What We Do

The PAC’s activities are organized and run entirely by parent volunteers. Activities and fundraising goals are discussed and decided on at PAC meetings, which are held about once a month during the school year. If you would like to discuss our existing activities and events, or have an idea for a new one, we’d love to hear from you at universityhighlands.pac@burnabyschools.ca.

Representing Parents

The UHE PAC is the representative group for parents & guardians of children who attend UHE. The PAC promotes the education and welfare of children in the school, encourages parent involvement, assists parents in obtaining information, and provides advice to the school board, principal and staff on any matter relating to the school. If you have a question or issue you would like to discuss please get in touch with us by emailing universityhighlands.pac@burnabyschools.ca.

Roots2Grow Garden Program

Creator and instructor Pablo Vimos supports schoolyard gardening by bringing students out of the classroom and into the garden to learn about growing and caring for vegetables, as well as the natural world. Pablo is an ecologist with experience in urban organic agriculture, teaching school age children and youth to garden through hands-on experiences, and protecting urban habitats and wildlife. Growing food, planting flower beds and building insect habitats are ways to empower children as active players in environmental stewardship. This program includes five hands-on workshops for all students over the course of the school year as well as facilitating the upkeep of the school's garden in concert with the UHE student gardening club and parent volunteers. The workshop themes are:

Hot Lunch Program

In 2023/24 the PAC is offering parents the option of purchasing a hot lunch for their child on Tuesdays and Thursdays. A small portion of the price of each lunch is used to help fund the PAC's activities and fundraising goals. Read more...

School Safety

Parents on the Safety Committee meet with the Principal several times per year to discuss safety issues and planning. Contact the Principal if you are interested in participating. Over the years the PAC has also regularly contributed funds towards safety supplies for the school. 

Garden Committee

All parents are welcome to join the school's garden committee. No experience is needed! We take care of the school vegetable garden over the summer, and help with the school's flowerbeds throughout the year. Email highlands.garden@gmail.com for more information.

Student & Family Events

The PAC sponsors several events for students and their families during the school year. Past events have included pancake breakfasts, Halloween pumpkin carving, family movie nights, parent seminars, family picnics, dinners, dances, carnivals, community clean-ups, and the start-of-year parents welcome coffee.

School Field Trips and Arts Programming

Every year the PAC contributes significant funds towards school field trips and arts programs such as Hip Hop week.

School Equipment & Supplies

Over the years, PAC fundraising has helped to pay for audiovisual, computer, music and sports equipment for the school to enhance the students experience at UHE. We have contributed to fundraising for the school library. Every year, the PAC contributes significant funds towards supplemental classroom supplies. 

Alumni Scholarship

Each spring the PAC offers a scholarship to a student graduating from Burnaby Mountain Secondary School who previously attended UHE. Interested applicants should inquire at their high school. 

Please see the letter we received from the 2021 UHE Alumni Scholarship recipient below: