About Us
The Union City Feral Cat Committee (UCFCC) is a non profit organization (501c3) made up of cat loving volunteers who feed, care, trap, neuter and return (TNR) the homeless cats of our neighborhoods. The mission of our group is caring for the homeless cats (feral and adoptable) of Union City and adjacent towns through TNR, vaccination, veterinary care, and adoptions. We care for homeless cats as much as we care about our families.
A summary of our accomplishments as of March 2024 is:
-We place more cats in homes, feed more colonies, and spend more on vet care than any other Hudson County group: 107 cats in homes per year, on average from 2020-2022, in the middle of the crisis of our lifetime, without a location, and with zero funding from any organization.
-24 cats placed in homes from Jan-March 2024. 168 cats placed in homes in 2023. 500 cats placed from 2020 to 2023 in spite of covid in 3 of those 4 years.
-Even though we do not have a location, we foster most pregnant cats and most kittens we find. We placed more than 90 kittens in homes in 2023.
-We provide free homes to all friendly cats we or anyone finds in any city, provided the rescuer feeds at PetSmart once per week until the cat is in a home and fosters the cat.
-We spent more than $370,000 of our own money ($74,037 in 2023) helping the cats, mostly in vet care. $11,600 in vet care over only two and half months of 2023. Almost every week we bring sick cats to the vets. 7 cats to the vet the first week of Dec 2023, mostly for fixing.
-We feed more than 70 colonies (colonies, not cats) every night.
-All our income and expenses and receipts are available 24/7 to everybody at www.tinyurl.com/ucfccincomeandexpenses and at www.tinyurl.com/ucfccreceipts .
-No UCFCC member has ever nor will ever be paid for helping the cats. Ever.
-We are the only group with cats at North Bergen PetSmart, which allows us to find homes to all friendly cats.
-We have operated continuously for more than 12 straight years, since 2012.
-Guidestar.org, which rates the financial management of non profit organizations, gave us the “Platinum Seal of Transparency” their highest rating, for five straight years, for the financial management of our organization: https://www.guidestar.org/profile/46-2849022. This rating is obtained by less than 1% of the non profit organizations in the US.