Fall 2014

12:40 - 1:30 PM every Thursday, location = Hearst Field Annex Room B5 (the New Campbell Hall location is TBD).

To volunteer for a 12 minute talk + 4 minutes for questions, send email to Paul Kalas (kalas@berkeley.edu) and Al Glassgold (aglassgold@berkeley.edu).

Bold means confirmed

Aug 28:

    • 1 minute talks

Sept 4:

    • Dan Werthimer (UC Berkeley) "What's new in SETI"

    • Karto Keating (UC Berkeley) "The Undiscovered CO: Charting Bulk Molecular Gas in the Early Universe"

    • Linda Tacconi (MPE) "NOEMA: the NOrthern Extended Millimeter Array"

Sept 11:

    • Dan Perley (Caltech) "Can Gamma-Ray Bursts Explode in ULIRGs? A Radio-Wavelength View of the GRB Host Galaxy Population"

    • Chelsea Harris (UC Berkeley) "Prospects of Detecting CSM from SNe Ia Progenitor Systems"

    • Sasha Tchekhovskoy (UC Berkeley) "What turns off gamma-ray bursts (and keeps me up at night)?"

Sept 18:

    • Chris Ormel (UC Berkeley) "The atmosphere of low-mass planets in 1, 2, and 3 dimensions"

    • Paul Duffell (UC Berkeley) "Moving Mesh Astrophysics"

    • Evan Kirby (Caltech) "The Myth of Lithium-Rich Red Giants"

Sept 25:

    • Lochland Trotter Q&A on Moving to New Campbell Hall

Oct 2:

    • Dovi Poznanski (Tel Aviv University) "Understanding the most common supernovae, or belated observational evidence that core bounce cannot explode stars"

    • Freeke van de Voort (UC Berkeley) TBD

    • Hannah Jang-Condell (Wyoming) "Implicit Bias" [see Gender-based Systematics in HST Proposal Selection" (http://arxiv.org/abs/1409.3528)]

Oct 9:

    • Bekki Dawson (UC Berkeley) "Planets with stars: a tale of two conferences"

    • Davide Martizzi (UC Berkeley) "Supernova Feedback in an Inhomogeneous ISM"

    • Phil Carter (Bristol) "Below the period minimum: a new type of ultracompact binary?"

Oct 16:

    • Lauren Weiss (UCB) "Introducing The Levy Planetary System HD 7924: It's all in the family"

    • Mikhael Belyaev (UC Berkeley) "Simulating a pulsar using particle in cell"

    • Alexander Rudolph (CS Polytechnic) "The Effect of Interactive Instruction in the Astro 101 Classroom"

Oct 23:

    • Melissa Graham (UC Berkeley) "SN2014J with APF"

    • Daniel Lecoanet (UC Berkeley) "Dedalus: A Flexible, Open-Source PDE Solver"

    • Eve Ostriker (Princeton) “Formation of magnetized prestellar cores”

Oct 30:

    • Nathan Roth (UC Berkeley) "Radiative transfer studies of tidal disruption events"

    • Eve Lee (UC Berkeley) "Make Super-Earths, Not Jupiters."

    • Hilke Schlichting (MIT) "Atmospheric mass loss during planet formation: The importance of planetesimal impacts"

Nov 6:

    • Adrian Liu (UC Berkeley) “A novel approach to global 21cm measurements”

    • Damiano Caprioli (Princeton) "Particle acceleration at astrophysical shocks"

    • Adam Leroy (NRAO) "Cool gas, dust, and the fate of the cool part of the M82 outflow."

Nov 13:

    • Casey Law (UC Berkeley) "Results from the First Fast Imaging Survey for Fast Radio Bursts"

  • Jack Burns (U. Colorado) “Exploring the Cosmos from the Farside of the Moon”

    • Mariska Kriek (UC Berkeley) "The MOSFIRE Deep Evolution Field Survey"

Nov 20

    • Robert Feldmann (UC Berkeley) "The structure of galaxies in the group environment - Clues from cosmological simulations"

    • Casey Stark (UC Berkeley) "Protocluster discovery in reconstructed Lyman-alpha Forest flux maps"

    • Fiona Harrison (Caltech) "Are Some Broad Absorption Line Quasars X-ray Weak?"

Dec 4:

    • Roberto Sanchis-Ojeda (UC Berkeley) "Characterizing the shortest-period planets found by Kepler"

    • Mate Adamkovics (UC Berkeley) "Measuring methane humidity variation on Titan"

    • Carl Heiles (UC Berkeley) "An ISM guy looks at the Sun"