
Cobs Bread Dough Raiser

Every time you make a purchase from Cobs Bread in Kensington Square (141-6558 Hastings St), 5% is donated back to our PAC! 

How it Works: Whenever you shop at Cobs Bread in Kensington Square, simply mention to the sales assistant that you are a parent, teacher, or child from University Highlands Elementary School. The cashier will record our school and purchase details through their system and 5% of your purchase will be donated to the PAC. 

Make a Charitable Donation

Donations to UHE qualify for the charitable donation tax credit. Read more about how and why to make a donation here.

Year-Round Bottle Drive

When you return your deposit containers at a Return-It kiosk or Express location you can donate your deposits to UHE! The closest Return-It location is in the parking lot below the UniverCity Town Square. Print our bag labels at Nesters Market using the school's phone number (604-296-9036) as the account number. 

To open the kiosk door during drop off, text code to2i to 778-400-5253 to receive your Express & Go one-time PIN. 

Gonz Arratia Real Estate Program

Together with University Highlands Elementary PAC and Gonz Arratia Real Estate, we will raise funds for our school. Gonz donates 1% of his net income from his "UniverCity" business to the school PAC. Gonz is a father of three UHE students, and an active member of the community. 

tel: 778.926.3526. web: Email: