SOP School Education 2020-21 download
8th class academic calender for 2020-21
For Primary schools download
For High schools download
Reduction Syllabus 3 to 8 Classes
Modifications in the Academic calendar for High Schools (revised workload) download
Learning out comes I to VIII classes download
proforma for SSC Duplicate download
Verification Procedure of SSC Certificate download
SSC memorandum of Marks from March 2004 (Duplicate SSC Certificate)
NCERT solutions for Class 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 & 12
NCERT solutions for 9th to 12th class (CBSE syllabus)
Vedio lessons from classes I and VI to X clickhere
Assignments & Projects VI - IX Classes ( Languages )
Assignments & Projects VI - IX Classes ( Non-Languages )
X class all Subjects Blue Print and Model Papers
SA3 Mathematics Model Papers
SA3 Composite Telugu Model Papers
Implementation of Examination Reforms for Classes VI to IX from the Academic year 2015-16 and for class X from the Academic Year 2016-17 download GO 82
Examination Reforms for Classes VI to IX from the Academic year 2015-16 and for class X from the Academic Year 2016-17 Amendment Orders to GOMS 82 download GOMS 41
Examination Reforms for Classes VI to X certain guidelines RC No.3 dt 16-7-2016 download
Text Books of Andhra Pradesh (by APSCERT) for 10th class in Telugu,English,Urdu Mediums.
E-Text Books for 1st to 12th class (CBSE syllabus)