Membership Form
Max limit reached! Therefore, any further requests for 2025 membership will be waitlisted.
The Board voted to reduce the league membership limit from 120 to 100 effective for the 2025 season. After much discussion and a review of the 2024 statistics, it is believed this will help not only with securing tee times and faster play, but also a stronger and better league. Because the league membership is capped at 100 this year, we ensured our returning members received the first opportunity to register before opening it up to new members on December 15th. We have 91 returning members, 6 new members, and 4 prospective members. (Note, prospective members are the players who do not have an active GHIN. Last year we set a criteria that such applicants must play with the league twice to demonstrate they are familiar with the game and can maintain pace of play and would then need to be invited by the board to join the league to become members). That brings our total to 101. We decided to go with 101 since we received the last two forms on the same day, with the same postmark.
Since we have reached our membership limit for 2025, the membership form has been removed from this site and any further requests for 2025 membership will be waitlisted.
To inquire about membership, please contact the TLWGA Board at
Registration and payment for league dues must have been received by December 15th. to ensure your GHIN remains active for the winter.