Our Initiatives


Phi Delta Chi uses it's Oncology Initiative to focus on a different type of cancer each month. We set up booths inside the COP and around the UIC campus to educate our peers about various cancer topics. Topics last year included breast cancer (October) and prostate & testicular cancer (November), as well as several other types of cancer throughout the rest of the school year.

Be The Match

The Be The Match Drive is an initiative to find potential bone marrow donors, and is an integral part of Alpha Sigma's community outreach. Each year, the chapter works hard to enroll new participants into the National Marrow Donor Program. This past year, we were able to enroll 90 new participants!

St. Jude

Phi Delta Chi has partnered with St. Jude on a national level, and Alpha Sigma takes this partnership seriously. All throughout the year we work towards raising money to donate to St. Jude. This past year, the chapter far surpassed all goals and was able to donate $9489.30!