12:40 - 1:30 PM every Thursday, location = 131 A & B Campbell Hall.

    • To volunteer for a 12 minute talk + 4 minutes for questions, send email to Paul Kalas (kalas@berkeley.edu).

  • This forum is mainly for local scientists of any level to present their work to a broad spectrum of the department, and usually includes one short talk by the astronomy colloquium speaker of the day.

  • Subjects can include personal scientific research, reporting on other work appearing in journals, education and public outreach efforts, science policy, and professional development issues.

  • It is preferred if speakers bring their own laptop, cable adapter, and pointer. Presentations may also use the whiteboard.

Bold means confirmed

January 19:

  • Danny Goldstein (UC Berkeley) - Strongly Lensed Supernova Cosmology

  • Kate Alexander (Harvard) - Radio Observations of the Tidal Disruption Event XMMSL1 J0740-85

  • Jim Fuller (Caltech) colloq. speaker - Pre-Supernova Outbursts and Mass Loss via Wave Heating in Red Supergiants

January 26:

  • Jing Luan (UC Berkeley) - Decade puzzle on the red edge of the instability strip --- convective damping

    • Richard Anantua (UC Berkeley) - Observing Jet Simulations

  • Dan Weisz (UC Berkeley) colloq. speaker - What We Know About the High-Mass Stellar IMF

February 2:

  • Davide Martizzi (UC Berkeley) - New Insight into the Gas-phase Metallicity in Galaxy Clusters

  • Cliff Johnson (UCSD) - The High-mass Truncation of the Star Cluster Mass Function: Limits on Massive Cluster Formation

    • Chris Kochanek (OSU) colloq. speaker: ASAS-SN Is Exploding

February 9:

  • Chris White (UC Berkeley) - An Overview of the Athena++ MHD Code

  • Jieun Choi (Harvard) - A Holistic Test of Stellar Evolution with Open Clusters

    • Nitya Kallivayalil (UV) colloq. speaker - TiNy Titans (TNT): The Role of Dwarf-Dwarf Interactions in Low-mass Galaxy Evolution

February 16:

  • Zack Slepian (UC Berkeley) - Understanding the neutrinos' pre-recombination behavior: a Green's function approach

    • Jerry Ostriker (Columbia / Princeton) - Dark Matter: Ultra-Light Particles Have the Right Properties to Explain Small Scale Structure

    • Chris McKee (UC Berkeley) colloq. speaker - The Galactic Corona

February 23:

  • Al Glassgold (UC Berkeley) - Deep-down Ionization of Protoplanetary Disks and the MRI

  • Peter Behroozi (UC Berkeley) - An Introduction to Common Cognitive Biases

  • Arjun Dey (NOAO) colloq. speaker - The Cosmic Evolution of Fe/Mg

March 2:

  • Matt Hosek (UCB) - The Initial Mass Function of the Arches Cluster

    • Howard Isaacson (UCB) - The Breakthrough Listen Search for Intelligent Life: Target

      • Selection of Nearby Stars and Galaxies

    • Karl Stapelfeldt (JPL) colloq. speaker - New Hubble results for edge-on circumstellar disks

March 9:

  • Carl Heiles (UC Berkeley) - Discovery of linear polarization of the 21-cm line, |z|< 10^{-4}

  • Nate Golovich (UC Davis) - Lessons on ensemble studies of merging galaxy clusters

  • Jessica Lu (UCB) colloq. speaker - Maximize the Science Return of Adaptive Optics Data with PSF Reconstruction

March 16:

  • Gaspard Duchene (UC Berkeley) - Where did Galactic field stars form? Revisiting stellar multiplicity in the Orion Nebula Cluster

  • Eric Agol (U. Washington) - TRAPPIST-1

    • Tony Wong (UIUC) colloq. speaker - The remarkably close connection between CO and stellar emission in disk galaxies

March 23:

  • Francois Foucart (UC Berkeley) - Modeling nucleosynthesis and electromagnetic emission from outflows in neutron star mergers

  • Siyu He (CMU / UC Berkeley) - First Detection of Cross Correlation of Filaments with CMB Lensing

  • Steve Boggs (UCSD) colloq. speaker - The General Antiparticle Spectrometer (GAPS)

March 30: UC Berkeley Spring Break

April 6:

    • Michael Medford (UC Berkeley) - Detection of Distant Solar System Objects: The Hunt for Planet Nine

    • Tanmoy Laskar (UC Berkeley) - ALMA in the time-domain: mm insights into GRB astrophysics

    • Jennifer Yee (Harvard) colloq. speaker - Non-Microlensing Science with WFIRST Microlensing Data

April 13:

    • Alex Krolewski (UC Berkeley) - Using IGM tomography to measure alignments between z~2.5 galaxies and the cosmic web

  • Malena Rice (UC Berkeley) - The Gemini Planet Imager View of the HD 32297 Debris Disk System

    • Jessica Werk (UW) colloq. speaker - New ways of detecting gas flows at the disk-halo interface

April 20:

  • Peter Behroozi (UC Berkeley) - Understanding Galaxy Quenching with the UniverseMachine

    • Elena Giusarma (CMU Pittsburg & UC Berkeley - Gravitational redshift of galaxy clustering

  • Saul Rappaport (MIT) colloq. speaker - A Strongly Interacting Quadruple Star System

April 27:

    • Elena Massara (UC Berkeley) - Designing a cosmology emulator with on demand simulations

  • Kareem El. Badry (UC Berkeley) - What regulates disk formation in low-mass galaxies?

    • Rychard Bouwens (Leiden) colloq. speaker - Demonstrating ALMA’s Use as a Redshift Machine into the Epoch of Reionization

External Speakers Wait List:

1. Max Gronke (U. Oslo) for March 16