Leadership 2024

Michael Ward, President

The mountains have always been where I want to be. In the winter I love skiing, and in the summer it’s mountain biking and rivers. I first got into water sports in 2011 during the insane water year. My very first kayak trip was the muddy creek in the San Rafael Swell. I did a few more rivers that year, but really didn’t have anyone to paddle with. I started paddling again in 2017, first with an inflatable tandem kayak, next with a raft, then a pack raft, and now a hard-shell kayak. The UWC has introduced me to may great people that have the same passion as I do. My two seasons with the UWC has been awesome. My favorite trips have been the Payettes and Hagerman. Being with my family and on the river is where I find some of my greatest joy.

Kevin O'Reilly, Vice President

My paddling began in 2021 on the Ogden and Weber rivers. Finding and joining the UWC has transformed my paddling, taken me to some of the most amazing places, and has given me some of my closest friendships. I enjoy paddling cold water, mentoring and sharing paddling with others. I look forward to giving back to the UWC and joining you all on the river!

Dave Timm, Treasurer

Dave has been a UWC member since 2018. He started paddling as a youth in the mid-west, canoeing, fishing and doing multi-day canoe camping trips with his dad. He started white water boating while living in Eastern TN in 1996 and loves kayaking, rafting and canoeing. His favorite rivers include the Arkansas, Fall, Gallatin, Lochsa, Payette, Salmon, Tellico and White Salmon. 

Noah West, Secretary

I’m originally from Northwest Arkansas, where I grew up canoeing on lakes and rivers. My wife and I moved to Salt Lake in 2020, and that summer, I went on a trip down sections A/B/C of the Green River. That was my first experience paddling in Utah, and I immediately appreciated what the river has to offer. I bought my first pack raft the following summer and have been delving into deeper whitewater ever since. I’m looking forward to a great year with the Utah Whitewater Club and hope to see you on the river! 

Kyle Berger, Board Member

Hello all. I am an outdoor enthusiast! I love camping, climbing, fly fishing, traveling in my van and especially kayaking! I have a passion for this sport I can't begin to describe and the club is an amazing place to learn, grow and make great friendships!   

Martin Myers, Board Member

At 4 years old I climbed the fence and explored the neighborhood. The “neighborhood” continually expanded, and so have the methods of exploring to include multiple ways of backcountry travel.


I got into kayaking a few years ago pre-winter. Since I was going to be wet anyway, it seemed fitting to be in the water.


As a recent transplant, I am glad to have found the Utah Whitewater Club, so I have safe and fun folks to paddle with, and increase my skills. I look forward to this coming year and serving the whitewater community.

Clare Meysenburg, Board Member

I grew up in Iowa where I fell in love with paddling while canoeing rivers with my family.  After moving to Utah, I learned to WW kayak in the late 1990’s, mostly learning though Utah Whitewater Club activities.  When kids came along I left boating aside until last year when I decided to try it again.  Thanks to meeting folks in the UWC I am back in the game!  Although my skill level is still beginner/intermediate, I look forward to helping create great activities for everyone in the club.  I am interested in helping beginners (including my teenagers) get into WW kayaking, such as finding more pool session availability in the winter and offering flat water practice sessions. See you on the water!