
When the sun rises, darkness as well as the troubles arising from it disappear. Similarly, for those who have realised the Atma, there is no longer any bondage, nor the sorrow arising from the bondage. Delusion comes only to those who forget their bearings: egoism is the greatest factor in making people forget their very basic Truth. Once egoism enters man, he slips from the ideal and precipitates himself from the top of the stairs in quick falls from step to step, down to the very bottom floor. Egoism breeds schisms, hatreds and attachments. Through attachment and affection, and even envy and hatred, one plunges into activity and gets immersed in the world. This leads to embodiment in the physical frame and further egoism. In order to become free from the twin pulls of pleasure and pain, one must rid oneself of body-consciousness and keep clear of self-centred actions. This again involves the absence of attachment and hatred; desire is the enemy number one of Liberation, or Moksha. Desire binds one to the wheel of birth and death; it brings about endless worries and tribulations.




Reference: Jnana Vahini - Chapter 1