
UMBC Club Tennis Ladder Rules:

This year we are doing a straight ranking system, no groups. When a higher seed loses the winner will replace that individual, and the loser moves downs down one spot. Everyone in between the players will also move down one spot. For example, if player #5 challenges player #1 and wins, then player #5 will take the #1 seed, player #1 will move down to the #2 seed and player #2 be bumped to the #3 seed, #3 to #4 etc. You are only allowed 1 challenge a week and if the challengee declines the challenge, it will be a default therefore counted as a LOSS unless you email me with a valid reason ( If the person you have challenged has already played a challenge match for that week it does NOT count as a default loss and you will have to challenge someone else. If the person you are challenging already has a match lined up or is planning on challenging someone themselves it does NOT count as a loss and you will have to challenge someone else. If you lose nothing happens. Once you have completed the match both you and your opponent must email me the score as well as names of who won and lost the match. Also, to make it fair, you can only challenge THREE spots above yourself. All scores must be emailed to me by 8 pm on Saturday. You may challenge on Sunday, but it will not count towards that week it will count towards the following week. I will send out an updated ladder to everyone every Monday. This is supposed to be a fun way to compete so please don’t lie about scores!

Ex. 1. John

2. Peter

3. Jason

4. Nick

5. Corey

- Corey beats John

- Nick beats Peter

New Rankings

    1. Corey
    2. Nick
    3. John
    4. Peter
    5. Jason

***As you can see, even though John and Peter both only lost one game they moved down two spots. For EVERY loss that a person of a higher rank suffers you move down one spot, it’s not just based on your loses.****

Ex. 1. John

2. Peter

3. Jason

4. Nick

5. Corey

-Corey beats Peter

-Nick beats Jason

New Rankings

    1. John
    2. Corey
    3. Peter
    4. Nick
    5. Jason

****Even though Nick beat the 3 seed he is seeded 4th because Corey beat a higher seed than him. This may happen to you so please don’t be alarmed if you are not seeded at the position of the person whom you have beat.****


-The challenger and challengee must coordinate and consent a mutual date and time

-Challenge matches will be best 2 out of 3 sets with ads or an 8 game pro set. You and your partner must come to a mutual agreement. If you challenge during practice you must play an 8 game pro set.

-Only 1 court will be available for challenge matches during practice, just FYI