About us

Purpose of J-WIT

J-WIT was created for the purpose of and is dedicated to:

1.   Increased recruitment and retention of women in computing at all educational levels (K-12, undergraduate, graduate, and profession).

2. Improving the educational and learning environment for women in the computing fields.

3. Providing communication between students, faculty, and professional women in the computing fields.

4.  An increased knowledge of the contributions of women in the


J-WIT serves all interested persons at the University of South Alabama and the Mobile, Alabama area.  Membership is open to all interested USA Students and Faculty, male and female. 

The School of Computing is an affilitate member of of NCWIT.  The alliance with NCWIT provides funding, scholarships, research and mentoring opportunities to JWIT members.



 * From our Organiztional By Laws

The Mission of the NCWIT


The National Center for Women & Information Technology is a non-profit community of more than 300 prominent corporations, academic institutions, government agencies, and non-profits working to increase women's participation in technology and computing. NCWIT helps organizations recruit, retain, and advance women from K-12 and higher education through industry and entrepreneurial careers by providing community, evidence, and action.

