Site Visits

1. Field Visit to Water Level Sensor locations: November 30, 2018

The team members from IISc and Spatika visited to the sensor locations in the Bangalore city on 30th November, 2018. The sites that were visited are inlet to Arekere, outlet of Madiwala kere, outlet of Hulimavu kere, inlet to Hulimavu kere and finally Gottigere kere. The crew visited the sensor locations to analyse the current scenario of the existing sensor locations at the drainage system, to assess the condition of the sensors located in Hulimavu and Madiwala catchments and to examine the flow condition in the existing drainage channels and the locations of sewer flow to the drainage systems.


  1. IISC: Ms. Ila Chawla, Mr. Kannenganti Bhargav Kumar, Ms. Aisha Sharma, Mr. Tom K Thomas, Ms. Claris Ann Thomas, Ms. Greeshma Gireesh

  2. Spatika Information Technologies: Mr. Murali and Mr. Vishal

2. Field visit for Water Level Sensor installation : July 25, 2019

The team members from IISc and Spatika went to the installation of the water level sensor near silk board, Bangalore (KC Valley) on 25th July 2019. The water level sensor was installed along the drain K200 with existing water level of 3.88 m, bed level of 4.22 m and corresponding the width of the drain is 8.2m.


  1. IISC: Mr. Thappetta Suresh Kumar , Ms. Aisha Sharma, Mr. Tom K Thomas and Ms. Claris Ann Thomas

  2. Spatika Information Technologies: Mr. Murali and Mr. Vishal

3. Field visit to Hulimavu lake breach : November 26, 2019

The team members from IISc, KSNDMC and ENZEN Global solutions visited to Hulimavu lake to analyse the loss and extent of breach on 26th November 2019. The services of ENZEN Global Solutions were used for the drone survey to understand the extent of inundation, to assess the path of breach and to map the drain d/s of the breach precisely. The drone survey helped in understanding the current status of channel connecting the Hulimavu lake with the downstream Madiwala lake and this information will be useful for designing flood management and mitigation strategies.
