Why Join J-WIT

People Who Build Technology Should Represent The People Who Use It

Although women today comprise half the world’s population and more than half of the U.S. professional workforce, they play only a small role in inventing the technology of tomorrow. The lack of girls and women in computing and technology represents a failure to capitalize on the benefits of diverse perspectives: in a world dependent on innovation, it can bring the best and broadest problem-solvers to the table; and at a time when technology drives economic growth, it can yield a larger and more competitive workforce.

We Are a Community

NCWIT Alliance member institutions tap into a learning community infrastructure that encourages reform across the full education and career spectrum. Together, we can make more progress than if each organization acted alone.

We Provide Evidence

NCWIT research-based resources build capacity for people to implement change, raise awareness, and reach out to critical populations. NCWIT provides a wide range of multimedia resources for reform at every level that are attractive, easy-to-use, and free.

We Take Action

NCWIT unites the computing community with an amplified voice for the increased participation of all groups. NCWITprograms and campaigns support policy reform in K-12 computing education, improve the visibility of women in computing, encourage high school girls to pursue a computing career, shine a spotlight on the successes of entrepreneurial women, and more.

