
Reading, writing, and communicating scientific ideas in a variety of forms is an important part of science teaching and learning.

Begin by reading this overview on Literacy in Science. Then watch these two videos for ideas on paraphrasing and summarizing.

You can access resources associated with the paraphrasing lesson (checklist, lesson template, etc.) at Integrating Literacy Strategies Into Science Instruction: Paraphrasing.

You can access resources associated with the summarizing lesson (checklist, lesson template, etc.) at Integrating Literacy Strategies Into Science Instruction: Summarizing.

Once students have completed an investigation or activity in science, they need to be able to share their ideas in writing. Watch this video on writing a scientific explanation.

You can access resources associated with the explanation lesson (checklist, lesson template, etc.) at Integrating Literacy Strategies Into Science Instruction: Writing a Scientific Explanation Using the Explanation Tool.

Below you will find some additional resources related to literacy in the science classroom.

Integrating Literacy Strategies Into Science Instruction

ReadWriteThink Lesson Plan: Using Science Texts to Teach the Organizational Features of Nonfiction

Primary Students and Informational Text (Article also attached below.)

10 Steps to Better Writing in Science

Writing Across the Curriculum: Science

Engaging Students Through Writing: The Case of a Science Class

Writing in Science: Baltimore County Public Schools

How Does My Garden Grow? Writing in Science Field Journals (Lesson Plan)