Asia and the Pacific

General Works

_Linton, Suzannah. 2010. Post-Conflict Justice in Asia. In The Pursuit of International Criminal Justice: A World Study on Conflicts, Victimization, and Post-Conflict Justice (Volume 1 + 2), By Matthew Saul. Intersentia.


_Dignam, Quentin. 1992. The Burden and the Proof: Torture and Testimony in the Determination of Refugee Status in Australia. International Journal of Refugee Law 4 (3):343-364.

_Grattan, Michelle, ed. 2000. Essays on Australian Reconciliation. Melbourne, Australia: Black Inc.

_Triggs, Gillian. 1997. Australia's War Crimes Trials: All Pity Choked. In The Law of War Crimes: National and International Approaches, edited by T. L. H. McCormack and G. J. Simpson. The Hague, Netherlands: Kluwer Law International.


_Linton, Suzannah. June 2010. Bangladesh and the Prosecution of International Crimes from the 1971 War of Independence from Pakistan. Criminal Law Forum Vol. 21(2) 187-190. Springer.

_Linton, Suzannah. June 2010. Completing The Circle: Accountability for the Crimes of the 1971 Bangladesh War of Liberation. Criminal Law Forum Vol. 21(2) 191-311. Springer.

_Linton, Suzannah. 2009. Dealing with the Legacies of the Past: Thoughts on the Way Forward. Mofidul Hoque (Ed.), Bangladesh Genocide 1971 and the Quest for Justice: Papers Presented at the Second International Conference on Genocide, Truth and Justice, 30-31 July 2009 155-160. Liberation War Museum.


_David, Roman, and Ian Holliday. 2006. Set the Junta Free: Pre-Transitional Justice in Myanmar's Democratization. Australian Journal of Political Science 41 (1):91-105.

_Sarkin, Jeremy. 2000. Dealing with the Past Human Rights Abuses and Promoting Reconciliation in a Future Democratic Burma. Legal Issues on Burma 7.


_Becker, Elizabeth. 1986. When the War Was Over: The Voices of Cambodia's Revolution and Its People. New York, NY: Simon and Schuster.

_Buckley, Aaron J. 2002. The Conflict in Cambodia and Post-Conflict Justice. In Post-Conflict Justice, edited by M. C. Bassiouni. Ardsley, NY: Transnational Publishers.

_Burke-White, William W. 2006. Preferences Matter: Conversations with Cambodians on the Prosecution of the Khmer Rouge Leadership. In Bringing the Khmer Rouge to Justice: Prosecuting Mass Violence Before the Cambodian Courts, edited by J. Ramji and B. Van Schaack. New York, NY: Edwin Mellen Press.

_Chandler, David Porter. 1999. Voices from S-21: Terror and History in Pol Pot's Secret Prison. Berkeley, CA: University of California Press.

_Chandler, David Porter. 2000. Will there be a Trial for the Khmer Rouge? Ethics and International Affairs 14:67-82.

_Chhang, Youk. 2007. The Thief of History - Cambodia and the Special Court. International Journal of Transitional Justice 1 (1):157-172.

_Chigas, George. 2000. The Politics of Defining Justice after the Cambodian Genocide. Journal of Genocide Research 2 (2):245-265.

_Cohen, David. 2007. 'Hybrid' Justice in East Timor, Sierra Leone, and Cambodia: 'Lessons Learned' and Prospects for the Future. Stanford Journal of International Law 43 (1):1-38.

_De Nike, Howard J., John Quigley, and Kenneth G. Robinson, eds. 2000. Genocide in Cambodia: Documents from the Trial of Pol Pot and Ieng Sary. Philadelphia, PA: University of Pennsylvania Press.

_DeFalco, Randle C. . March, 2011. Accounting for Famine at the Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia: The Crimes against Humanity of Extermination, Inhumane Acts and Persecution. The International Journal of Transitional Justice. Oxford University Press.

_Duggy, Terence. 1994. Towards a Culture of Human Rights in Cambodia. Human Rights Quarterly 16 (1):82-103.

_Eisenbruch, Maurice. 2007. The Uses and Abuses of Culture: Cultural Competence in Post-Mass Crime Peace-Building in Cambodia. In After Mass Crime: Rebuilding States and Communities, edited by B. Pouligny, S. Chesterman and A. Schnabel. Tokyo, Japan: United Nations University Press.

_Gibson, James L, Jeffrey Sonis, and Sokhom Hean. November, 2010. Cambodians’ Support for the Rule of Law on the Eve of the Khmer Rouge Trials. The International Journal of Transitional Justice. Oxford University Press.

_Kiernan, Ben. 1996. The Pol Pot Regime: Race, Power, and Genocide in Cambodia under the Khmer Rouge, 1975-79. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press.

_Kiernan, Ben. 1997. The Cambodian Genocide. In Genocide: Conceptual and Historical Dimensions, edited by G. J. Andreopoulos. Philadelphia, PA: University of Pennsylvania Press.

_Klinker, Melanie. 2008. Forensic Science for Cambodian Justice. International Journal of Transitional Justice 2 (2):227-243.

_Linton, Suzannah. 2001. Cambodia, East Timor and Sierra Leone: Experiments in International Justice. Criminal Law Forum 12.

_Linton, Suzannah. 2002. New Approaches to International Justice in Cambodia and East Timor. In the International Review of the Red Cross (No. 845). International Committee of the Red Cross.

_Linton, Suzannah. 2005. Putting Things Into Perspective:The Realities of Accountability in East Timor, Indonesia and Cambodia. Maryland Series in Contemporary Asian Studies Vol. 3. University of Maryland.

_Linton, Suzannah. 2004. Reconciliation In Cambodia. Special Edition on Bangladesh, Criminal Law Forum, Vol. 21 (2) 155-160. Documentation Center of Cambodia.

_Linton, Suzannah. 2006. Safeguarding the Independence and Integrity of the Cambodian Extraordinary Chambers. In the Journal of International Criminal Justice (Volume 4). Oxford University Press.

_Linton, Suzannah. 2007. Putting Cambodia’s Extraordinary Chambers into Context. In Singapore Year Book of International Law (Vol. XI). National University of Singapore.

_Marks, Stephen P. 1994. Forgetting the Policies and Practices of the Past: Impunity in Cambodia. Fletcher Forum of World Affairs 18 (2):17-43.

_Marks, Stephen P. 1999. Elusive Justice for the Victims of Khmer Rouge. Journal of International Affairs 52 (2):691-718.

_Mydans, Seth. 1996. Side by Side Now in Cambodia: Skulls, Victims and Victimizers. New York Times, 6.

_Orentlicher, Diane F. 1997. International Criminal Law and the Cambodian Killing Fills. ILSA Journal of International and Comparative Law 3 (2):705-712.

_Ratner, Steven R. 1993. The Cambodia Settlement Agreements. American Journal of International Law 87 (1):1-41.

_Ratner, Steven R. 2002. Accountability for the Khmer Rouge: A (Lack of) Progress Report. In Post-Conflict Justice, edited by M. C. Bassiouni. Ardsley, NY: Transnational Publishers.

_Romano, Cesare, Andre Nollkaemper, and Jann K. Kleffner. 2004. Internationalized Criminal Courts: Sierra Leone, East Timor, Kosovo and Cambodia. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press.

_Shawcross, William. 1984. The Quality of Mercy: Cambodia, Holocaust and Modern Conscience. London, UK: Andre Deutsch.

_Slye, Ronald C. 2004. The Cambodian Amnesties: Beneficiaries and the Temporal Reach of Amnesties for Gross Violation of Human Rights. Wisconsin International Law Journal 22 (1):99-124.

_Sonis, Jeffrey, James L. Gibson, Joop T. V. M. de Jong, Nigel P. Field, Sokhom Hean, and Ivan Komproe. 2009. "Probable Posttraumatic Stress Disorder and Disability in Cambodia: Associations with Perceived Justice, Desire for Revenge, and Attitudes Toward the Khmer Rouge Trials." Journal of the American Medical Association 302 (#5, August 5, 2009): 527-536.

_Sperfeldt, Christoph. 2012. Cambodian Civil Society and the Khmer Rouge Tribunal. Oxford University Press.

_Stedman, Stephen John. 1997. Spoiler Problems in Peace Processes. International Security 22 (2):5-53.

_Stedman, Stephen John. 2000. Spoiler Problems in Peace Processes. In International Conflict Resolution After the Cold War, edited by P. C. Stern and D. Druckman. Washington, D.C.: National Academy Press.

_Straus, Scott. 2001. Organic Purity and the Role of Anthropology in Cambodia and Rwanda. Patterns of Prejudice 35 (2):47-62.

_Vickery, Michael, and Naomi Roht-Arriaza. 1995. Human Rights in Cambodia. In Impunity and Human Rights in International Law and Practice, edited by N. Roht-Arriaza. New York, NY: Oxford University Press.

East Timor

_Bongiorno, Carla. 2002. A Culture of Impunity: Applying International Human Rights Law to the United Nations in East Timor. Columbia Human Rights Law Review 33 (3):623-692.

_Burgess, Patrick. 2006. A New Approach to Restorative Justice: East Timor's Community Reconciliation Processes. In Transitional Justice in the Twenty-First Century: Beyond Truth versus Justice, edited by N. Roht-Arriaza and J. Mariezcurrena. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.

_Cohen, David. 2007. 'Hybrid' Justice in East Timor, Sierra Leone, and Cambodia: 'Lessons Learned' and Prospects for the Future. Stanford Journal of International Law 43 (1):1-38.

_Katzenstein, Suzanne. 2003. Hybrid Tribunals: Searching for Justice in East Timor. Harvard Human Rights Journal 16:245-278.

_Kent, Lisa. 2011. Local Memory Practices in East Timor: Disrupting Transitional Justice Narratives. The International Journal of Transitional Justice. Oxford University Press.

_Kingston, Jeffrey. 2005. Peace or Justice? East Timor’s Troubled Road. The Asia Pacific Journal: Japan Focus.

_Linton, Suzannah. 2001. Cambodia, East Timor and Sierra Leone: Experiments in International Justice. Criminal Law Forum 12.

_Linton, Suzannah and Caitlin Reiger. 2001. The Evolving Jurisprudence of East Timor’s Special Panel for Serious Crimes on Admissions of Guilt, Duress and Superior Orders. In the Yearbook of International Humanitarian Law (Vol. IV). Cambridge University Press.

_Linton, Suzannah. 2002. New Approaches to International Justice in Cambodia and East Timor. In the International Review of the Red Cross (No. 845). International Committee of the Red Cross.

_Linton, Suzannah. 2005. Putting Things Into Perspective:The Realities of Accountability in East Timor, Indonesia and Cambodia. Maryland Series in Contemporary Asian Studies Vol. 3. University of Maryland.

_Linton, Suzannah. 2004. Unraveling the First Three Trials at Indonesia’s Ad Hoc Court for Human Rights Violations in East Timor. In the Leiden Journal of international Law (Volume 17[2]). Cambridge University Press.

_Linton, Suzannah. 2008. East Timor and Accountability for Serious Crimes. In M. Cherif Bassiouni (Ed.), International Criminal Law, Vol. III (International Enforcement) 257-283. Martinus Nijhoff Publishers.

_Linton, Suzannah. 2008. Indonesia and Accountability for Serious Crimes in East Timor. In M. Cherif Bassiouni (Ed.), International Criminal Law, Vol. III (International Enforcement) 385-399. Martinus Nijhoff Publishers.

_Matheson, Michael J. 2002. United Nations Governance of Post-Conflict Societies: East Timor and Kosovo. In Post-Conflict Justice, edited by M. C. Bassiouni. Ardsley, NY: Transnational Publishers.

_Nevins, Joseph. 2003. Restitution Over Coffee: Truth, Reconciliation, and Environmental Violence in East Timor. Political Geographies 22 (6):677-701.

_Reiger, Caitlin. 2006. Hybrid Attempts at Accountability for Serious Crimes in Timor Leste. In Transitional Justice in the Twenty-First Century: Beyond Truth versus Justice, edited by N. Roht-Arriaza and J. Mariezcurrena. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.

_ Robins, Simon. 2012. Challenging the Therapeutic Ethic: A Victim-Centered Evaluation of Transitional Justice Process in Timor-Leste. The International Journal of Transitional Justice, Vol. 6. Oxford University Press.

_Romano, Cesare, Andre Nollkaemper, and Jann K. Kleffner. 2004. Internationalized Criminal Courts: Sierra Leone, East Timor, Kosovo and Cambodia. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press.

_Stahn, Carsten. 2001. Accommodating Individual Criminal Responsibility and National Reconciliation: The UN Truth Commission for East Timor. American Journal of International Law 95 (4):952-966.

_Steele, Johnathan. 2002. Nation-building in East Timor. World Policy Journal 19 (2):76-87.

_Wandita, Galuh, Karen Campbell-Nelson, and Manuela Leong Pereira. 2006. Learning to Engender Reparations in Timor-Leste: Reaching Out to Female Victims. In What Happened to the Women? Gender and Reparations for Human Rights Violations, edited by R. Rubio-Marín. New York, NY: Social Science Research Council.


_Linton, Suzannah. 2005. Putting Things Into Perspective:The Realities of Accountability in East Timor, Indonesia and Cambodia. Maryland Series in Contemporary Asian Studies Vol. 3. University of Maryland.

_Linton, Suzannah. 2004. Unraveling the First Three Trials at Indonesia’s Ad Hoc Court for Human Rights Violations in East Timor. In the Leiden Journal of international Law (Volume 17[2]). Cambridge University Press.

_Linton, Suzannah. 2006. Accounting for Atrocities in Indonesia. In Singapore Year Book of International Law (Vol. X). National University of Singapore.

_Linton, Suzannah. 2008. Indonesia and Accountability for Serious Crimes in East Timor. In International Criminal Law, Vol. III (International Enforcement). Martinus Nijhoff Publishers.


_Boling, David. 1995. Mass Rape, Enforced Prostitution, and the Japanese Imperial Army: Japan Eschews International Legal Responsibility? Baltimore, MD: University of Maryland School of Law.

_Brackman, Arnold. 1987. The Other Nuremberg: The Untold Story of the Tokyo War Crimes Trials. New York, NY: William Morrow and Co., Inc.

_Buruma, Ian. 1994. The Wages of Guilt: Memories of War in Germany and Japan. New York, NY: Farrar Straus Giroux.

_Clark, Roger S. 1997. Nuremberg and Tokyo in Contemporary Perspective. In The Law of War Crimes: National and International Approaches, edited by T. L. H. McCormack and G. J. Simpson. The Hague, Netherlands: Kluwer Law International.

_Field, Norma. 1997. War and Apology: Japan, Asia, the Fiftieth and After. Positions 5 (1):1-49.

_Futamura, Madok. 2007. War Crimes Tribunals and Transitional Justice: The Tokyo Trial and the Nuremburg Legacy. New York, NY: Routledge.

_Harris, Sheldon. 1994. Factories of Death: Japanese Biological Warfare, 1932-45 and the American Cover-Up. New York, NY: Routledge.

_Hosoya, Chihiro, Nisuke Ando, Yaskuaki Onuma, and Richard H. Minear, eds. 1986. The Tokyo War Crimes Trial: An International Symposium. Tokyo, Japan: Kodansha.

_Hsu, Yvonne. 1993. Comfort Women from Korea: Japan's World War II Sex Slaves and the Legitimacy of Their Claims for Reparations. Pacific Rim Law and Policy 2 (1):97-129.

_Kaufman, Zachary D. 2008. Transitional Justice Delayed is not Transitional Justice Denied: Contemporary Confrontation of Japanese Human Experimentation During World War II Through a People's Tribunal. Yale Law and Policy Review 26 (2):645-659.

_Kim, Chin, and Stanley S. Kim. 1998. Delayed Justice: The Case of the Japanese Imperial Military Sex Slaves. UCLA Pacific Basin Law Journal 16 (2):263-280.

_Kim, Hyun Sook. 1997. History and Memory: The 'Comfort Women' Controversy. Positions 5 (1):73-106.

_Kinoshita, Junji. 1979. Between God and Man: A Judgement on War Crimes: A Play in Two Parts. Tokyo, Japan: University of Tokyo Press.

_Lael, Richard L. 1982. The Yamashita Precedent: War Crimes and Command Responsibility. Wilmington, DE: Scholarly Resources.

_Lambert, Thomas F. J. 1995. Recalling the War Crimes Trials of World War II. Military Law Review 149:15-24.

_Landrum, B. 1995. The Yamashita War Crimes Trial: Command Responsibility Then and Now. Military Law Review 149.

_Minear, Richard. 1971. Victor's Justice: Tokyo War Crimes Trial. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press.

_Nakasone, Yasuhiro. 1995. Reflections on Japan's Past. Asia-Pacific Review 2 (2):53-71.

_Oh, Ingyu, and Douglas Ishizawa-Grbic. 2000. Forgiving the Culprits: Japanese Historical Revisionism in a Post-Cold War Context. International Journal of Peace Studies 5 (2):45-59.

_Parker, Karen, and Jennifer Chew. 1994. Compensation for Japan's World War II War-Rape Victims. Hastings International and Comparative Law Review 17 (3):497-550.

_Prévost, Ann Marie. 1992. Race and War Crimes: The 1945 War Crimes Trial of General Tomoyuki Yamashita. Human Rights Quarterly 14 (3):303-338.

_Pritchard, John, and Sonia Magbanua Zaide. 1981. The Tokyo War Crimes Trial. New York, NY: Garland Publishers.

_Reel, Adolf Frank. 1948. The Case of General Yamashita. Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press.

_Roling, B.V.A., and Antonio Cassese. 1993. The Tokyo Trial and Beyond: Reflections of a Peacemonger. Cambridge, MA: Polity Press.

_Tanaka, Toshiyuki. 1996. Hidden Horrors: Japanese War Crimes in WWII. Boulder, CO: Westview Press.

_Tiedemann, Arthur E. 1982. Japan Sheds Dictatorship. In From Dictatorship to Democracy: Coping with the Legacies of Authoritarianism and Totalitarianism, edited by J. H. Herz. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press.

_Tongsuthi, Janet. 1994. Comfort Women of World War II. UCLA Women's Law Journal.

_Yang, Hyunah. 1997. Revisiting the Issue of Korean 'Military Comfort Women': The Question of Truth and Positionality. Positions 5 (1):51-71.


_Han, Sung-Joo. 1974. The Failure of Democracy in South Korea. Berkeley, CA: University of California Press.

_Hayes, William A. 2005. Do Springs of Democracy lead to Falls of Justice? State-Civil Contests for Political Accountability in South Korea. Journal of Human Rights 4 (2):251-265.

_Kim, Hunjoon. November, 2009. Seeking Truth after 50 Years: The National Committee for Investigation of the Truth about Jeju 4.3 Events. The International Journal of Transitional Justice. Oxford University Press.

_Roehrig, Terence. 2002. The Prosecution of Former Military Leaders in Newly Democratic Nations: The Cases of Argentina, Greece, and South Korea. Jefferson, NC: McFarland Publishers.


_Aguirre, Daniel and Irene Pietropaoli. December, 2008. Gender Equality, Development and Transitional Justice: The Case of Nepal. The International Journal of Transitional Justice. Oxford University Press.

_Pasipanodya, Tafadzwa. December, 2008. A Deeper Justice: Economic and Social Justice as Transitional Justice in Nepal. The International Journal of Transitional Justice. Oxford University Press.

_Robins, Simon . March, 2011. Towards Victim-Centered Transitional Justice: Understanding the Needs of Families of the Disappeared in Postconflict Nepal. The International Journal of Transitional Justice. Oxford University Press.

Papua New Guinea

_Dinnen, Sinclair. 1997. Restorative Justice in Papua New Guinea. International Journal of the Sociology of Law 25 (3):245-262.


_Aquino, Belinda. 1995. The Human Rights Debacle in the Philippines. In Impunity and Human Rights in International Law and Practice, edited by N. Roht-Arriaza. New York, NY: Oxford University Press.

_Claude, Richard. 1991. Human Rights Education: The Case of the Philippines. Human Rights Quarterly 13 (4):453-524.

_Lawyers Committee for Human Rights. 1991. Impunity: Prosecutions of Human Rights Violations in the Philippines. New York, NY: Lawyers Committee for Human Rights.

_Parong, Aurora A. 1992. Rehabilitation of Survivors of Torture and Political Violence: The Philippine Experiment. Economic and Political Weekly 27 (33):1755-1761.

Sri Lanka

_Anonymous . March, 2011. Against the Grain: Pursuing a Transitional Justice Agenda in Postwar Sri Lanka. The International Journal of Transitional Justice. Oxford University Press.

_Silva, H.J.F. 2003. 'Reparations' from a Sri Lankan Perspective. Windsor Yearbook of Access to Justice 22:179-188.


_Taylor, Telford. 1970. Nuremberg and Vietnam: An American Tragedy. Chicago, IL: Quadrangle.