Do I need to know how to play tennis?

No! We welcome all members from many skill levels, from beginner to advanced! However, we do have a competitive facet to our team that travels away to compete in dual matches and tournaments. Members who play in these competitive events have at least at least an intermediate skill level (preferably former high school players, or 3.0 and above NTRP level.)

What are the range of skill levels in the club?

Our members generally range in skill from ex-high school tennis players to ex-varsity players from UMBC. Most members have played in high school, however we do have many beginner-level members as well.

Where and when are practices?

Practices are held at the UMBC tennis courts, which are located beside the outdoor pool.

We practice Mondays - Thursdays, 7pm-9pm (weather dependent).

Do I have to provide my own equipment?

We provide tennis balls to use during practices. It is expected that all members dress appropriately and bring his/her own racket.

How is practice run?

The majority of practice consists of drills, match-play, and group games (such as "King of the Court" and "Rush-n-Crush"). And for beginners, we will have our officers on another court willing to help teach.

Is there a coach?

No. Our team is completely student run.

Do I get anything from joining the club? What are the perks?

Besides competing against other schools and improving your tennis skills, you get to become a part of an AWESOME, close-knit tennis team that are friends on and off the court. You'll also have tennis balls to use during every practice, tennis and fitness training by experienced tennis players, and get to participate in in-club tournaments and socials!

Is there a fee?

As with all club sports at UMBC, there will be a small membership fee of $40 (for the entire school year).

What's the time commitment?

We practice four times a week, Mondays - Thursdays (7pm-9pm). Practices are not mandatory, and members are encouraged to come as often as their schedules allow. With that being said, those who wish to participate in competitive events are expected to attend most practices.

What are some ways that I can support the club?

If you are kind enough to donate to the club, you can e-mail umbctennisclub@gmail.com for more information. Our team also holds fundraising events - so please come out and support us! Information on fundraisers will be posted in the Announcements and Schedule sections of this website. In addition, please donate to our GoFundMe page so that we are able to hold a successful school year! gofundme.com/umbc-club-tennis-letsgodawgs

How is the club funded?

All funding comes from donations, fundraisers, and club membership dues.

Is the club coed?


Any questions that we haven't answered? E-mail them to umbctennisclub@gmail.com. This page was last updated September 2019