
v1.12.2 (2009-06-27)

    • Linux Only

        • Feature: Indeterminate states for Advanced options indicating "don't force"

        • Feature: VSync option

        • Change: Messageboxes and file selection dialogs are now modal

        • Change: Use a newer file selection dialog

        • Change: Use icons and accelerators in menus where applicable

v1.12.1 (2009-05-08)

    • Windows Only

        • Fix: Options that modify psx.ini directly not working properly

v1.12 (2009-01-10)

    • Windows Only

        • Feature: "Detailed" and "Small Icon" views

        • Feature: Full screen resolution option (affects both PAL and NTSC options)

        • Feature: Indeterminate states for Advanced options indicating "don't force"

        • Feature: Some keyboard accelerators/shortcuts added

        • Feature: Standard shortcuts now extended to contain advanced options

        • Feature: VSync options (full screen and windowed)

        • Change: "List" view in Profiles list behaves like real "List" view

        • Change: Don't allow overwriting of profiles on rename

        • Change: In-listview profile renaming

        • Change: Monitor dection made (hopefully) be more future-proof

        • Change: Resizing frontend updates switches and profiles list more smoothly

        • Change: Stricter checks for custom resolution input

        • Fix: "Missing window" bug when closing on minimized state in Vista

v1.11 (2007-07-29)

    • Feature: Ability to use extra switches not already in switches list

    • Change: Minor tweaks

    • Linux Only

        • New: x64 build

        • Feature: Added the -f switch

        • Change: Expand '~' properly for paths

        • Change: Use ~/.pSX/ as the default settings directory

        • Remove: "Auto" from aspect ratio list (doesn't work in Linux anyway)

    • Windows Only

        • Change: Added Alcohol 120% images (MDF/MDS) to file type filter list

        • Fix: "No Correction" selecting 4:3 instead for aspect ratio

        • Fix: BIOS field being unable to accept drag-and-dropped files

v1.10 (2007-05-22)

    • New: Linux port (x86 only)

    • Feature: Added the -A switch (not sure how it was missed before)

    • Feature: Bilinear filtering option

    • Feature: Frame skipping option

    • Change: BIOS selector no longer hardcoded

    • Change: Handle invalid dropdown options more gracefully

    • Change: Overhauled profile reading/running (no longer loads before running)

    • Fix: Bug where pSX isn't run with "Hide Log Window" in certain situations

    • Fix: Crash bug when pSX is exited before frontend could resize it

    • Fix: Drag-and-drop funkiness with regards to relative paths

v1.09 (2006-12-11)

    • Feature: Drag and drop files into various controls works intuitively

    • Feature: Export normal shortcuts for profiles without loading them first

    • Feature: Option to exit/minimize frontend when pSX runs

    • Feature: Option to load/run profile on double-click

    • Feature: Option to view profiles in icon/list view

    • Feature: Rename a profile

    • Feature: Select icon for profile (carries over to shortcut)

    • Feature: Update a profile without needing confirmation

    • Change: General bugfixes and optimizations

    • Change: Minimize memory usage (Windows NT-based operating systems only)

    • Change: Moved profile tab to front

    • Change: Profile control buttons moved to profile list context menu

    • Change: Remember maximized state for window

    • Change: Strip leading and trailing whitespace from profile names

    • Change: Tweaked resizing of pSX window to make it somewhat more reliable

    • Change: Upgraded AutoIt (explains size jump, and makes most changes possible)

    • Change: Write pSX settings into psx.ini only if pSX is run

    • Change: Write memory card path directly into psx.ini

    • Fix: Importing shortcuts would erase BIOS setting in psx.ini

v1.08 (2006-09-04)

    • Feature: Ability to toggle pSX process priority between Normal and High

    • Change: Deleting profiles only works if a profile is selected

    • Fix: Exiting pSX before it is resized would crash frontend

    • Fix: Typo in BIOS list (SCPH9002 now Europe rather than North America)

    • Fix: Weird profile list loading bug when deleting last profile (finally)

v1.07 (2006-08-27)

    • Feature: Ability to hide the log window when running pSX

    • Feature: Ability to change pSX window size

    • Change: More BIOS versions added

    • Change: Region abbreviations for BIOS list changed to full names

    • Change: Take multiple monitors into account when loading frontend

v1.06 (2006-08-20)

    • Change: Copy profile name to Profile field when selected from list

    • Change: Don't switch to Basic tab when loading profile

    • Change: Warn before overwriting or deleting a profile

    • Fix: Advanced shortcut (was created even though location not specified)

v1.05 (2006-08-18)

    • Feature: Create "advanced" shortcuts that do anything the frontend can

    • Change: Automatically show Profiles tab on startup if profiles are found

    • Change: Check shortcut arguments for paths without quotation marks

    • Change: Paths without spaces get quotation no marks when exported to shortcut

    • Change: Profile names cannot contain square brackets (messes with INI)

v1.04 (2006-08-17)

    • Feature: Import profile shortcuts

    • Feature: Relative path support

    • Fix: Dropdown list bug on pre-XP operating systems (started from v1.02)

    • Fix: Some more BIOS issues fixed

v1.03 (2006-08-16)

    • Feature: Ability to clear current settings

    • Feature: Ability to specify where you'd like to save shortcuts

    • Change: Automatically remember previous session

    • Change: List only those BIOS files that exist, if BIOS directory found

    • Change: Split pSX Frontend settings off from previous session settings

    • Fix: BIOS problems (hopefully)

v1.02 (2006-08-16)

    • Feature: Create shortcuts based on current profile

    • Feature: Select BIOS

    • Feature: Use psx.ini for paths if it exists

    • Change: Remember last used directory when selecting files

    • Change: Renamed the previous "Advanced" tab to "Switches"

    • Change: Save psxfrontend.ini to same directory as frontend

    • Fix: Restore Last Session menu item (took 3 clicks to enable at start)

v1.01 (2006-08-15)

    • Feature: Ability to remember previous session

    • Feature: Profiles

    • Change: Streamlined disc selection a bit

    • Change: Runs with correct working directory now...

v1.00 (2006-08-13)

    • New: Initial release