Part 2:  Application of “Actions” Knowledge to Daily Life Situations

Seven different life situations are described in this section. 


1.     How to initiate only good actions and avoid initiating bad actions

Swamy suggested 3 the following method to be adopted whenever you are initiating any action.


Pause and think of the following three questions:


Q1: Is this desired action going hurt any body?

A: Yes or No.  Proceed to the next question.


Q2: Is this desired action going to hurt me?

A: Yes or No. Proceed to the next question.

(Remember Swamy’s words - too much pleasure is as bad as too much suffering – it will hurt you – Example:  If I watch too many movies does it hurt me? probably yes. It is too much pleasure.)


Q3: If answer to any of the above questions is "Yes"?

A: Do not do it. Else proceed.


The technique is to follow human values in thought, word and deed – there by we achieve good results from our actions. Remember Swamy’s quotation “Love in thought is Peace”. Love here is towards God. Hence if we do our thinking with Love towards God and at the same time Fear towards Sin (Daiva Preeti and Papa Bheeti), than our actions will get purified in to good actions.

2.     How to react to others bad actions

It is important to remember that spiritual aspirant reflects high amount of positive energy, courage and strength in any action under all circumstance in all three aspects - Thought, word or deed. This same strength needs to be reflected in our actions when we are reacting to others bad actions. An action is called a bad action if it is bad in thought, word or deed in any combination.


If others actions are hurting your body, the very first thing is you should protect your body without hurting the other person. Note that we should resolve not to hurt the other person and protect your body at the same time. This needs presence of mind which we get by peace. We have our basic duty to protect our body – as we need it fit to do our spiritual practice which is the sole goal in the life of a spiritual aspirant. Also, we have our responsibility to protect our body for the sake of those who are dependant on us for their livelihood.


If some one is hurting you with bad words or infusing you with bad thoughts, you have responsibility to communicate to that person to stop that action and move out of that situation. This is to protect to your peace. Remember peace is essential for you to do your spiritual practice. No spiritual results can be achieved without peace. Peace is a state in which a person is without Kama and Krodha. Peace of a person should be equally reflected in all three aspects - thought, word and deed.


In any bad action situation, the golden rule is “Silence, Silence, and Silence”. This means silence in thought, silence in word and silence in deed. This is called “Mounamu”. We should reflect Udaseenatha (being unruffled by anything) on the person who is performing bad action on us. This means our actions must be performed in a spirit of selfless service. So, when a person is in a situation to react to others bad actions using “Mounamu” we can regain our peace immediately. Once we regain peace, we gain everything to continue our spiritual practice. One more important point for all the spiritual aspirants to should follow is “Titiksha”. This is the attitude of forbearance, which refuses to be affected or pained when afflicted with sorrow and loss, and the ingratitude and wickedness of others. One does not retaliate nor does he wish ill for them.


Swamy says spiritual aspirants should always be courageous.

“Live in absolute conviction that you are the Atma. The Atma sees through the eyes, hears through the ears, handles through the fingers and moves through the feet. That is the basic ‘You’. That ‘You’ is not elated by praise or deflated by blame. As long as you are overcome with fear and anxiety, you will not be able to accomplish anything. Be courageous! Know that you are the Atma, not this body; then you will be without fear. God can help you achieve great things, but only if you base your actions on true knowledge and remain fearless”.


 Shirdi Sai Baba says10 "Unless there is some relationship or connection, nobody goes anywhere. If any men or creatures come to you, do not discourteously drive them away, but receive them well and treat them with due respect. God will be certainly pleased, if you give water to the thirsty, bread to the hungry, clothes to the needy, and your verandah to strangers for sitting and resting. If anybody wants any money from you, and you are not inclined to give, do not give, but do not bark at him, like a dog. Let anybody speak hundreds of things against you, do not resent by giving any bitter reply. If you always tolerate such things, you will certainly be happy”

3.     How to analyze any bad action of yours

We should analyze any bad action of yours that did hurt others or you in all three aspects - thought, word or deed. Based on the analysis, you should resolve not to do that action in that manner again and make all efforts to convert similar situation in to a good action in future.


This analysis follows the process of answering the four questions


Q1:  Did I pause and took time to reflect on what I was about to do.

A: Yes or No.  


Q2: Did I do wrong in my thought?

A: Yes or No


Q3: Did I do wrong communication (word or body language).

A: Yes or No


Q4: Did I do wrong in my “deed”?

A: Yes or No

Based on the answers to above questions - identify the following:

Ø     What you should not do again

Ø     How you should be doing differently to make it a good action if you were to do the similar action again in future.

4.     About analyzing bad action of others 

6One cannot analyze other persons’ intentions, ideas and imaginations in a complete manner. It is not possible. One should analyze themselves and establish their own defined path. This process is very essential for leading a blossomed life”


Note that analyzing others bad actions may not be of much use to you as an individual. This is because you do not have any control over other person’s thought, word or deed. Your control is only on your actions. Also, when you start thinking about others bad actions, bad habits, sins etc., you are showing interest and unknowingly taking part of them mentally. This will lead to lose of peace for you in your thought, word or deed. Once you lose peace, it will be difficult to pursue spiritual practice.  Hence staying away from analyzing others bad actions will help you to keep your peace intact.

5.     How to influence others to do good actions

Remember that all effort you put to teach some one to do good actions will be futile until you practice yourself and reflect the positive results of good actions on them. Hence, your practice should reflect in doing good actions in every situation – i.e. when you are initiating an action or when you are reacting to an action.

6.     Actions that we should avoid under all circumstances

Everyone should make their best effort to avoid the following under all circumstances.


Manu Dharma Shastra states the following 5:

“Let him not, even though in pain, (speak words) cutting (others) to the quick; let him not injure others in thought or deed; let him not utter speeches which make (others) afraid of him, since that will prevent him from gaining heaven.


For he who is scorned (nevertheless may) sleep with an easy mind, awake with an easy mind, and with an easy mind walk here among men; but the scorner utterly perishes”


Shirdi Saibaba’s advice regarding our behavior  10:

“Once it so happened that a Bhakta of Sai Baba, reviled another behind his back, before other people. On leaving aside merits, he dwelt on the faults of his brother, and spoke so sarcastically, that the hearers were disgusted.


Sai Baba had his own method of correcting the scandal-monger. He knew by his omniscience what the slanderer had done and when He met him at noon near the Lendi, Sai Baba pointed out to him a pig that was eating filth near the fence and said to him - "Behold how, with what relish it is gorging dung. Your conduct is similar. You go on reviling your own brethren to your heart's content. After performing many deeds of merit, you are born a man, and if you act like this, will Shirdi help you in any way?" Needless to say, that the Bhakta took the lesson to his heart, and went away”.

7.     Actions by Jnani (Jnana Karma)

Jnani is the one who is experiencing the divine bliss. Any action performed by Jnani does not come in to the purview of any of the above mentioned categories as they are initiated at the will of God. It is important to note that Jnani’s are always engaged in thought (action) of God. Some ignorant people  are unaware of this aspect of Jnani’s continuous stream of thought with God.  Due to this ignorance, some people conclude that not doing any action (thought, word or deed) is good for them. This is Adharma1. Also, some people try to imitate Jnani’s actions without understanding the essential need of practicing continuous stream of thought with God. Those ignorant people do not gain anything except laziness.  Jnani’s silence in word and deed gives spiritual strength to him and peace to others. Where as,  Lazy man’s silence in word and deed makes him weak and distracts others.

Swamy Vivekananda says “Strength is Life -- Weakness is Death”


Shirdi Sai Satcharita10:

“Baba went on giving instructions whenever necessary. If these are borne in our minds and acted upon, the spiritual goal (realization) is not far off. There is a proverb which says - "If there be my God, He will feed me on my cot." This proverb is only true in respect of food and clothing, but if anyone trusting in this, sits quiet and does nothing in spiritual matters, he will be ruined. One has to exert himself to his utmost for attaining self-realization. The more he endeavours, the better for him”


Note that one has to strive to achieve spiritual goal. God’s grace will shower when he practices his message and instructions.


Always remember to practice the following message of Swamy in all the situations of daily life:


Love in Thought is Peace

Love in Word is Truth

Love in Action is Righteousness

Love in understanding is Nonviolence


“Before you do anything pause. Take time and reflect on what you are about to do


Note that when you pause, ensure that you think in peace, speak only truth and act always righteously. All our actions get purified only when we do them with love towards God.