Dummit and Footeballers Undefeated

Post date: Nov 18, 2015 2:16:35 AM

Tonight, after gaining an early lead, the Dummit and Footeballers parked the bus to end their season with a dominating 10 - 5 victory over the Sportsballers II!  This brings the regular season to a close, with the D&F's finishing with an undefeated 5 - 0 record (ranked 1st of 18 teams)!  With the postseason coming soon, the D&F's will prove the world's greatest algebraists are truly the world's greatest intramural soccer team.

Pictured Above:  a sub-group of the Fall 2015 Dummit and Footeballers at halftime in the last regular season game with their coach.