Your essay should include but not limited to:

1) How many flags were sanctioned as "The Confederate Flag"?

2) How many square miles, how many harbors and navigable river mouths were in the Confederate States and why were they important?

3) The currency of today is no longer based on the gold standard, describe the currency of the

Confederate States and on what standard was it based?

4) What was the military pay scale, both Army and Navy, for both white and black soliders in

the Confederacy and how did it differ from the Union?

5) What percentage of the residents of the Confederate States owned slaves? What was the stance

of the Confederate Constitution on slavery and when did they begin to abandon the practice?

Please refer all questions about the scholarship process and applications to:

Scholarship Chairperson - Lynn Daughdrill



The Texas Society Order of Confederate Rose, Inc. (TSOCR) recognizes that our young people are our local, state and national leaders of tomorrow. We strive to make them aware of our historical past by offering a $2,000.00 scholarship opportunity. The TSOCR Scholarship is offered annually to a graduating Texas high school or home schooled student who will be attending a post secondary college, university or vocational school. The essay winner will be contacted on or after May 15, 2019 and invited to come to the TSOCR Annual Meeting in Temple, Texas. Payment of $1,000.00 will be made to the winner's school after proof of 30 days of enrollment from the Registrar's office and $1,000.00 paid for second semester, with proof of enrollment from the Registrar's office and proof of 2.5 or higher GPA at the end of the first semester. The TSOCR Scholarship winner will be given the procedure for submitting the proof by TSOCR Treasurer. See Applications and Forms to download.

The application and requirements for this scholarship essay contest are as follows:

  • Applicants will be required to write an essay on a subject selected by the TSOCR Scholarship Committee and submit all supporting documentation.

The TSOCR Scholarship Committee will review all essays and applications and announce a winner by May 15. The winner will be notified by telephone and by letter on/after May 15.

The winning entrant should plan to attend the TSOCR Annual State Meeting in June to accept their award.

The essay topic for the 2020-2021 year will be: