Residential Address
K 37, Kailas Nagar, Pattom,
Trivandrum - 695 004, India
Phone: 0471- 2448650/2446592
Mob: 09447711122
Academic Qualification
M.A. Sociology, First Class and First Rank, University of Jabalpur, 1973
LL.B (Law)
Ph.D. Sociology, University of Kerala,1979
Director cum Professor, UGC-Academic Staff College, University of Kerala (From 25-06-1998 to 02-09-2010)
Hon. Director, Centre for Gerontological Studies - since 1989, is in charge of the Academic and Administrative supervision of Research Projects-Planning, Designing, Directing and Office Management.
President, Indian Sociological Society (ISS) (2010 – 2012)
Member, Indian Council for Social Science Research (ICSSR) (2005-2008)
Dean, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Kerala (2007-2009)
Chairman, National Organizing Committee 5th Conference of the International Rural Net Work [IR] held at Udaipur in August 2009
Visiting Professor at the University of Southern California April-May 2004.
Visiting Professor, Montclair State University, USA, spring 2003
Visiting Professor, Duke University, North Carolina, USA in Aug-Sept. 1998
Visiting Lecturer, Morgan State University, Baltimore, USA during Fall 1987 on deputation from the University of Kerala
Secretary, Indian Sociological Society (ISS) (2001 -2005)
Faculty Member, Department of Sociology, University of Kerala October1985 - June1998
Participated in the International Workshop on Health Expectancy for Developing Countries held at the Nihon University, Tokyo, Japan in July 1999 at the invitation of the United Nations Population Fund.
Participated International Workshop UN : Attended a three week International Workshop on Social Gerontology organised by the International Institute of Aging, United Nations, Malta during Jan-Feb, 1993 at the invitation of United Nations Population Fund.
Member Editorial Board: worked on the Editorial Board of the State Institute of Encyclopedic Publications, Trivandrum holding the charge of sociology section (6th June 1977 – 8th October 1985.
1. Crime and Society- Current Issues and Trends, APH Publishing corporation, New Delhi,1999
2. Sociology for Social Development, (Ed.), Kerala Sociological Society, Trivandrum, 1998.
3. Human Behaviour and Law Enforcement, Ashish Publishers, New Delhi, 1995.
4. Contemporary Social Issues (Ed.), Department of Sociology, University of Kerala, Trivandrum, 1990.
5. Social Structure and Change among the Tribals, D.K. Publishers and Distributors, New Delhi, 1983.
6. Modernity and Migration, Centre for Social Research, Trivandrum, 1981.
7. Perspectives in Sociology, Essays in honour of Prof. A.Aiyappan, (Ed.), Kerala Sociological Society, Trivandrum, 1977.
1. Power and Knowledge: Some Reflections on Contemporary Practices Sociological Bulletin Vol. 55, Number 3 September – December 2006
2. Socio Economic problems of the Elderly – Geriatric Care in India- Edited by O.P Sharma New Delhi, 2004
3. Living Arrangements of the Old in the Context of Modernisation- A Study of the Elderly Women in Kerala, SAMYUKTA, A Journal of Women’s Studies, Vol. II, No:I, January 2002
4. Comparative Study of Elderly Care by Families and Institutions in Kerala: AGEING, Indian Perspective (Ed. Decent Books, New Delhi, 2002)
5. "Challenges of Aging in the 21st Century" - Kerala Sociologist, Vol. XXVII No.2 Dec.1999
6. "Fifty Years of India's Independence: A Sociological Analysis"- Kerala Sociologist Vol. XXVI No.2 Dec. 1998.
7. Care of the Elderly: New Challenge to the Indian Family - abstract published ISS Proceedings, Hyderabad Dec.1997
8. "Health and Nutrition among the elderly in India"- abstract published in IFA Proceedings, Durban, South Africa, Oct.1997.
9. "Psycho Social Adjustments of Inmates of old Age Homes"- Abstract published in I.G.A. proceedings, Adelaide, August, 1997
10. Sociology for Social Development - Prospects and Potentials Kerala, Sociologist, Vol. XXV, No.1, June 1997
11. Marriage and family among the Tribals of Kerala: A study of the Mannans of Idukki District- Journal of Comparative Family Studies, Vol. XXVII, No.3, Autumn 1996, University of Calgary, Canada
12. Changing pattern of Authority and Status of Elderly in Tribal Societies. Abstract Published International Workshop on Aging proceedings, Trivandrum 1996.
13. Higher Education for the Twenty first Century in the Social Context, Kerala Sociologist, Vol. XXIII, No.2, December 1995.
14. Aging in Tribal Societies, A study of Dynamics of Aging in Two Tribal communities of Kerala, Kerala Sociologist, Vol. XXII. No, 2 December 1994.
15. A Comparative Study of Elderly Care by Families and Institutions in India, Sociological Abstracts, San Diego, C.A, U.S.A, July 1994.
16. The concept of Indian Secularism, Kerala Sociologist, Vol.XX, No.I, June 1992.
17. Conversion and Social Change among the Tribals, A Study of the Impact of Christianity on the Mala Arayas, Journal of Kerala Studies, Vol. XII, 1985.
18. Women Power and Innovation: A Study of Women's Organization, Kerala Sociologist, Vol. XVI, 1988.
19. Social Change and Legal System-New Challenges and needed responses, Kerala Sociologist, Vol. XII, 1984
20. Some Reflections on Research in Universities, Higher Education in Kerala edited by P.J Alexander, Trivandrum, 1982
21. Education as an Instrument of Change in Developing Countries, Sociological Abstracts, August 1978, San Diego, C.A, U.S.A.
22. Impact of Welfare Measures among the Tribals, Kerala Sociologist, Vol. IV, 1976.
23. Status of Women among the Tribals, Kerala Sociologist, Vol. III, 1975.
1. Presented the country paper (Theme paper)on Sustainable Development at the Academic Seminar in connection with the India-Brazil-South Africa (IBSA) held in Johannesburg, South Africa from October 15 to 17, 2007 and attended the IBSA Summit held in Pritoria.
1. Presented a paper on Institutional abuse of the Elderly at the 18th World Congress of International Association of Gerontology at Rio de Janeiro, Brazil from June 26 to 30, 2005.
2. Presented paper on Socio Economic Problems of the Rural Elderly in India, at the 4th International rural Network Conference held form June 19 to 24, 2005 at, Abingdon, Virginia, USA.
3. Cultural Images of Old age in India. Presented at the International Seminar of Association of Anthropology and Gerontology (AAGE) held in University of Texas, Austin March 4 – 6, 2005.
4. “Participation of the Old in Community Development – A Case Study in Kerala, India”- presented at the 6th Global Conference on Ageing, 27-30, October, 2002, Perth, Australia.
5. “Changing Life Styles and Emergence of Degenerative Diseases: Impact of Urbanism and Consumerism on Morbidity Transition” – presented at the 6th Asia-Pacific Social Sciences and Medicine Conference (APSSAM 2002), October 14-18, 2002, Kunming, China.
6. “Living arrangements of the old in the context of modernization- a study among the elderly women in Kerala” - the17th World Congress of Gerontology, 5–7 July 2001 at Vancouver, Canada organized by International Association of Gerontology
7. "Support system for the Elderly - An Inter generation study in Kerala" 5th Global Conference on Aging, Organized by International Federation of Aging Mar del Plata, Buenos Aires, Argentina, September 17-21, 2000
8. III Global conference on Aging organised by international federation of Aging October 19 to 25, 1997, Durban, South Africa. "Health and Nutrition among the elderly in India".
9. XVI World Congress of International Association of Gerontology 18-23, Aug. 97, Adelaide, Australia - "Psycho Social Adjustments of Inmates of old Age Homes".
10. Post Congress Session - World Congress on Gerontology, Brisbane, Australia, Aug. 25-30, 1997.
11. International Workshop of Aging, Aug. 19-21, 1996, Trivandrum - "Changing pattern of Authority and Status of elderly in Tribal Societies"
12. A Comparative Study of Elderly Care by Families and Institutions in India, XIII World Congress of Sociology, Bielefeld, Germany, July 18-23, 1994
13. Health Expectancy in Kerala - India, VII REVES Meeting of the International Network on Health Expectancy, Canberra, Australia, February 25-35, 1994 (Jointly with Prof. P.K.B.Nayar)
14. The Elderly India, Their problems and needs - invited paper for the session -Situation of the Elderly in Developing Countries, XV World Congress of Gerontology, Budapest, Hungary, July 4-9, 1993 (Jointly with Prof. P.K.B.Nayar).
15. Aging in Tribal Societies, A Study of the Dynamics of Aging in two communities in Kerala, XII World Congress of Sociology, Madrid, Spain, July 9-13, 1990.
16. Women Power and Innovation, Role of Women's Organization and Social Change, X World Congress of Sociology, Mexico, August 1982,
17. Education as an Instrument of Change in Developing Countries, IX World Congress of Sociology, Uppsala, Sweden, August 1978
1. Chaired a Session in the International Seminar on “Envisioning Quality Academic Professionalization in Higher Education Based on Indo-British Experiences” Aligarh Muslim University, Feb 6-7,2010
2. Committee Member 97th All India Science Congress, Trivandrum,3-7 January 2010
3. Delivered lecture in the International Rural Network Forum Development Dialogues and Dilemmas on “Migration and its Impact: Empty Nest Syndrome Among the Rural Elderly” Jaipur August 25, 2009
4. Chaired a Session on International Conference on ” Multi –Disciplinary Approach to Healthy and Participatory Ageing” Jan. 22 -24,2009
5. Inaugurated National Conference on “Humanities & Social Sciences in India : Issues and Challenges in the Era of Globalization” Women’s Christian College, Nagerkoil 12th & 13th March 2009
6. Keynote address in a seminar on ‘Library and information service: changing dimensions of information service.’ The Mannam Memorial NSS College at Kottayam December 16, 2008
7. Discussant Third IBSA Summit IBSA Partnership for shared Prosperity and inclusive Globalisation” New Delhi Oct 13-14 ,2008
8. Chaired the session Thirtieth Annual Conference of the Indian Association for the Study of Population Institute for Social and Economic Change (ISEC), Bangalore October 17-19, 2008
9. Inaugurated National Seminar on “Quality Issues in Higher Education” Virudhunagar September 26,2008
10. Spoke on ‘Dynamics of affirmative action: problems and prospects’ Karnatak University, Dharwad Nov.29 - Dec.1, 2007.
11. Delivered key note address at the National Seminar on “'Ageing in India in a Comparative Perspective,' at the ICSSR Complex, Punjab University on March 31,2005
12. Inaugurated seminar on `Communication and media challenges and responses', Chaired a session in Three-day seminar on `Empowering learners beyond cognition,' organised by V.O. Chidambaram College 31 Dec – 2 Jan 2005
13. Delivered key note address at the National Seminar on “Problems of the Aged in India: Challenges and Remedies”, organized by the Department of P.G Studies & Research in Sociology, Kuvempu University, Shimoga, Karnataka on 28th & 29th February 2000.
14. Chaired a session at the National Seminar on Aging, organised by the Dept. of Sociology, Madurai Kamraj University on 24th & 25th Nov. 1999.
15. Delivered presidential address at the 26th All Kerala Sociological Conference held in Trivandrum Feb. 5-7, 1999.
16. Delivered presidential address at the 25th All Kerala Sociological Conference held in Trichur, Jan.23-25 1998.
17. "Every day use of American studies in Sociology" Workshop on American studies in South India. May 12-14, 1998 Bangalore.
18. "Care of the Elderly: New Challenge to the Indian family", XXIV All India Sociological Conference, Hyderabad, Dec., 22-24, 1997
19. “Research priorities on Aging in Kerala" National seminar on Research on Aging: Directions for programmes and policies. Organised by M. S. University Baroda, Nov. 13-15, 1997.
20. "Teaching about United States". USIS Seminar, Thiruvananthapuram, May 5-7, 1997.
21. Delivered presidential address at the National Seminar on Sociology for Social Development Nov. 29- Dec.1, 1996.
22. "Need for restructuring Higher education in India" XXII All Kerala Sociological conference 16-18 Dec. 1995, Bhopal.
23. XII Indian Social Science Congress, Mysore, July 1987
24. Post XI World Congress of Sociology Workshop on Agrarian Tension, Trivandrum (1986)
25. XI World Congress of Sociology, New Delhi, August 1986.
26. International Seminar on Population Aging in India, Trivandrum, 1985.
27. XIV All India Sociological Conference Jabalpur (1978)
28. National Seminar on Tribal Culture, Tribal Education and Tribal Development, Calicut (1976)
29. First World Conference on Malayalam, Kerala Culture and Development, Trivandrum, July 1976.
1. Chaired a session at the 4th International Rural Network Conference held at Abingdon, Virginia, USA 2005
2. Chaired a session at the 6th Asia Pacific Social Sciences & Medicine Conference Kunming, China 2002
3. Chaired a session at the 5th Global Conference on Aging, Buenos Aires, Argentina on 20th September 2000.
4. Chaired a Session on Long term Care at the XVI World Congress of Gerontology, Adelaide, Australia Aug. 18-23, 1997.
5. Chaired a Session on Sociology of Aging (Session 9, RC 11) at the XIII World Congress of Sociology held in Bielefeld, Germany 18-23, July 1994.
6. Served as Discussant at the XII World Congress of Sociology, Madrid Spain, July 9-13, 1990.
1. XXXI All India Sociological Conference, Jammu, October2005
2. XXX All India Sociological Conference, Gorakhpur, December 2004.
3. XXIX All India Sociological Conference, Udaipur, December 2003.
4. XXVIII All India Sociological Conference, IIT Kanpur, December 2002.
5. XXVI All India Sociological Conference, Trivandrum, December 2000.
6. XXVI All Kerala Sociological Conference on the theme Challenges of Aging in the 21st Century in Trivandrum Feb. 5-7, 1999
7. XXV All Kerala Sociological Conference on the theme "Fifty Years of India's Independence - A Sociological Analysis " at Vimala College, Trichur, Jan. 23-25 1998.
8. National Seminar on Sociology for Social Development in connection with the Silver Jubilee Celebrations of the Kerala Sociological Society at Trivandrum, Nov. 1996.
9. International Workshop on Aging at Trivandrum, Aug. 19-22, 1996.
10. XXIII All Kerala Sociological Conference on the theme Higher Education for the 21st Century. Ernakulam, 1995.
11. Symposium on Social Implications of privatization of Education, Trivandrum, 1995.
12. Organised a Session on Sociology of Aging at the XIII World Congress of Sociology on the theme- Changing role of the Family in the Care of elderly in developing Countries (1994).
13. Post XI World Congress of Sociology - Workshop on Agrarian Tension with special reference to South India, Trivandrum, 1986.
14. XIV All Kerala Sociological Conference on Community Health and Social Intervention, Trivandrum, 1985.
15. VI All Kerala Sociological Conference on Action Groups and Social Transformation, Trivandrum, 1985.
16. VI All Kerala Sociological Conference on Paths of Social Developments, Trivandrum, 1978.
17. V All Kerala Sociological Conference on Accent on Social Justice, Ernakulam, 1977.
18. Reorientation of Research - Inter University Seminar organised under the auspices Kerala University Research Scholars Association, Trivandrum, 1977.
19. IV Kerala Sociological Conference on Rural Awakening and Social Response, Trivandrum, 1976.
20. Role of Intellectuals in Society- State level Seminar organised under the auspices of Kerala University Research Scholars Association, Trivandrum, 1976.
21. Development Oriented Research in Universities - National Seminar organised under the auspices of Kerala University Research Scholars Association, Trivandrum, 1975.
Ph.D. Degree Awarded - 25
Thesis submitted - 3
Ongoing - 7
1. 2009 April 6-15May - USA
University of Southern California as Visiting
2. 2007 from October 15-17 - South Africa
Presented country paper (Theme paper) on Sustainable Development at the Academic seminar and attended the IBSA submit in Pritoria
3. 2005 from June 26 to 30 - Brazil
Participated in the 18th World Congress
4 2005 from June 19 to 24 - USA
Participated in the 4th International Rural Network Conference.
5. 2005 March - USA
Participated in the International Seminar Organized by AAGE, University of Texas, Austin.
6 2004 April-May - USA
University of Southern California as Visiting Professor
7. 2003 Jan-May - USA
Montclair State University as visiting Professor
8. 2002 October - China
Participated in the 6th Asia-Pacific Social Sciences and Medicine Conference (APSSAM 2002] at Kunming, China.
9. 2001 July - Canada
Participated in the 17th World congress of Gerontology
10 2000 Sept-Oct - United Kingdom, Argentina & USA
Chaired a session & presented a paper at the 5th Global Conference on Aging
11. 1999 July-Aug: - Japan, Hongkong, Thailand
Participated in the International Workshop on Health Expectancy organised by the United Nations at Nihon University, Tokyo and delivered lectures at College of Public Health, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok.
12.1998 Aug-Sept -USA & Italy
Delivered lectures at the Duke University, North Carolina, USA
13. 1997 Oct. - South Africa and Swaziland
Participated in the 3rd Global Conference on Aging organised by the IFA Durban and delivered lectures at the Department of Sociology, University of Swaziland.
14.1997 Aug. – Australia Participated a session at the 16th World of Gerontology, Adelaide and Post Congress Session in Brisbaine.
15.1994 July- Aug – Europe Participated in the XIII World Congress of Sociology in Bielfeld, Germany and visited several Universities in Germany, Switzerland and Italy.
16.1993 Jan. - Feb - Malta & Italy Participated in the International training Course in Social Gerontology, organised by the United Nations, Malta and visited three Universities in Italy
17 990 July-Aug. - Europe
Participated in the XII World Congress of Sociology held in Madrid, Spain. Visited several Universities in Spain, Switzerland, Belgium, Netherlands, Luxembourg, Germany, Austria, Norway, Denmark, Sweden and Italy.
18 1987 Sep-Dec. - USA & Canada
Visiting Lecturer, Morgan State University Baltimore
1. Dean Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Kerala
2. Member, governing council of ICSSR (Indian Council of Social Science Research) Nominate by govt. of India.
3. Secretary, Indian Sociological Society [2001-2005]
4. Member, Senate, University of Kerala (1995 - 1999)
5. President, Kerala Sociological Society, (1995-1999)
6. Member Academic Committee, University of Kerala (1996-1999)
7. Member, Academic Council, University of Kerala (1988-1992)
8. General Secretary, Federation of University Teachers Associations, Kerala (1992-94)
9. Treasurer, Federation of University Teachers Associations, Kerala (1986-87)
10. Secretary cum Treasurer of Kerala Sociological Society (1974-78 & 1984-86)
11. President of Kerala University Research Scholars Association (1975 -78)
12. Chief Editor, Research Review, Journal of Kerala University Research Scholars Association (1976-78)
13. Chairman of the College Union, Newman College, Thodupuzha (1969-70)
14. Chief Ediotor, Kerala Sociologist (1986-1995, 1999-2005)
1. President, Indian Sociological Society, New Delhi
2. Member, Board of Director of the International Rural Networking (Canada)
3. Hon. Director, Centre for Gerontological Studies, Trivandrum (1989 –till date )
4. Advisory Board Member, Researchers Tandem, Journal of Education, Amritstar
5. Editor, ISS Newsletter, New Delhi.
6. Chief Editor, Kerala Sociologist (1986- till date)
7. Member, Managing Committee, Indian Sociological Society. (1999-2005)
8. Member Board of Studies, University of Kerala (1989- till date )
9. Member, Faculty of Social Sciences (1992-till date)
10. Member Board of Examiners for various Universities in India including Ph.D and M.Phil
11. Subject expert Approved by several Universities in India.
12. Member (UGC Nominee) Academic Advisory Committee in many UGC- Academic Staff College
13. Director - World Road Safety Partnership
14. Moderation Committee member - The Gujarat State Eligibility Test 2008
1. Member, International Sociological Association, Spain.
2. Life Member, Indian Sociological Society, New Delhi
3. Life Member, Kerala Sociological Society, Trivandrum
4. Member, American Sociological Association, Washington, USA
5. Member, Governing Body, Centre for Social Research, Trivandrum
6. Life Member, International Association of Educators for World Peace.
7. Life Member, Kerala Association for Non-formal Education, Trivandrum
8. Life Member, International Union for Health Education, Switzerland.
Awarded Good Service Entry and Cash Award by the Government of Kerala in December 1978 considering the meritorious services rendered in the State Institute of Encyclopedic Publications.