Rank Requirements

Scout : The first rank in Boy scouts, goes over basic ideas and values in scouting. Needs a scoutmaster conference.

Scout Workbook

Tenderfoot : The second rank in Boy Scouts, goes over basic camping, cooking, first aid, and fitness skills. This rank also requires a board of review. A board of review is a meeting with 3 adult members to talk to you about your scouting achievements. Every rank past Tenderfoot needs a board of review.

Tenderfoot Workbook

Second Class : The third rank in Boy Scouts, expands on ideas in camping, cooking, first aid, and fitness but also adds skills like finance and hiking.

Second Class Workbook

First Class : The Fourth rank in Boy Scouts, finalizes on all scout skills. This is the final rank where you can work on ranks simultaneously.

First Class Workbook

Star: The 5th rank in Boy Scouts, starts working on leadership. Needs leadership time and merit badges.

Star Workbook

Life: The 6th rank in Boy Scouts, continues working on leadership.

Life Workbook

Eagle: The final rank in Boy Scouts. Must be achieved before you turn 18. Needs an Eagle Project which is project to help your community.

Eagle Workbook

Eagle Palms: Additional achievements that can be earned after completting Eagle.

Eagle Palm workbook