Vahini Introduction


“When you turn over the pages, you are actually sitting at the Feet of Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba, the Avathar of the Age, come in answer to the prayers of Sadhus and Sadhakas to guide them and grant them Peace and Perfection. "Place all your burdens on Me", He says. "Start on the spiritual pilgrimage this very day", He exhorts. "Why fear, when I am here?" He asks. His Grace is Omnipresent; His miraculous powers proclaim His Omnipotence. His wisdom, His analysis of the ills of Humanity and His prescriptions for their  

cure reveal His Omniscience. “ - Sri Kasturi


Vahinis are the most comprehensive streams of spiritual knowledge that Bhagavan Sri Sathya Saibaba has showered on the entire mankind for the purpose of  transforming them in to divine. His divine  grace is embedded in each word of Vahinis. Those who read and practice will certainly be lead in the right direction of realizing their spiritual goal.