed and as they grow in size (side note: read on Pathologies of Bureaucracies). While we try to create systematic broad methodologies, ITIL, PMBoK, ISO9000, etc to assist system building or control, the problem remains - the escalating complexity becomes too much for our brain to hold or for rules to cater to anomalies. We need a different approach; an approach of approaching systems. Confusing? Yeah, well, read on...

For a time, I taught Advanced Project Management in a well-respected industry organization. Now I 'get' the big picture style views required by PMs (I was one once) but I was required to teach 'process' as being the DESIRED outcome - I was subtly silenced when I tried to include a broader & more human perspective :-0 The systems perspective was, it seems, to come from experience [i.e. make lots of mistakes] - it wasn't encouraged, taught, or investigated. I was saddened for what those PMs had yet to go through thinking that they finally had the answers to good management (well they did but a softer leadership approach is actually needed for projects which are complex physical and human systems). Just a minor change in perspective would help them USE the processes holistically and grow themselves and their teams, remembering that they 'manage' a whole project. Programme Managers recognize the need for talented PMs but seem to miss out on how to get it (other that natural talent and experience). PMs need the broad, flexible, soft-process, AND a more-so people-oriented mentality that understands positive and negative feedback in large systems and can gauge it intuitively (or perhaps call it a meta-conscious manner). It seems the 'training environment' is saying to Don't think and act like a Project Manager, but if you do, you are successful and we'll employ/promote you!!! Be good little rule-followers, but don't forget people [except you have to find the latter part out for yourself].

Here is a good time to read about Csikszentmihalyi's Flow Model [I also refer to it as Feel How ibid].

Sufficient [only] Control [cf. high Internal Locus of Control & skills] PLUS Arousal are precursors to being 'in the zone', in 'Flow', in this Yellow context. This Flow State is really the food of the Yellow paradigm - navigating towards increasing difficulty & developing oneself as needed. NOT avoiding, denying, distorting what IS, but taking it on!

Similar to great PMs, we started this research around entrepreneurs to find the more advanced ones have this somewhat holistic (Yellow) approach too - not a lot but more than most.

In our societies, we have come to expect a mainly reductive process to be the answer... But, emerging problems need a multi-disciplinary and flexible approach that the reductive, rule-based approach does not give but that Blue actually is often a significant perpetuator of the root cause. So from simple projects, to larger corporations, to nations... we STILL hope to find the rule, process,.. the single answer! Unfortunately, the REQUIRED answer... will be flexible and fluid, while our current thinking and actions are generally not. With our complex futures, we will need, more and more, a contiguous creative approach of deduction-reduction cycling (e.g. actually applying Basadur's creative problem solving methodology [or de Bono or others]). This is a case to NOT use the Blues to solve a Blue problem (consider this: that's like saying the .gov can solve .gov issues - hmmmm, get it?). Blues are not known for flexibility or being creative with problem solving. Cf. the Communication Compass & Leadership - i.e. being one step ahead of followers or the problem.

The Greeks gave us great thinking skills, but some of them are outmoded if used alone... Time to grow up, humanity! Time to use our evolved self! We need to maintain our creative approach to humanity [I think it was, Toynbee that said that loss of creativity is one of the reason for a collapse of a society]. The ancient's skills we DO need are considering our Virtuous life: Prudence, Temperance, Justice, etc [I'm not yet talking about Faith, Hope, & Charity which will need a clarifying positive leadership discussion - not religious!]

If you find this page a bit 'off-the-planet' ... come back to read it later! Several major life experiences later :-)

If you get the opportunity, just ask someone about this who WAS in .gov for decades and then moved to work in the private sector... then LISTEN for the paradigm shift! [ask them if they would return to .gov for long if they had the opportunity]. Better yet, ask a Yellow - know any? They are there - about 1% of the population, it seems - seek them out. BTW: there is an emergence of Yellow - and a Tipping Point - so expect a 'blooming' of Yellow leadership in the world in the next global crisis [else a lot of people perish].


Ok, we will look at synergies too - where the chain is stronger than its strongest link - a paradox in current thinking [unless you consider that chain to be cross-linked]. I say it's our current thinking that needs, hmmm, expanding. [The chain is no longer linear but has redundant extra links - cooperative relationships & cross-functional understanding]. Another sidethought: JIT manufacturing & efficiency have few crosslinks so are at high risk with little mistakes/poor decisions/gremlins in the system becoming disastrous in a flash and with long-reaching consequences.

Consider any major power outage in the world [& there have been some BIG ones] and some key point or two was disrupted. While multiple paths [e.g. for electricity distribution] is more expensive and seemingly in-efficient, it is robust, resilient, and 'soft' failing. Same for people and systems - complex like nature but not fragile. Efficiency is usually FAR from efficient IN THE LONG-TERM but that is how we are trained to think and act these days - little redundancy for unexpected, unusual, or rare events at often unforeseen cost.

After a few decades of being the hard-nosed rational nerd, the engineer side of me had to integrate other perspectives to get this systems bit. It was like waking up in a whole new world. Consider an architect... they are the trained engineer combined with the artist - rules & aesthetics - structure & people - movement & society - the practical & the (so-called) impractical. The true architects can capture the essence of a social problem (protection from elements + aesthetics + + +) combining with the resultant structure (house, tower, city) and integrate it somewhat with nature. While they are still significantly pushed by current paradigms (especially funding & .gov regulation), we scientist/engineer-types tend to have the mentality of fighting nature to outperform, resist, overpower, win... rather than work with nature and flow, blend, flex.

I am a Permaculturist and nurtured some early systems-thinking in nature from that. While studying civil engineering [I dropped out, twice], I became interested in underground housing. It is an example of garden-variety engineers working with nature - the earth cover absorbs noise, protects from falling trees (and they can grow right beside the building too), stabilizes temperature, does not pollute the visual greenery very much, is tornado, earthquake, and bush fire resistant, is more secure, requires less maintenance, etc. All for about 10% more which can be amortized within a few years anyway. Solves many housing/social problems BUT soooo different to 'normal' or 'traditional'. Strangely, one does not see many of them around - short-sightedness, sigh! Even if they were around, you wouldn't see them easily as they FIT IN with a natural 'look'.


The age of reason has diminished the value for tacit knowledge and experiential

learning and has relegated value only to that which can be proven rationally, empirically. [Benking & Stalinski]


Out of the chaos, Yellows flow: glowing and tempered. Standing in the cyclone, watching, being, doing... they sense, flow... navigate by intuition (meta-conscious competence)... drawn by their own push... choosing their own choice... they become one with their social environment, the chaos, or not - there is no difference! mg 2007

Yellows are knowing, being, doing, flowing, guided by a touch of the spirit world - feeling humanities's pulse, its richer colours, its subtle smells, its silent sound - and people watch, wonder, and exclaim, 'Huh!' in perplexity - 'How do they do that?' Their world is paradoxical. mg 2007


Yellows can get out of their own way to get things done [or not].

Tao's Wu Wei [adapted by MG]


The Yellow mindshift:

This paradigm is the edge of a vastly different conscious mindset, that of conscious-ness - incorporating more 'qualities' with 'quantity'. I.e. not only conscious thought and action but making un-conscious aspects conscious for which, for now, you could consider that additionally using (i.e. integrating) intuition-based-on-experience as a good overall 'starter' descriptor of the expanded nature of Yellow. Here we start to perceive multiple frames of reference simultaneously.

I did say it was a major mindshift!

There is a need for humanity to become 'aware' - to move from subconscious behaviours to conscious living, to be present in the moment, AND in the flow, because the world is changing far too fast around us for our historical (habitual/evolutionary) ways of understanding and reacting to help us. We need to be proactive from now or history will catch up (history repeating the collapse of empires, famines, etc). This is the Yellow (and onwards) domain - holistic (pro)action.

On awareness, you DO regularly use the objective observer or third party position to watch yourself think, feel, act, don't you? If so, who is the watcher?


People who lean on logic and philosophy and rational exposition end by starving the best part of their minds. WB Yeats


I partially agree, so while Yeats seems to have a preference for his right-brain side [yes, I'm using R Brain as a metaphor], the need to have balance is more important now than ever before. Both sides are better! We humans have been involved for centuries of improving our capacity for 'rational' thought and defining the rules of the universe (perhaps for that illusion of efficiency) that we miss out on subtleties of our world. As people in work places, societies, relationships, we are 'missing' something. That something is listening to the deep call of our values rather than the distractions of our rational lives. We can do both. We MUST do both. We must do both in our own self rather than relegating left and right brained thinking (and actions) to separate individuals that the 'other' does not understand or share values with... or it will bite us soon. The time for leaders who understand and can act on this with their followers is upon us. They will change their world. We will change the world or the world will change us [our societies]. [In the TEA BAG, I explain more on especially the E-T aka Emotion/senses <--> Thinking/Cognitive bias or relationship.]

Why systems:

The term "Systems" comes from the breadth and depth of perspective of interlocking paradigms and human (and beginnings of non-human) systems that is the world of Yellow (aware of its milieu). While Greens start the holistic dream, the idealism, and the true 'WE' through building relationships and attempts at consensus, Yellows take it to pragmatic levels in a way Greens that could not imagine. To be Yellow is to be beyond just thinking and feeling and dreaming. Direct and indirect experience and intuitive direction, through in-the-moment action (flow), guide the Yellows... and the Yellow so guides. Yellows flow... Yellows dynamically engage and integrate with the world and themselves - WE is now in their heart, their thoughts, their actions... and beyond! While I haven't been mentioning moral behaviour - the Yellow is most aware of their ethical stance and why they do things - often expressed as a sense of moral obligation to humanity or 'giving back'. There is an aspect of integration with the planet (environment) that in not really faced yet in the Yellow paradigm... they are concerned still mainly with human constructs and environments.

The funny thing about Yellow, on a psychological level this is where YOU come home to you to find you have always been home (you just couldn't recognize it at other levels though I'd expect Greens to delve inwards in their questing); you are becoming authentic and true to yourself. BUT only after ego-death. You are now in tune with most aspects of your life; all viewpoints are valid - you are validated by you! Your creative essence 'flows' into an intuitive peaceful lifestyle (not necessarily peaceful as in sitting around watching the clouds, but inner peace while the world tries to drive you crazy). Being human, one might not always stay there 'in the flow zone', but you try to stay there as often as one can...

...and then you start again. Who said Yellows are now exempt from the quest of the holy grail of freedom and peace. Even culture mavens need to keep up-to-date.

Here's a modern equivalence of a statement in the Tao Te Ching [Lao Tzu], which I find works beautifully. [source:]

A process as described is not the process as it exists;

The terms used to describe it are not the things they describe.

That which evades description is the wholeness of the system;

The act of description is merely a listing of its parts.

Without intentionality, you can experience the whole system;

With intentionality, you can comprehend its effects.

These two approach the same reality in different ways,

And the result appears confusing;

But accepting the apparent confusion

Gives access to the whole system.

Another aspect that can describe Yellow operators is Mastery [ibid. Cycles of Competence] in which level of competence flow belongs. Of course, so does Flow [Csikszentmihalyi]


First the descriptors... For some interesting reading on the psychology and properties of 'flow', google Csíkszentmihályi. His "being at one with things" is at once externally holistic and very internal - like the paradoxical Zen and Eastern philosophies. Like chaos - the simple and the complex filling the same space. Csíkszentmihályi also says "You can't make flow happen. All you can do is learn to remove obstacles in its way." And Yellow can get out of its own way (with practice). Remember that the Yellow chooses to learn what is needed (including through experience; I certainly can interpret that as 'removing the obstacles') and then flows through the chaos. It's a contiguous cycling process (see Stages of Change and the Cycles of Competence).

On choice, Yellows choose NOT based on a fear making them, but from a place of NOT fear. See my book from 'FEAR to Freedom' [due 2015?] where I address Fear Responses in an expanded way - Flight, Fight, Fright, etc. We can choose to 'Fight' many ways, including the win-win concept fight... of the Yellow paradigm. Fight together for a joint outcome, a transformational outcome [The Vision], NOT with each other. ;-) I call this a Y-Fight [Why?] Response... Biologically this is an energized state [Uproar/Arousal] AND sustained AND focussed WITHOUT overstepping capacity to collapse.

Know thyself before attempting this, else collapse, individually or collectively. This requires introspection and raw reality checking... Society, think on yourself!

Csíkszentmihályi's Optimal Experience (flow) is similar to Benziger's being true to your Type or following your natural Lead Type and not Falsifying your Type through a lifetime of living to other's expectations. As I said earlier, Yellow's become 'free' to be themselves (recall that's higher up the vertical axis).

There is Authenticity [Integrity?] to consider too, leading to flow... BEing, then DOing... BEing true to oneself; then DOing what is YOU! To BE, one has to totally relax - mind & body. Watching TV is not relaxing totally - your right brain [used as a metaphor] is processing the story and imagery... Step back from that too. Meditation is one example of total relaxation. When you can watch yourself feel, think, and your body 'tick' in its physical senses. In the west, we don't have a good word for who watches ourselves and is aware but not involved.

At the Yellow station, you are likely highly & broadly competent, you challenge yourself, you are drawing close to your authentic self so activities you CHOOSE take you to the ZONE! The Flow, BECAUSE it's a nice place to be AND you are productive in a holistic way. AND you must Relax, truly relax as well, contiguously.

Sound strange> You don't have to be an artist or musician to get 'lost' in time or self. Perhaps, in our world, they are the ones that often try the most to, and so do? Perhaps they give themselves the freedom because art is expression of the self and out of the control of expectation of a society

Albert Einstein: "Few are those who see with their own eyes and feel with their own hearts."

Another consideration at this point can be found in "General Systems Theory". In ALL systems there are similarities and commonalities in process, subsystems, chaos, design (or not), dynamics... SENSING those links is where the Yellow comes into his/her own. Relationships.

To diverge some more, the relationship building of this paradigm is very synergistic - working with and for others as well as for the greater picture. You could spread yourself around and read on Peer-to-Peer [P2P] economies (systems) where everyone contributes according to their capacity and willingness and takes what they need (e.g. Michel Bauwens). It's seen/required in a distributed environment (just consider the Internet) and is an interesting perspective and behaviour that is shaking the roots of our current ways of business and fits with the Yellow behaviour (and the Green's ideal). When people share the power [distributed networks are relationships] amazing things can happen fast and effectively and comes from. Even money is being empowered by people through Bitcoin, for example, rather than .gov. Crowd-funding, another example.

Until now, cultures under discussion have been mainly based on resistance and fears (a focus on the 'past') and then including outcomes [& somewhat futuristic] but still fear-based.

Now flow emerges to shape one's way-of-living [DOing]... AND while regularly in a state of BEing [existence] to reconnect...

...or is that allowing one's way-of-living to be shaped? (a focus on 'BEing & DOing now' with a view to the long-term future). MG

The 'getting' to Yellow:

At this point, would you consider reading The Most Important Graph [MIG] in the World...and How it Will Change Your Life! by Jennifer Goddard, Tony Buzan, & Jorge Castaneda (2012) of Mindwerx/Mindmaps fame. The reasons: it presents a connecting-the-dots approach to memory and understanding, which is complementary to the Yellow mindset. MIG has a process to bring you closer to Yellow through speed and comprehension reading, and association and imagination techniques - daring to give EVERYONE who does the exercises a positive tool to develop BIG PICTURE memory/approaches. Highly recommended! Enjoy moving to Yellow... use it wisely and maybe save the world. 8-D

&/or the experiential approach:

To get here to Yellow, you've tried many 'ways' of living; ways of fulfilling that internal desire (even if you didn't know what it was); ways of viewing the world. Each stage in your life to date brought with it yet another finding of (or rather not finding) a 'missing' element of one's life. So what's new... it is a journey after all. Nothing new there, Yellow's journey will be the same but different. [remember 'conation' - addressed soon!]

Even [or especially or necessarily] the nasty experiences help [Dąbrowski's Theory of Positive Disintegration] to get you to Yellow. The quest for autonomy [freedom], with your highly internalized overdrive energy and mental focus CAN get you through the required ego-death and subsequent loss of fears, especially the Identity fears [I call them Social or Socialization FEARs].

A blind Yellow searches for & can sense ALL of the elephant.

The so-called 'rules' you tried to go by at each phase were never quite enough, were they? Have you considered a rule-less path? Not no rules; but fewer rules; or fuzzy rules. In this society, we seem to think that more rules are better or help us understand better or help us live better - I certainly did. That's a real Blue, definable, scientific, hard engineering approach. It's knowledge [or belief]; not necessarily understanding. People and societies are not so well-definable. You know - create a clear map of the world and life would be sooooooo much easier - that's what I thought (but then I was prone to just following a thought process). Rules are great in hard sciences to a point, not so effective in soft sciences [people] - more correctly (in my mind) to be called the Arts, supported by Science. BTW: Leonardo da Vinci didn't separate them but then we like separating life into little boxes for stuff & ideas. Time to integrate!

In the Holistic Thinking Chart [this page], we address the psychological aspect of conation - experiential learning. In Yellow, there is an element of mastery where you know & have experienced how to learn [even as you learn new things].

I'm told this page COULD be described this as anarchistic - BUT BE CAREFUL OF HOW YOU UNDERSTAND THE DEFINITION; there are many 'versions' of anarchy. I use it in the sense of non-violent, open, non-hierarchical, eclectic, empowering, coalition of 'small is beautiful' respectful global communities, where there is consensus of 'direction', but not necessarily of 'how'. So, I consider anarchist in the sense of: Bono, Geldof, Branson, McKevitt, Mandela, and their ilk. Sound strange??? Read on...

When this 'fuzzy' perspective became patently obvious to me was during teaching about emergent properties of 'Systems'. I was trying to explain the inevitable 'bugs'. These emergent 'surprises' were due to the complexity of the simplest of systems that could deliver unpredictable events beyond our human knowledge/ experience/ planning/ expectations. We (the designers or operators) came up with kludges (work-arounds) to fix problems on the go - there was no choice - 'bugs' appeared every time. It turns out that we just cannot build a large hard [technological] system once and it works without these little 'surprise' gremlins trying to bite us. Another mindshifter for me was teaching systems analysis using a mindmap to define a 'soft' system... another 'aha' moment... I realized where my REAL interest lay - understanding people, not technology. Soft; not [just] hard science!

So how do we understand and operate in a larger even more complex 'system' - community, corporation, nation, nature - without the mess. We don't. We just have to not expect to know for it to be not smooth; to expect and navigate a degree of chaos! That way of thinking took me a while; took a lot of puzzling; a lot of Kōan / Siddha /experiences or curiosities or... sighs & ahas! The Orange paradigm is the first pragmatic 'find-a-way' mindsets, mostly applicable to business environs.

And still I forget!

It was when, in a moment of 'lost' and distracted frustration, that I [MG] gave up on being able to 'know everything' that I was offered (within moments) and accepted a position lecturing at uni... as the Head of Department said, ' because I had lost the expectation that I could know it all'. Thoughts of Jung's synchronicity, voodoo, weirdness, tumbled through my head...'huh, what the hell happened just then'! I was thrown off, stunned, surprised, shocked... I still smile when I think about that 'moment'. I just asked about doing some tutoring. [And I don't get surprised easily].

There's a saying: "Let go; Let God" - Let go and what you deeply desire appears [provided by... universe? serendipity? god/s?]... For me, the dream of teaching was there for years, but not at this level, I never even dreamed of teaching at uni... but there I was propelled into being a uni lecturer. This effect has happened several times now - when I let go... let, errrr, Chaos Coalesce (since I am not a believer in gods/God as such) - perhaps it's the 'authenticity attractor'?

A different approach:

So, this domain requires developing more of a non-intellectual (or perhaps beyond intellectual because one does NOT EXCLUDE the intellectual), experiential existence... building on, connecting with, navigating ALL one's past knowledge and experience and of those you meet... Integration really begins now in Yellow - integration of self, people, their systems, and integration with the world (well, integrating with the greater world just emerges here - Yellow is [often] limited by a mostly humanist perspective).

We look at chaordic systems - the blending of chaos and order. The self-limitations, self-doubt, and fear drivers of the previous Values Stations begin to fade away [through Albrecht's 'ego-death'] as you can now endeavour to navigate them as required and see each's limitations while intuiting your way past those inhibiting thoughts - you function at a higher or more integrated level (left + right brain mode + experience + the mysterious navigator... call it gut feeling). You are now [more] open to the cycle of growth/learning. No, it's NOT mystical, though it might sound like that to you just now. Hang in there!

Remember, not to say the thinking is turned off; rather right brain catches up or is acknowledged as serving a purpose and given activity time (or vs versa) - working together appropriately - like in the Hermann whole brain concept - or many Creative Problem Solving [CPS] techniques. Another perspective that can describe this state is Brain-based Learning (Hart/Caine), whereas our current education/training systems for previous states of mind is based on brain-inhibiting or brain-antagonistic learning processes. I enjoy Benziger's view of becoming True to Type, again, whether individual or nation. Current living paradigms contain so much falsehood - supposedly wanting one thing but aiming at and getting something else.

One thing I [& my siblings] have particularly benefited from in our upbringing is cross-linking - our parents [both] bent us with puzzles, tricks, problems that made us left & right thinkers. Creative, each in our own ways, but definitely 'bent'.


The idea of chaos opens up radical new ways of thinking and experiencing reality. At the same time, chaos as a metaphor has a built-in humility that previous scientific metaphors did not.

Chaos, as it turns out, is as much about what we can't know as it is about certainty and fact. It's about letting go, accepting limits, and celebrating magic and mystery.

Briggs & Peat 2000 "Seven Life Lessons of Chaos"

Some of the hidden 'magic' of chaos is now understood by science and it would be interesting to apply it to people systems [anyone up for it?]

read James Gleick for a simple[?] intro


Food for thought! But I digress [again]...

While EACH previous value station thinks they are [now in] the or the mostly 'right/best' one, Yellow does not deny the existence or value of its previous stations (or other's to come). Yellow integrates and applies them where they are needed. [See also Balancing: Yellows are jugglers]

Leadership at Yellow is the transformational style - empowering - as much as sitting back and listening and watching your followers grow [or not, as applicable]. Sounds contrary, yes it is. Use whatever style is appropriate depending on your follower's state. See the Communication Compass for pragmatic guidance.

Or, if in a community of your peers, then the enjoying of the community of shared leadership and the complementary achievement of Collective Intelligence. This is similar to the hot team in Project Management or whatever group where you each do your bit and you all seem to blend into one organism - knowing automatically what each other needs - with consensus of direction, the 'purpose' (but NOT necessarily consensus in the moment). Unfortunately, our society does not encourage permanence of hot teams [yet] so they tend to fade [well, fizzle] over a relatively short time. Maybe soon their time will come... [see Team Building]


By late 2008, Dr Robinson hasn't released his writings on The Holistic Thinking Chart publicly but it's appropriate to help describe a Yellow paradigm... remembering that this paradigm describes advanced holism (remember... there IS more, later). This Yellow aspect of holism is mainly with your self and with people (cultures) but an even broader view would encompass more non-human needs (in future paradigms?). So another view of the approach required to 'leap' to this paradigm is presented now...

Let's look at 3 aspects of our person while investigating holism.

The Holistic Thinking Chart:

MUCH more to come on this...

The keeping of integrity in oneself or one's organization means [at least] having a balance between head and heart and behaviours [heart-head-hand]. The heart or emotional views are too often relinquished in favour of 'rationalism' and drive for 'goal-orientation' - anaesthetizing our humanity in the process. We need balance - holistic approaches for our integrity and health - whether for individuals or for humanity. I don't actually think there can be a separation of emotion and thinking/intellect - more that emotion drives the intellectual process. Trying to find our emotional driver is what motivation is about. What we value has a huge emotional content hence each Value Station has the same emotional charge to it - hard to separate. However, as a tool, it's useful to consider the 'aspects' of self [or organization] as their component parts.

We have mentioned the Intellect and Emotions quite a bit so far so we'll look more into the meaning and outcome of 'WILL'.

(btw: Emotions are not quite the same as feelings even if I use them interchangeably for now, sorry. Simply or perhaps too simplistically: emotions are universal and [probably] biological internal awareness triggers of how we are travelling in the world - whereas feelings are the conditioned [social] response/behaviour to those emotions - you could consider them the externalization of our emotional state. There is also the physical component used here - feeling cold, touch, smell, etc - more elsewhere as Body Awareness [aka Felt Sense] of our senses when I deal with FEAR Responses.

First an introduction by way of some more psychology [then in PCVJ terms]... starting with the three components of mind: cognition, affect, and conation.

The Thinking Arena is how we come to know and understand by using questions, e.g. "what..." i.e. what is [action word]; what is the meaning of [something]? That's essentially cognition, thinking about stuff! Knowledge, process, clarity [logic], & one's experience is piled in there too. The Thinker's domain. It is also the latest evolutionary brain development. Before that we developed emotions...

The Emotional Arena: Interpretation of perceptions, information, or knowledge using emotion is 'Affect'. One’s positive or negative attachment to people, things, ideas, etc. i.e. "How do I feel about this [information/knowledge]?" [The Myers-Brigg 'Feeling' type]. Also read Csikszentmihalyi's 'Flow Model' about Affect - wait, I'll put up a diagram...

Gerneralized emotion is mood; specific emotions are anger, sadness, etc <duh>. KNOWing your emotional state IS very useful for our social survival since that is suggested that's where emotions and thinking evolved from - group/society development. You do want to survive in a social context, don't you? See where I'm going here - THINKING & EMOTION working together to be healthy??? Let's leave that thought for a moment & look at it another way.

In the Flow Model [Finding Flow], we have positive & negative Affect around an axis & a focus on BEing or DOing around another.

Flow being the mental state of timeless, painless, ease of DOing where skill is balanced [within a range] with the challenge. The skill is your talent, process, experience, & ability to Control the situation and challenge is your motivation/Arousal to activity to something aspired [future, not yet here] but acted on now. There is only one real positive NOT doing or BEing state [Relax] and the 3 positive DOing states of mind mentioned. To do EFFECTIVELY is to be in Flow - either Arousal or Control are not effective alone, even though there is a perception of EFFICIENCY under Control [Efficiency in what? Sometimes, it's efficiently following rules]. likewise, being highly Aroused without steps & goals and then running around "like a chook with its head cut off" is both ineffecient and ineffective. One has to find one's LIMITS between Arousal & Control. On the graphic subtext 'Positive Human Existence': I equate this with Aristotle's Eudaemonia or Human Flourishing [which I'll address more somewhere, sometime in these pages as the top of the"The Happiness Hill' where I also delve into limits too].

Back to the HTC:

The Emotional Arena needs awareness and regulation to stay in positive Affect and hence move [Red] energy into Will - the Orange, outcome-orientation, drive [cf. Arousal]. This requires an emotional visioning plea - The Aspiration [a metaphorical approach to the right-brain] - to direct the energy thusly. Then, of course, once motivated, you need to focus on the chosen/required tasks in the moment - and persist! Focus is directed thinking; vision is the directed Emotion; both manifesting jointly then as Will to DO.

Remember: There's a trap there for the doers who want to be effective AND efficient; for those Type 'A' personalities [don't look at me... ok, I'm one too]; for action people, and that is AFTER FLOW, to actually rest - truly rest. The Holistic view is DOing in balance with positive NOT-doing - i.e. a contiguous DOing-BEing [Relaxing] cycle.

Conation [see The Will] looks at why knowledge and Affect relate to our behaviour. It is strongly related to the use of will &/or freedom [to choose] one's direction/s. Conation is important to proaction & self-determination especially in the higher Value Stations: Orange+. When you ask of yourself, your intention, goals, actions, then plan and choose to act, that is conation in practice.

The Tao Te Ching [by Lao Tzu] calls conative knowledge, experiential knowledge, & says that using this form of knowledge decreases complexity in 'reality, whereas, cognitive knowledge is a barrier to knowing 'reality' because of complexity. Lao Tzu claims this is the difference between knowing [cognitive] & understanding [conative]. Note: I don't think there a mention of affect in the TTC.

So I hope you can see a clear [well, perhaps muddy clear] link to the graphic: cognition = intellectual arena; affect = emotional arena; & conation

\approx \!\,

the will [somewhat more, though some differences with a pure psych perspective come out in the discussion on the Paradigm Biases]

Another perspective:

Consider Will as a drive with decision & intent to actually Do. The outcome-oriented VS are on the Expressive side of the Dependency line. Velliety, meaning not enough drive &/or intent to actually implement some desire is more akin to dreaming - not outcome-oriented, and Submissive cultures, i.e. below the Dependency line. Now, I have really upset someone - I can hear the screams! :-o


This is covered in the horizontal axis of the PCVJ - improving rational capacity - the capacity to think about things and question and be logical. This stars as internal 'knowing', however limited [we don't know what we don't know], to a believing that we know, to later actually knowing based on empirical evidence [mainly from outside sources e.g. education] to understanding which tempers the knowledge through experience & insight/awareness.

Intellect is the container of cognitive knowledge. Note that it is Blue, denoting the propensity for knowledge & the resulting 'rules of' science, life, religion, etc in an effort to simplify the complex. I'd caution anyone favouring this arena ONLY to consider the comments about cognition & conation [above]. Stubbornness would evolve considerably from the absolutist aspects of Blue - the 'righteous' - the ONE way [read MY way] & the silo effect it creates. There are the potential benefits of tenaciousness, clear thinking, good knowledge collection & analysis... perhaps not a broad 'understanding' outside of one's circle. If rules of broadening their perspective are supplied [& accepted] and motivation invoked, this arena can brought into holistic thinking. Procrastination & closed-mindedness is a big killer here.


This is difficult to put into a group (company/nation) perspective just yet... but consider the energy some firms [Virgin? musical bands?] have! What is the energy? Emotion [heart] driving the physical [hand]! Perhaps we could look at it this way: Companies DO have A feeling about them... e.g. some places you like to work, some not so.

So for now, individuals:

Our feelings [well, I mean emotions] will tell us if we satisfying our deepest needs [which, beyond staying alive - the nature argument?, are emotional attachments - the nurture argument?] or not.

IF we are in touch with those emotions (this is partly where our values come from; feelings supply some too - remembering: feeling is also concomitant with conditioning ) we can make sure that we do satisfy them. From a psychologist's view, this could be considered the values of your Inner Child. Again, we're on the horizontal axis - now looking at the considerate conduct part or empathic behaviour (considering the feelings of others & ourselves). Knowing your inner child [which drives most people] can liberate the adult in us, giving us more personal choice over our life, rather that which conditions us from childhood. Moving UP the vertical axis - freedom.

This [the Inner Child] is a comfort zone for me now but it took quite a few decades. I was just a nerd/geek/headspace for decades - the head only gets you so far; ditto feelings. See dysfunction & moral blindness. Next: so where does Will fit?


Let's dig some more:

Where does Will fit in? It's the energy & drive to gets things done... Your energy has limits; use it wisely; prioritize. It comes from motivation - known or not. Your belief systems count as to HOW you use your Will, so here we are looking at the positive outcome-orientation aspect of Will - hence Orange [or Yellow] mindsets. It could as easily be used dysfunctionally if not balancing the heart-head involvement.

Take a reviewing glance at the VERTICAL axis [autonomy & freedom] on the PCVJ, then read on...

Note also, that this corner, in the above diagram, is Orange, so independent & somewhat egoistic or self-centred [whoa, slow down, that's not necessarily bad or good]. Let's just look at what Will IS.

Will, to me, is partly the driving force of effort [based on the Intellectual not Emotional choice-determiner hopefully] to satisfy those deep feelings; your motivating force about, or intending towards, some 'aim' or outcome. From Middle English, 'willen' means TO INTEND TO. Suggestions of focus, determination, energy, persistence, and belief meld here. What you visualize and believe in, you attract. INTENTION is important!

Consider: as people, we FEEL deeply, we then CONSIDER that in depth & breadth & DECIDE on an action, we DRIVE to DO to that end. Emotion > Thinking > Will to Action = Holistic [authentic] living [as preferred to dysfunctional living, we wish!].

Recall the earlier comments on conation [intention, choosing, proaction are components]: thence comes experiential knowledge [from the DOing]. Will is directly related to your CHOICES, hence freedom/s [or freedom of choice, if you like]. This is very much the comfort domain of Orange & Yellow [well, compared to the other Value Stations] . Conation will show more in the Paradigm Biases [coming up].

From history: Will [determination, resolve] is sometimes considered one of the Knightly virtues.

Another aside: This is a VERY GOOD REASON to focus on POSITIVE goals - if you focus [become intent] on what you DON'T want, that's what you get!!! [remember the psychology of affect - you can be attached to negative aspects]. So, learn to reframe what you desire in positive terms. See The DaWei Laws or THE 7 IDIOMS

So, one needs a goal, a vision, a direction, a preferred destination... before WILL is effected. I.e. I intend to... [a goal] invokes your Will. To me, Will would seem to peak at different times - as one is emerging from a previous paradigm. That is, when one has built enough emotional 'energy' or self-actualization potential to 'choose' the next step - the coming together of emotion & thinking (see Stages of Change).

Yet another aside: There appears to be a huge short-term benefit [in this society, the West] in being dysfunctional in certain ways: SHAME - the feeling of not BEING good enough, and GUILT - the feeling of not DOING good enough, are large drivers of some successful people. Success in this case measured in position, power, looks, money, etc. A can of worms here!!! Another story...

A discussion on motivation [elsewhere here] may help to understand Will better.

note to self: publish here - correlations PCVJ with motivation theories related to WILL - CORE MOTIVATION: McLelland [Need for Achievement]; Miner [Role Motivation Theory]; Vroom [Expectancy Theory]; Adams [Equity Theory]. GOALS & INTENTIONS: Ajzen [Theory of Planned Behaviour]; Locke & Latham [Goal Setting Theory]. PERFORMANCE: Weiner [Attribution Theory]. SELF-EFFICACY & EXPERTISE: Bandura [Social cognitive Theory]; & again Vroom [Expectancy Theory]. see Locke: Path to Satisfaction

Elements of Will:

Energy (power & intensity); Mastery (self-control/discipline); Concentration (focus of attention, single-pointedness); Determination (decisiveness, resoluteness, timeliness); Persistence (patient endurance); Initiative (courage & daring [chutzpah?]); Organization (integration & synthesis). To me, the virtue of Fortitude may be a basis or enabler or even a part of Will.You could get more philosophical but let's leave it as a collection of motivational forces/activities for now (Look at the Da Wei Laws if you want more). Is this a necessary aspect behind action? Just thinking won't do it; just feelings won't do it... there's something more. If we believe we can do something and we want to, then we can do it; we find a way; we find the Will - to use your knowing and feeling to achieve (act out) your outcome/s!

Will would then feed the [step-wise] diagonal snaking axis of one's journey - providing the energy propelling us - onward & upward [& through the intermediate cycling].


A thought:

"One of courage, with audacity, will die. One of courage, but gentle, spares death. From these two kinds of courage arise harm and benefit." Tao Te Ching


Was is Henry Ford that said,

'If you think you can or you think you can't, either way you are right.'


We're still working on this bit (especially applying the Value Stations): So this para might be a bit misleading but then again may help develop a view of this dynamic. You may now recognize that Oranges can be seen as pushy, striving, and 'willful' Reds can be fierce and angry-looking, hence Emotive, sometimes seemingly without restraint. The third corner, the Intellectual, scientific, rule-based understanding, putting-things-in-boxes aspect is very Blue. All aspects are necessary & emerge at different times in differing degrees. When we operate with them together and simultaneously, we have reached that integrative level - in the flow - of Yellow [& includes the experience of...].

Methinks Will comes from deep drivers, not necessarily overt thinking or feeling... from an aspect of confidence or faith/belief in oneself to make your dream/vision/goal happen. We INTEND and then act towards our aim (even if we don't know how to articulate it at the time). What is your vision [you DO have one for your life, don't you?] and are you getting there? Which way are you intending to go? Intention is a compass for behaviour [you don't have to follow it, and you won't without WILL].

Are you who you want to be? Are you where you want to be?

If not, why not? (Tom Cruise)

In the HTC diagram, see the balance of the Intellect, Emotions, and Will as the essence of Holism. You don't see Green there - the Green station may miss out on some 'Will' for action to actually create their ideal but is the precursor to holism, being to the right of the Holism Divide. Their Will is aimed at pleasing everyone, harmony, consensus, an 'ideal'... not the outcomes that enact the ideal which they subscribe to.

Will is embodied in the particular Value Station's values so may be expressed differently at different stages of growth.

Yellow: Yellow's 'Will' energizes them to use creativity to get pragmatic solutions to Green's [& other VS] ideals (see the Synergy Star for solution finding). Yellow is the balancing paradigm [consider the BESS approach to ethical dilemmas].

Jumping first to the middle position (Holistic Thinking), the mindset of Yellow is the melding of previous value stations, previous ways of 'being' and of one's experience. Melding, as you are now capable of combining and navigating ALL of value stations as the need calls. I say 'call' because it may be very intuitive for you - knowing without knowing, being in the space between breaths, doing just 'because', navigating through other people's 'fog' to get them through without them running onto rocks. You are the chameleon of emotions, thinking style, and behaviours and you probably have a lot of fun as the 'world' has a different meaning now. You have the holistic ethics of the big, BIG, picture where you find a 'right' (of several 'rights'), or several 'right' solution/s for the situation - pragmatic NOW, authentic NOW, action-oriented (or not) NOW. You are juggling, balancing, changing dynamics, entertaining, guiding, and empowering - intuitively. This is integration of the self (remembering, whether self is an individual or a firm, etc - though not many firms yet, I suspect).

But I'm ahead of myself... back to basics: Let look at...

The Three Dimensions of Paradigm Bias

just starting on this again after some interlude... I write as I go so I may just have notes-for-self [NFS] in here at times if I don't get it finished [or at least enough to get you by]! You can always email me if it's important to you to get my knowledge/perspective/understanding/Black Hat view.


I call this a bias towards hard [as in unfeeling] drive. The intensity & energy of Will with the pure cognitive abilities can give very focussed thinking. It's also a way to burn out your head - ask me - experiential knowledge :-o

Keep stressors in Eustress where poss [know your limits]


NFS: Conative part: vision [dreaming, future-orientation, purpose], motivation

As above, keep stressors in Eustress where poss. Negative behaviours of this bias are, not surprisingly, quite irrational.


In this bias, IF knowledge [I, Blue] & feelings [E, Red] come together with an informed decision THAT SATISFIES DEEP EMOTIONS, then commitment will emerge. If not, then inner conflict will reign with no likely [beneficial or wise] outcome. This model is saying that to be wise, we have to balance our head & heart. Of course, to get a good decision into action we need motivation & the actual DECISION [from Will] to act [invoke the hand].

From the balancing act, comes holism. From my personal experience, it seems the ORDER to follow in pursuing HOLISM, is HEART, HEAD, HAND, in balance.

Note the influencers of intuition & personal experience that create this bias. I see intuition as a right-brained communication from our mind. It can be uninformed & inexperienced and not worth much to getting to holism. Or, it can be a way that our parallel-processing brain tries to communicate to the outer world of existence. IF you are fortunate and have crosslinked your brain, you can articulate your 'intuition. for others, this is a journey in itself. WHAT do you believe that you know. Another discussion about conation.

until another time - so much to say...MG


4Hs: Head, Heart, Hand, Holistic:

Let's look more at my different slant to add to the above Holistic Thinking Chart, which I call the 4 Hs that I used while teaching 'systems' to get a message through to students. IT students tended to want to stay in the head + action side (hard systems) and forget the heart (people) side of systems (even though included in 'soft' systems aspect). So they liked hardware and/or software, but ignored or downplayed the wetware (people) and so the Human-Computer Interface (HCI) or users were not too important. My business students usually 'got it' with business systems though they were not necessarily good at the hard technology!

Linking to above and the PCVJ Chart: the Intellectual head (PCVJ's Rational on the horizontal axis), Emotional heart (PCVJ's Considerate Conduct [empathy & behaviour] still on the horizontal axis); and Will (not specifically shown on the PCVJ chart) as the driver of the hand (emotional interest/energy > action > behaviour). When working together, we have the holistic perspective. Ah well, thought I'd throw that in... Let's see where it takes us later (if I get to think/write on it more).

2011: After some digesting, I have come to surface a fifth H: Heroistic - a new paradigm awaits beyond Yellow - or is it an ancient one? A sacrificial perspective for the good of man & 'nature'... I'm reminded of American Indians [perhaps others?] - food for thought! Anyway, not yet for these pages. Try here Global Values: The Crisis or here Global Thrival - more than survival...


Interestingly, as a Yellow, you are now more aware of the missing links, the gaps of knowledge and experience of the world (and yourself) - sensitive to that chaos 'in and in-between'. You know that you know very little - you meet the extremes of chaos - nothingness & wholeness - and they come together here and need to be navigated and narrated in a different way. Knowledge is not enough; experience is not enough; feelings are not enough; power is not enough... an intuitive, seemingly mystical approach emerges; the story-teller emerges; the inspirational leader is created; obtuse paradigms!

So how does a Yellow learn and navigate remembering that that there is acceptance of and willingness to go through the cycle and stages of change [see Mastery]? Next: What learning cycle?

The Cycle of Competence:

At Yellow, the intuitive 'sense' is partly explained by the Cycle of Competence, where, by reaching this station, you have attained a high degree of meta-conscious competence - learn as you learn - a state of being in the moment. I saw the term 'Leaching' (coined by Nick Smith of where Teaching and Learning combine - to learn the essence of one's own life lesson (could be called grokking too, apparently. Look it up in the dictionary - 'tis new to me too).

The personal mastery state knows that you have to choose to go to, and cycle through, whatever it takes for you to learn faster - by willingly (note that Will is proactive) going through the chaos of learning. The ideal Yellow 'cycle' [to be drawn yet] constantly bypasses Gamma stage and may not even stay in an old Alpha for long (see Stages of Change). There is the element of experienced over-learning - like the maestro concert violinist who practises ONE piece 10,000 times before the seemingly easy mastery appears in front of the audience. He/she is 'one' with the piece and the instrument. The Yellow has finely sharpened their skill and then continually hones it by habit. (cf: Steven Covey's 7th habit - 'Sharpen the Saw'). With knowledge and techniques, you can speed up the learning process, hence these writings on the PCVJ - a map for your journey. So far, we've given you knowledge, techniques will come... meanwhile:................................

I've only seen and experienced a little of this in action, but based on a lot of other techniques I've experienced over decades, to get to the Yellow state fast, Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP: Grinder & Bandler) really seems like a fast and wholesome method of getting to personal mastery by removing one's inhibiting beliefs. You also can gain great insight to others quite fast.

I like watching NLP practitioners in action - subtle!

I feel that Most Important Graph in the World [] will help with mastery too - fast techniques for memory!!!


You may now sense that the Yellow seems mystical to many; a shaman of business and relationships; the trouble-shooter wizard of the world; a maven. Yes, they would definitely seem unusual... And the world needs the creative, active Yellow - fast! - so fortunately they being created [some by circumstances; some by choice it seems] at an accelerating pace. Remember they are well driven by Freedom so getting them motivated to do what YOU want may be challenging - tho' they prefer interdependence, so that may help you in your decisions with them!

Yellows may just look like a strong Orange or a lot of Green, even a Blue, and possibly (but not probably) a strong Red (this is danger territory IF really being Red; remember, ACTing Red before BEing Red is preferred) or use the Comms Compass [for Follower-Leader interactions].

Your view is all depending on where YOU are in the Values Journey. Remember, Yellow the chameleon. YOU [the follower] tell them (subtly) what Value Station to appear as - they then may lead you intuitively or overtly, when the Yellow leader is advanced, they seem to sense your need! [see Communications Compass]. [The sensing - it's actually empathy]

A snippet on flow:

A [regular] curious experience of mine (MG)...

2006: I'm writing this but I don't wish to know any more... sometimes. I don't desire to write... I am not writing so much as sitting in front of a screen watching words appear... I jump from page to page... and I'm in a feeling of awe and peace. Awe in the sense of beyond comprehension. I give up understanding because it's too big for me. I just stick to attempting to understand(?), observe, and experience the current moment of my life... and to look ahead. I attempt to understand by just existing, experiencing, feeling... enjoying the sounds of the birds outside my window to the tiny garden... watching little words dart across the screen following the rattle of the keyboard. I just am here. I sense time and sometimes I don't sense time. I am aware of the coolness of approaching winter. I am aware of my wife and friends at work. I can sense their busy-busy-ness. I hear my breathing and I exist for now. Though I sense the darkness appearing in my office, I am startled by its suddenness; I turn on the light. I have been working continuously for hours and feel very relaxed and happy.

This is nearly-flow; flow is even better; blissful!

Such is the world accessible by Yellow (with experience). I don't think you have to be at Yellow to experience flow. It just happens more often until it becomes quite contiguous at [the higher end of] Yellow because one has a whole different perspective on life events - certainly less stressed, certainly curious, certainly more open to life and experience. ALL Value Stations develop, grow, extend into the next paradigm... Yellow develops too.

Note that I am not always here... I wish! While I understand it - it requires not-understanding; while I have experienced it - it initially requires not trying to make it happen [i.e. BEing]. But still I try and not-try, I stay a while, then lose it... as I let go it returns... and as time passes I get better at letting go! Not trying, not wishing, just being... in the flow of the moment. There ARE techniques to move into flow at will.

Late 2011: I am BURNING in the mire of depression and disillusionment [again]. Funny thing though: I watch myself melting down. I watch thinking disappear. I feel intensely! I don't know who I am - is this good??? Here we go again! Late 2012: from the chrysalis, I emerged and immediately went into another - huh! Contiguous transformation - hope keeps me going? What a BIG universe we live in!

There is a page dedicated to PCVJ for school-age children - here is the kid's view of Yellow - hmmm A Kids Version

Yellows are human:

While this might look and sound like Yellows have 'got it all together', they are human and on a human journey of learning within their chosen paradigm (remember the Maslow hierarchy in each Value Station). It won't be necessarily easy initially. You may be 'alone'. You may tread on toes that you wouldn't before. For example, you might have, say, selfish people in your life. You will act differently with a larger perspective of where you, they, and the world is going and your 'friend' will not be able to adjust and drift away. This is no different for any Value Station except YOU are not choosing them to 'go', they are the ones that may not handle the new you. In the earlier stations, you prefer and actively promote to stay within your own Value Station. There is a reinforcing 'thinking pattern' for all Stations (remember: limiting beliefs) until you are at the Beta stage - the time of decision making for your life. Yellows choose to choose often. Meta-learning?

There are further Values Stations - rare so far & not [obviously] fitting in the economic/business paradigm needs focused on here!

Global worldview:

Yellows may not quite be whole-earth-centric yet... not quite macro in the largest sense... but they are building that capability. Yellows do take what most people would consider a macro view of the world, but Yellows evolve too. To me, they would probably be called 'humanistic' in perspective, especially initially; the rest of the planet [nature?] WILL come into their consideration. Maybe... or maybe that's next...


An African perspective? "Ubuntu bulamu"...

Healthy personhood where we exist only in relationship with our surroundings


Ethics & Leadership:

Each Value Station has its view of ethics and its 'rightness'. Dave has written (2008) a paper on Leadership Ethics - academic stuff getting into the public domain being as fast as it is <cough>, I will [hope to?] get it comprehensively written up here eventually.

We will be discussing the progression of ethical stances and their relationship to leadership and the PCVJ. Meanwhile, read up on Ethics & the Synergy Star, a practical tool for ethical dilemmas. We will disassemble this chart to understand what it's saying as we go along... Simply, below the dependency ravine, we get right-based ethical stances; above are stances based on consequentialism; then, in the area of interdependence [RHS of chart], more holistic stances emerge.


The so-called business & ethical dimensions [next] - ALL are ethical but it depends on where you are looking from. Reread the previous diagram.

Conflict arises if EITHER ['logical OR'] person/group believe they are the 'right' ones. The arrows come together in Yellow - suggesting that the Yellow's synergy & conflict resolution approaches[see Synergy Star, BESS] can be used to find the 'logical AND' positions to suit both dimensions.


I like this bit too... so much to write!

After considering the Ethical Orientation diagram, you may be able to understand WHY the Business dimensions and the so-called Ethical Dimension are often at loggerheads. The former is about procuring 'outcomes', the latter about protecting 'rights'. BOTH are necessary and so the Synergy Star provides a creative and pragmatic way to resolve those differences in perspective. The so-called 'ethical dimensions' is called thus since most moral codes & laws seem to be based on the absolutist concept of right-wrong [cf. religion/law]. While conceptual national goals [e.g. constitutions & policy] are less rigid & more a guideline/vision, the implementation is via absolutist techniques, especially at bureaucratic [fed, state, & local .gov] levels possibly to make 'enforcement' simplified &/or automatic - interpretation is [seems] less important at this juncture. The courts, though law-driven, tend to be interpretive, thus less absolutist. I'm glad we have the separation of powers in Australia though we are increasingly rule-driven & engaging the presumption of guilt... a recipe for an UNcompromising conflict. Strange that Blues consider that compromise is their driver, yet their outcome is lack of compromise... some feedback loops missing, methinks. The inevitable dysfunction of one-sidedness.

Ethical Egoism:

A raw & unpredictable state of [self-interest] ethics


Conforming to the mores [duty, rules, laws, belonging to the group, & claiming principles] is characteristic of this stance. As is fairness & social contract.


Outcome-orientated [I/WE, i.e. for self & one's team/company] & somewhat unpredictable. Regression to either Red [egoism] or Blue [objectivism]

Ethical Altruism:

Obligation drives this stance often without concern for self. Tendency to idealism so care needed to maintain reality checks and momentum.

Virtue Ethics:

A flexible approach by finding fundamental principles in use at the time and navigating towards a pragmatic win-win. Living a virtuous life to develop 'character' and to achieve happiness [for all].

Regarding negotiation, each Value Station has its mindset, as follows...

This chart on how the different VS negotiate has fairly common perspectives to the Competing Values Framework [Quinn & Rorbaugh 1983].

  • Compromise [Blue] is the 'control' or hierarchical culture [in CVF]; 50:50 outcomes expected

  • Compete [market] is the same, though the PCVJ includes a 'less sophisticated/aggressive' way [I win: you lose] of competing which precedes the Compromise;

  • Accommodate in the PCVJ is the CVF's Clan [called also Collaborate] view; and

  • Collaborate in the PCVJ is equivalent to the Adhocracy [or Create] 100:100 outcomes [win:win] sought. Note that this is NOT compromise [i.e. less each, but what we each want 100% - required high creativity]

The last two use 'collaborate' differently!

Seemingly away from ethics for a bit...

Look at my choices - a story about Yellow: (note to self: may have to move this anecdote to Personal Journeys)

This is a snippet leading to another description of Yellow.

I spent many (recent) years teaching undergrads at Uni [and in 2012, just returned] and, through that time, I began to recognize past teachers that had challenged MY boundaries, drawn ME out, influenced my DIRECTION. One of the first was my mother who herself was lost and 'stuck' in her life... stuck as a power broker and power user, a Red, a queen in her world and she loved it because it was ALL she knew (and she was at her top - others feared her).

I recall that in my mid teens, she asked me about an advertisement in the local paper - an ad that promised to explain life and to offer a way forward, to question. She did not take the step; years later, I did - I began MY quest to NOT be stuck like her. Interestingly, I was 'stuck' in a 'NOT' attitude for decades. Aha, as you read more on the Value Stations, think on it... this could be a rebellious (Red) or black and white (Blue) thinking pattern - I was unwittingly both - under that Absolutist (or thinking) Divide. There were also two teachers at high school and one superb boss a few years later who influenced me subtly (another story there). A tautology? Influence IS subtle, isn't it!

I thought I was free or getting free - many (painful) life lessons later... and some education... and some subtle guidance... and some courage and determination... I am now far more free than I thought even existed back then. Freedom and influence was the dream that I chased, then caught, and passed in the darkest of nights, especially my 'Long Dark Night of the Soul' mindshift time. Looking at the PCVJ chart, freedom is along the vertical axis... onwards and upwards. Education (hence, mostly thinking capacity/ability) moved me along the horizontal axis. The compassionate/considerate aspect was slow & hard won through emotional pain.

This Yellow in me was only suddenly obvious to me when I started teaching System's Design at uni (btw: I didn't know about Yellows then). I had been in business for a few decades earlier and been a techie as well for quite a while, and was regularly designing something or other - my natural engineer in action [I'd spent several years previous studying civil/mech engineering] also but 'dropped out' after 3 years <duh>. I hadn't really given my perspective much thought until I had to teach undergrads to think and act like me... I had a challenge since most of the students were techies/nerds, like I used to be... However, systems thinking required a bigger perspective, NOT just the technology (which was their main/only interest). I had to drag them kicking and screaming... well, outmanoeuvre their blockages to learning outside their belief systems - many didn't make the shift. I was a sweet feeling when some 'got it'. In hindsight, I was working hard to influence the students to mix - people and business with their love of technology. I found it exciting/ challenging/ difficult/ frustrating and worthwhile teaching 'systems' (until the Blue bureaucracy got to me). I found de Bono's six thinking hats very useful then to get Nerds to 'role play' as that seemed acceptable to them to get them out of their own perspective - more tools available now.

I now know that there is ALWAYS more to learn, more than I can imagine (sounds absolutist)...! Why do I believe that... because I now believe (hmmm, circular argument)... I've spent my life trying to know but the more I know, the more I know there's even more than I can fathom to know. So I just believe (a concept of faith, not easy for me) and I move forward when I can.

Yellow is a challenge to describe... Yellow is complex and simple... chameleon-like but constant... humorous and deadly serious... They have the ability to 'be' like all previous stations. I can't say that I can do that all of the time but, hey, I'm evolving too into the chaos.

Look at Dr Dave's research - in this mobile and ever-changing world, the intuitive chaos management skills emerge in Yellow. Yellow is the world of transformational leadership - the world of subtle influence - the butterfly effect - the power of one.

Perhaps Dr Robinson's Da Wei Laws will clarify... It is 'Big Picture' stuff and beyond just-thinking as I hope you see the more esoteric aspects now emerge in the writings - beyond just psychology and explaining thinking and behaviour - now reaching for a holistic understanding of humanity (some even call it spirituality, but I won't write that here... yet, oops!) - towards developing a more intuitive navigation of the world and experiencing as you learn.

Consider this from Arthur M. Young 'Has There Ever Been a Paradigm Shift?'

Suppose I were to present a plate of food to a child to eat, and the child were to turn the plate upside down, spilling the contents about, and proceed to separate it into different ingredients -- to count the peas, etc. We have been given this marvelous world to experience, but science prefers to analyze it -- a worthy undertaking, but it becomes absurd if the food is not eaten. Analysis may be food for science, but this doesn't mean that the eating of the food should not be included in the theory.

So this is my main thesis. Science describes and analyzes the world, finds out the laws of its behavior, but it never occurs to theoretical science that the law of cause and effect can be applied and used for our own benefit -- communication, transportation, all machines -- using the laws of nature to increase our freedom.

This cannot be dismissed as mere application and anthropomorphic, because all life does the same. Plants control their metabolism to achieve growth and reproduction; animals learn mobility and are able to achieve short-term goals (including some long-term goals such as migration). This is not just technology; it is the basis of life.

...and elsewhere: Only by giving up the desire for perfect order will science find the doorways to a true science of life.

(Does this suggest perhaps intuitive navigation of life as a way forward for humanity.

i.e. knowledge & experience, plus recognizing one's emotion, plus action to satisfy the big picture? Does to me! [try reading some E.I. stuff - Salovey &/or Goleman]. mg)

Though getting to Yellow (and beyond) is perhaps not to be considered enlightenment,

I feel there is a similarity in the process to the Zen definition of Satori:

A jet black iron ball speeding through the dark night. mg


I now glimpse the edge 'past Yellow'... the edge of not me... just us! I must flow through chaos and meld into humanity.

Yellows, having arrived here and knowing what you know, what you have experienced, what you now can sense... read these bone jarring pages [to some] on Beyond Ethics and Global Values: The Crisis for an idea where human constructs need to go [to find that balance - sustainability]...


In light of knowledge attained, the happy achievement seems almost a matter of course, and any intelligent student can grasp it without too much trouble.

But the years of anxious searching in the dark, with their intense longing, their alterations of confidence and exhaustion and the final emergence into the light

- only those who have experienced it can understand it.

Albert Einstein


At this point, this is good reading:

van Wyk, CP 2002 Complexity-ethics and the Challenges of Morality in the Emerging South Africa. ‘Deon-Telos’, the Emerging Ethical Child

The Yellow paradigm, by my reckoning, is the Deon-Telos. If you want more a spiritual-focussed perspective, read Spiral Dynamics Integral or the philosopher, Ken Wilber and others. You could investigate the writings on Holons too - all helpful - all fit.

also recall another suggestion towards a Yellow existence - all things are connected:

Goddard, Jennifer; Tony Buzan; Jorge Castaneda (2012) The Most Important Graph in the World...and How it Will Change Your Life! (Kindle Location 1436). Proactive Press. Kindle Edition.

2012: As I prepare to delve into a Doctorate on leadership [transformational or beyond] and change [2nd Order/chaos], I discovered the above text to improve my reading speed and comprehension... and there was SOOOO much more in it than I sought - nice AND useful to my study! [2013: decided NOT to pursue it, sorry Dave! I 'feel' more useful doing what I am doing 8-D ]



The Light Tetrad

added 2022:

LT detail

Remember that the inverse of the Light Tetrad is the Dark Tetrad. Each is made of four Triads

The Integrating Triad

Obviously [I hope], this is the centre Triad representing the Yellow mindset and its interactions with the other paradigms.