Leire Fete

Summer Events at Claybrooke ChurchClaybrooke Church

Shaped by God Together: January 2022

In October 2021 our Diocesan Synod agreed the new minister communities framework for our diocese. This means that we will all be going through change as we move into the new way of working. But for many it may feel like very little is happening or changing right away…. The decision was made and then we all went back to our daily church business. However this is a journey that we will all take and by 2026 we hope that new framework will be fully implemented across the diocese. But this will happen differently for each area and context in each local area.

Watch the video: Our Journey into Minster Communities by clicking here.

Churches in the Benefice and Private Prayer 

Churches in the Benefice of the Upper Soar

OPEN for Private Prayer

Dunton Bassett, Leire, Ashby Parva, Wibtoft and Claybrooke Parva - Daily (10-4pm)

Frolesworth by appointment (01455 202626 or 01455 209291)

We welcome you back to enjoy some peace and quiet contemplation.


We have retained some Covid precautions for the safety of all visiting our churches.  Please sanitise your hands on entering the church. 



There is a new Prayer Request email address: soaringprayer@gmail.com

If you would like a specific prayer offered at one of the times of daily prayer then please email Sr Liz at the above email address. You may also like to light a candle yourself on the Church of England website: See link below:



National Church - Sunday Worship live

There will be a streamed service at 9am this Sunday.

Click here to watch the service live: https://www.churchofengland.org/…/virtual-…/virtual-services


Sunday Worship on the TV and Radio

BBC 1 - 1.15 Songs of Praise

Radio 3 - 3pm Choral Evensong


Help Available:

St Peter’s Church, Claybrooke is setting up a network to offer support for anyone seeking help with shopping or a friendly voice on the phone etc. Please contact in the first instance:

Mrs Pat Hancock on 01455 202581 or 07891 511026.

Also Claybrooke Magna and Claybrooke Parva Parish Councils has offered help via Mrs Patricia Nunn, Parish Council Clerk on 07926 202967 or email clerk.claybrookemagnapc@gmail.com

Ullesthorpe has a volunteer network organised by road http://ullesthorpe.org/coronavirus/volunteer-network/

Click on the road name for the volunteer information who are willing to do shopping, collect prescriptions, post mail etc.

Assistance network in place in Frolesworth for anyone who is having difficulty getting supplies or needing support.  If you need any assistance please do not hesitate to get in touch either via the Whats App group or indeed to Carol on frolesworthparishclerk@outlook.com or myself at frolesworthparish@outlook.com or mobile number 07800 709898.  We have volunteers who can shop or get essential supplies if you are having difficulty getting out.  Please do not hesitate to call for help if you need it.

Sr Liz is also available for a friendly telephone call for anyone feeling isolated or lonely or just needing a friendly voice, across all the villages of Ashby Parva, Claybrooke Parva, Claybrooke Magna, Dunton Bassett, Frolesworth, Leire, Ullesthorpe and Wibtoft. Tel: 01455 202935. Please do get in touch if you need any assistance.


Morning Prayer 

In person morning prayer:

St Anne's Almshouse Chapel, Frolesworth on a Thursday Morning at 9am, when possible. 

All Saints Church DUnton Bassett on a Friday Morning 9am.

Live Streamed morning Prayer on Facebook

This will be streamed daily when possible on Tuesday and Wednesday at 9am and will be available on the Upper Soar Facebook page. https://www.facebook.com/uppersoar/

I do hope you will find this a way of worshipping together. The Church of England Daily Prayer App is a free Download on both Apple and Android and is free to use when connected to Wi-fi. If using a mobile and no Wi-fi then for £2.99 you can subscribe for a year and use the app off line.


Pray as you Stay - App

For those of you familiar with the Pray as you go App there is now a new version called Pray as you Stay  for these new circumstances in which we find ourselves.  Each day a short reflection is offered. Go to the Pray as you go website and find the section Pray as you stay. https://pray-as-you-go.org

The App can be downloaded on both Android and Apple. I hope you find the daily reflections helpful.


This Time to Pray App is now Free - downloadable for both Apple and Android devices -
