PTA Board's Message

Welcome back to all our returning families and a big WELCOME to UNIVERSITY HEIGHTS to all of our new students and their families. The PTA is excited to kick off our new school year! We have some great activities and programs planned for this year that we hope will educate and support our school students and staff, all while having some fun and helping to grow our school community. But we can be successful only if we work together, so here is how you can help!

1 - Join the PTA 

Please complete the attached form to join the PTA and/or sign up to receive our notifications. Don't forget to Like "UHPTA" on Facebook. Everyone who joins the PTA before the end of September will be entered for a chance to win a UHPTA Event VIP Package that will give your family free admission to all paid PTA events during the year and other perks!

2- Volunteer 

Please complete and return the attached form. You can volunteer your time at an event during the school day or after school, create a flyer for an event, or donate items. There are MANY ways that you can help make a difference, no matter what your schedule looks like!

3- Save the Date 

Please join us at our first meeting of the year in the library (see Membership flyer for time/date). Have a cup of coffee and some dessert, share your ideas, help us plan, meet other UH families, and hear important updates from the principal and staff! Please mark your calendars for all of our upcoming fall events. We hope to see you there!